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Ilsa - The Wicked Warden

Ilsa - The Wicked Warden

List Price: $29.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A lame continuation.
Review: Oh dear. This isn't really an Ilsa film, but was changed at the last minute, as Dyanne Thorn was playing such a similar character it seemed daft not to cash in. As a result, all references to the character's name on the soundtrack and the titles have been sloppily altered. It really wasn't worth the trouble, as this is a very feeble continuation of the series, by famous hack Jesus Franco, who has trebled the amounts of naked female flesh on show, but drastically reduced all the other elements that made the films interesting. For the record, this film sets Ilsa in some kind of prison/reform school for wicked women, where she presides over staff and inmates alike with absolute power. There are long scenes set in showers, bedrooms, toilets, you get the picture, but very little cruelty, which is after all what we expect. Dyanne Thorn looks great as ever, even as a redhead instead of icy blonde, but the camera work is so shoddy, and the make-up effects are so diabolical (check out the climactic "death by hands and teeth" scene - pathetic!) that its really not worth bothering.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Hitler was a vegetarian
Review: On a couch with white flowers he ended his life. World War II will continue to be one of the defining factors of many people's lifetime. It has been the subject of works as disparate as Bob Fosse's "Cabaret" and Roger Waters' "The Wall". Somewhere in the middle lies "Ilsa-The Wicked Warden". Hitler as woman. Woman as Hitler. This movie exemplifies one man's 20th century fantasy. If Hitler had never existed, someone would have invented him. Popular culture has invented it's own Hitler. We now have images of him and his reign that are ambiguous. Anti-Semitism became the shame of Germany and the world. But hey, this movie didn't torture anybody and it turned a few people on. Hopefully, when a movie like this appears it means that our violent impulses can be channelled into a money-making enterprise instead of genocide. Many people dug themselves out of thier own graves to tell the tales of Hitler's atrocities. It is these people and others that escaped the Final Solution that best may appreciate "Ilsa-The Wicked Warden". Laugh and/or cry while you watch this movie. This is the only Ilsa movie that matters. It poses as exploitation, but works better as education. Many good people were made to fight on his behalf. Hitler was a coward and we must never forget his accomplishments. The ideas that fueled his insane rise to power are still alive. Like it or not, his beliefs will bring to power another like him. Thomas Jefferson said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. As long as we are alive we have the responsibility to preach the message of love. Hearts that are hardened by hatred have the ability to melt. I hope that you are one that can laugh at "Ilsa-The Wicked Warden".

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Classic Jess Franco - women in prison
Review: One of Jess Franco's more famous concoctions and a classic example of some of his recurring themes - women in prison, women getting wet, bondage, chastisement and masochism, and the presence of a dominant female.

The plot? Well, in some South American country there is a clinic which treats women for mental illness: it specialises in some unique forms of illness - "nymphomania, lesbianism, and prostitution" are the three mentioned! Not only do the inmates fail to recover from their treatment, no patient has ever emerged alive from this clinic! Well, that's what you get when you privatise the NHS!

The clinic is run by the dominant and pneumatic Ilsa, who has a penchant for soapy baths, crisply ironed shirts, and the use of a whip. When one girl makes an escape bid, she is pursued by armed guards and manages to trigger an investigation into the clinic. For some reason Amnesty International gets a mention here! An undercover agent volunteers to infiltrate, trying to discover news of her own missing sister. Thereafter, the clinic is exposed for what it really does ... and a lot of flesh is exposed into the bargain.

There are a lot of naked bodies, but as pornography goes, it is quite tame. Classic Jess Franco ware - tacky, dreadful acting, worse dubbing, a fragile plot, limited characterisation, but numerous opportunities for shower scenes, women on women, chastisement and chains, etc., and the pneumatic Ilsa bouncing along, trying to keep order. But well shot, well lit, quite titillating in places ... and, if you're a vegetarian, watch out for the cannibalism!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977) d: Franco, Jess
Review: Prior to this installment other Ilsa chapters under consideration were Ilsa vs. Idi Amen, and Ilsa Meets Bruce Lee in the Devil's Triangle (an ad campaign was even circulated for this film). For various reasons the ideas fell apart and Dyanne Thorne (the star of the previous Ilsa films) went to Portugal to star in the Jess Franco film entitled No Man's Land. The film was later retitled Greta the Torturess of Las Polamas, then Greta the Mad Butcher, and Wanda the Wicked. Today it is best known as Ilsa the Wicked Warden, cashing in on the success of the Don Edmonds nazi nasty classic, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1974). Supposedly based on an actual case history, Wicked Warden is not Franco at his best. Thorne looks pretty spectacular in a full-bodied red wig, but overall the film fails to deliver. "Ilsa" is now in an unspecified Latin American dictatorship, running the Clinic of Las Palomas, which treats sexual deviation in panty-less women, and tortures political prisoners in the basement. Stomach churning scenes include a women used as a human pincushion, while another poor sole is forced to lick an inmates ass clean after she has just used the toilet. Pretty sick stuff. Ilsa, the Wicked Warden concludes with one of the most nauseating sequences in all exploitation filmdom when Ilsa is eaten alive by the woman that she has been abusing. Upon completion of the film even Thorne herself expressed distaste and refused Jess Franco an appearance in a sequel. The commentary track by Dyanne Thorne, and Co-star Howard Maurer is mostly talk about working with a non-English speaking cast, and how this film was incorrectly added to the Ilsa series. "...I think the production company (Canada's Cinepix) did us all a grave injustice by turning The Wicked Warden into an Ilsa film," states Dyanne Thorne in an interview she had conducted with Darkside Magazine shortly after the release of this DVD

