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Panasonic DVD-RV31K DVD Player (Black)

Panasonic DVD-RV31K DVD Player (Black)

List Price: $149.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The H02 error is real.
Review: Panasonic DVD-RV31K = ERROR CODE H02.

What is error code H02?
In a nutshell, it is the code the display will read when you insert a disc and the primary motor fails to spin up properly. Hundreds of people are reporting the same thing with this model, usually within a year or so of purchase.

The cause:
Poor design components are the most likely culprit.

The cure:
Aside from taking the unit in for repair, which generally costs more than a new player, some people (myself included) have found success by opening the unit and nudging the top disc platine bushing. (round white thing sitting atop the disc) The motor will usually "un-sieze" and begin spinning again. With a little luck, you may have a working-once-more player. (Please exercise prudence in opening live electronics !!)Bear in mind, should this work, it may not be a long term fix. Any idle time for the motor (day, week, month...who knows?) will put the unit at risk for the H02 error again. On my unit, it required several nudges and took a little while until the motor could maintain a constant speed. (It does work now and has gone through 3 movies without incident)

Reccomend: Don't buy this player...but if you have, you may be able to sqeeze a few extra months out of it using the trick outlined above.

Good Luck

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: H03 Error!
Review: The four and a half stars on this player are VERY misleading. Unfortunately, I too have now fallen victim to the dreaded H03 error, and got the runaround from CS. I wish all of these reviews were here when I bought mine back in December. I think there is a serious flaw in this model, as is evident from all of the negative reviews.

I am going to write to Planet Feedback and whomever else I can find to get this piece of junk off the market. Ten months is NOT an acceptable lifespan for a DVD player!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great entry level DVD player
Review: PROS: This is a great non-progressive scan DVD player. I have had no problems at all. It even plays CDs that my CD player has trouble reading. I rent most of the time, so I needed a player that had no trouble reading DVDs that are not handled as carefully as one would like. I have not encountered any problems yet.
CONS: The menu screens are not exactly user-friendly, and the sound features make little difference (though I do not have the player hooked up to a great sound system).

All in all, I am very pleased with this purchase.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Panasonic DVD
Review: I own two Panasonic DVD players and have been very happy with them, it would be hard for me to consider another brand. Lots of nice menu features, covers a lot of formats, but does not specifically say that it supports audio DVDs, have not tried one to determine if in fact it works.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: H02 Error Message
Review: OK THIS WORKED FOR ME FOR THE H02 ERROR, September 6, 2002
Reviewer: SILVERSVT26 (see more about me) from Oklahoma
After 1yr and 2months of use I got the h02 error and no matter what I tried it wouldn't work. So I took off the case spun the plastic gear on top of the eject tray. I also turned the plastic gears inside of the tray. Then I opended the tray and inserted a DVD. Just as soon as the machine took the DVD in and closed i pushed down on the center of the plastic wheel on top of the tray and spun it. The DVD player picked up on the spin I gave it and began accelerating and has worked ever since.

Just thought I would share with everyone and see if it works for you.



Good grief, I got the H02 error as well just over a year and 3 months, and with the tips above, I was able to fix the darn thing... Thanks to the reviewer Jason above, he's a genuius!! FYI, this is a pretty good player all and all... it's quiet and responsive.

Update 09/30/2002: I take the above comment back... It's still dead... no can do... Got a Sony now. 'nough said! :o)

Rating: 3 stars
Review: After 1yr and 2months of use I got the h02 error and no matter what I tried it wouldn't work. So I took off the case spun the plastic gear on top of the eject tray. I also turned the plastic gears inside of the tray. Then I opended the tray and inserted a DVD. Just as soon as the machine took the DVD in and closed i pushed down on the center of the plastic wheel on top of the tray and spun it. The DVD player picked up on the spin I gave it and began accelerating and has worked ever since.

Just thought I would share with everyone and see if it works for you.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another H02 Victim!
Review: I have had this player for only 16 months (just barely out of warranty). I can honestly say that I've only played about 20 DVD's in that time, this thing has had barely any usage and sits in a protected housing and just last night it spontaneously started displaying the "H02" error. I cannot get anything to play.

I have been a loyal Panasonic buyer for years and have never had any problems with their products until now. This will be the last Panasonic item I ever buy...


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I trashed mine 30 min ago
Review: I wish amazon had something called a "Zero Star " . I got the H02 error code exactly 1 year and 8 days of use . ( I was out of country for a week.) Looks like Panasonic has pre-programmed these to poof-off after exactly one year. And of course they asked me to get it checked thru a repair centre. ( which as you all know is not free.) But I had a better idea --- the garbage truck comes every Monday to my apartment complex so I went and trashed it. THe lesson I learnt was - DON'T TRUS PANASONIC PRODUCTS BLINDLY. RESEARCH AND THEN GO FOR IT.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Be Careful
Review: I researched the product before purchase and have owned Panasonic products without incident. 11 months of trouble-free use at a reasonable price. Then an HO2 error lead me to take a look around (try Panasonic DVD H02 on Google). See for yourself; this is far from uncommon. I'm off to the repair shop - I'm not hopeful but if Panasonic wants my $ again they better step up to the plate.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I really don't understand the criticism of this item.
Review: Having read many of the reviews on this item, I decided to buy it because the positive reviews seemed to indicate that those who liked it were likely to have read up on and reasearched the item, while thsoe who wrote negative reviews apparently didn't read the manual, or would have been dissatisfied with anything which didn't measure up to a preconceived notion. For example, one reviewer said that the player didn't remember where it was when the stop button was pushed. I didn't find that to be so. However, if one pushes the play button too quickly, it will go to the scenes. READ the MANUAL! Pause, and it will go to where the movie left off. Also, I read where the loading or opening was too slow. I have a Pioneer DVD-player with which I am quite satisfied, and it is comparable to that one.
I haven't had it long enough to go five stars, but I will in six months if the current performance continues.

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