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Panasonic DVD-RV32S DVD Player (Silver)

Panasonic DVD-RV32S DVD Player (Silver)

List Price: $149.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Very nice non-progressive DVD player. Nice feature set.
Review: Overall, I am quite happy with my DVD-RV32. Very nice feature set, component outputs, etc. Even though I do not have an HD monitor, and therefore do not require progressive outputs, it still does a great job.

I do not understand a previous reviewer who returned it because it was not progressive. Well, duh. It was not advertised as such, and unless he has an HD monitor, it is pointless to have a progressive player. And considering the prices dropping on progressive players, by the time an HD monitor is gotten a better progressive DVD player can be had for very little. There is no need to "buy ahead" now with DVD players.

So, if you still have a standard 4:3 interlaced set and want a nice DVD player to go with it, check this one out. It can be found quite inexpensively.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No Progressive Scan, so returned it.
Review: Just learnt about progressive scan. The world is going to move to Digital TV and Progressive Scan feature brings out the beauty of digital talking to digital. Sony and other are only making digital TVs now.

Do not buy a DVD-player without Progressive Scan.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointing!
Review: I strongly discourage prospective customers from buying this DVD player. It does not meet required standards. When I first used this player, I experienced problems with both the picture and the sound quality. It should be modified in many ways. There are many shortcomings and flaws. It sometimes malfunctions for no apparent reason! Finally, do not buy this product! Buy a Sony player instead!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: H07? Call Panasonic
Review: If you still have a unit that has experienced the H07 death message, call Panasonic Executive Customer Relations at 201-392-6870. Politely but firmly ask them what they are doing about this widespread problem, and tell them you would like them to fix your unit at no charge.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Joined the H07 Club
Review: Like the other reviewers here, mine lasted for almost 2 years - worked great, never a hint of a problem. Suddenly the H07 shows up - and THEN I find these reviews. Panasonic - are you listening?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: addendum to how to fix H07
Review: I had my Panasonic for almost 2 years before I got the H07 message. It worked great until now. I fixed it by spraying some WD40 on the spindle, where the CD spins, like the previous reviewer--worked like a charm. Amazing. I was going to junk it but now, I'm hoping it'll last for a little bit longer. I strongly do not recommend this product. Not only is the product faulty, but the customer service is one of the worse.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: How to fix the infamous H07 error!
Review: I had mine for about 22 months before the infamous H07 error showed up. I found a couple posts from people that oiled the spindle motor inside and got theirs working. I gave it a shot having nothing to lose but a paperweight. I opened her up, W940'd the top of the spindle and then on the spindle shaft in between the 2 plastic disc trays. After about 15 minutes of playing discs and cleaning excess oil off of DVD's, the oil finally worked itself in and now works like a charm!

Warning, doing this may void any warrenty, but saved me from having to junk it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: H07 (yes, again)
Review: If you've read this far, then you already know what this means. Made it about a year...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good player while it worked...
Review: I bought the Panasonic DVD-RV32 player 2 years ago primarily because, in addition to DVDs, it also could play regular CDs and MP3 CDs.

I knew about the dreaded H07 error code, but chose to buy this player in spite of that fact. It worked nearly flawlessly (fussy, but flawlessly) for 2 years. Then, voila, it just stopped working, and printed out the dreaded error code H07.

I suppose I should be happy may player lasted 2 years, as reading these reviews, it seems I'm one of the luckier ones and my unit lasted longer than many others.

Still, I take VERY good care of the things I buy, and most electronics items I have are 4-5 years old, at least. My old SONY diskmans are nearly 10 years old, and still work like new. There really is no excuse for Panasonic to make such a shoddy product. It sits in my cabinet all day, dust free and is only handled by adults. Then one day it just dies for NO REASON. That, in my opinion, is unacceptable.

Still, I gave it 2 stars, since when it worked, it worked quite well and had a very nice feature set. I'm kind of sad to have to toss it in the garbage heap, but there it goes.

BUY WITH CAUTION! Or at least, consider this a disposable player and don't pay too much.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another H07 error
Review: I have been messing around with my Panasonic for two days now thinking maybe it had a bit of dust. It is only a year and a half old. I finally decided to do a search on "Panasonic H07". Many, many hits popped up. I really wish I would have read these reviews before I bought this heap of trash. With all the other feedback related to the H07 error I suggest that you do not buy a Panasonic.

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