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Strange film!
Review: The piece is only an exploitation film. It is loaded with naked women and violence. It's certainly a 70s film. One star from the film, Tania Busselier, takes a shower while two female prison guards tease her with a fire hose. Busselier has an incredible amount of pubic hair and the guards make fun of this.

Having said all of this, the movie is interesting even if it is just an exploitation film.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Even as an exploitation film it failed
Review: Theres not much good to say about "Ilsa the Wicked Warden"
even Dyanna Thorne is awful in it, instead of showing her
beautiful blond hair, Jess Franco in all his absurdity dies
it read, and turns the movie into one of these 70's
porn like black exploitations film where all the girls are
taking hot showers and doing each other. Now dont get me
wrong, most people will watch that, but the rest of the
film is a bit of a mess.

There is some inguenity at the beginning, we see a girl
escaping a guard, and we get a wild goose chase but
eventually she is caught and thrown into the torture
prison system where Ilsa (Thorne).

The ending though while laughable is typical of a Franco
film where the harassing abusing enemy gets eaten to shreds.

Even for Ilsa fans though, the movie is a disappointment.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Only for the sick..
Review: This films was discusting. I would not recommend that anyone should buy this film, unless you like the site of a women being eaten alive. This film does not come into the catagory of horrific its totally discusting and sick. This film deserves a 5 star rating for being the sickest film I have ever seen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: hte best of series
Review: this is another of the women in prison videos ,with a ton of nudity not much plot ,but out of all the illsa videos ,if you dont get a laugh ,or so out of this one ,you must be dead

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Icky Ocky Poo!
Review: Very disappointing. You'd think that Ilsa in the hands of a foreign director could take the series into new territories. Nope. In fact, this is NOT an Ilsa film. In Europe it has a different title, but when this turd washed up on American shores they decided to slap the Ilsa name on it only coz it has Dyanne Thorne playing a sexy, sadistic warden. Her name isn't even once said in the film! The Ilsa films are a fun mix of camp, sex and violence. Franco's film plays it straight(though it's unintentionally funny) and goes more for the sex, Sex, SEX! The violence takes a back seat. This ruined it for me. There are a record number of naked women and lesbian scenes in this film-and even that gets boring fast. In all honesty, if this is what I wanted to see, I'd just go the whole nine yards and rent a porno flick. Why beat around the bush(no pun intended)? Even Thorne is wasted in this film, not that she's given much to work with. She doesn't even look as hot as the first two Ilsa films, though she can still be my wicked warden any day. You also get to see a little more of her anatomy this time-Big whoop! It's not worth the other 92 minutes and 58 seconds. However, if sex is your bag, baby, then you might actually like this "Ilsa" film more than the others. It all comes down to what you're looking for.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Fast forward review
Review: What's the point of writing about the plot and the acting? Who cares? The only real question is the number and quality of the sleaze scenes. And, you want to know if there's any additional "uncut version" sleaze on the DVD. Nope.

So, what we got here is two stars. One is for the pin cushion scene, which is an absolute classic. We got a nubile teeny babyfat bod for the cushion and the big ones of Ilsa to drive the pins in, a must have scene, the only negative being that the cushion girl looks like the short-haired Liza Minnelli type chick being abused by the motorcycle gang in that "Billy Jack" movie, not my type, though she is much more zaftig, so I'll forgive this lapse. I normally don't play the audio track, but actually Ilsa has a good final line. There's pre-pinning massage nudity here too, lots of plump flesh, so that the whole scene is just about perfect.

The other star? Just for a lot of nudity, particularly big Ilsa bosoms. Lot's of shower scene stuff, but the rest of the sleaze is not very good, particularly the bad whipping scene with usual rotten Franco effects (the man could never film a proper whipping scene, just awful). And it's not near as nasty and explicit as it could have been, as usual with these terrible things. That's it.

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