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Panasonic DVD-RV31K DVD Player (Black)

Panasonic DVD-RV31K DVD Player (Black)

List Price: $149.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: haven't had a single problem in 2+ yrs of owning
Review: I haven't encountered the dreaded h02/h03 error but I don't give this DVD player as much mileage as others probably do. I love this player though

- Great Video and Sound (from what a non video professional's point of view)
- Has played most of my mp3 CDRs with no problems, making it a good option for parties
- Nice to have optical sound out and component video at this price, I just bought an onkyo HT system and plugged everything in and it worked without any glitches.. now only if my tv would support hd :-)
- Good set of features for the price

- nothing that really bothers me too much but the remote could be designed better

I don't know about the complaints of others but I would recommend this player and hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have and will.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Class Action Suit against Panasonic for this somewhere?
Review: I got the H02 error on my CP72 after 1yr1mo. Looks VERY VERY common for this one though. Panasonic wants $200 to fix this! Good thing I looked this up, cuz I was gonna buy a Panasonic F85 to replace my CP72.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Ditto
Review: Same HO2 error as everone else. Strange how you only find this out after the fact......

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Cost to fix the h02 problem?
Review: I'll not repeat the problem since it seems thousands of others have had the same with this machine....But....Has anyone had one repaired? I'm interested to find out how much it cost to fix?

Dont we consumers have any rights / comebacks for this kind of faulty product?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolute CRAP
Review: I got the H02 error and could not fix it. Tried spinning the white gear several times. I received a 120V shock on my wrist for my effort. F*** YOU Panasonic! Don't buy this piece of s*** unless you need a $300 doorstop.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: not worth of money
Review: Same H2O problem. Not worth of money. A piece of S*** from panosonic.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: HO2 Error - The inevitable destiny for this piece of Trash
Review: I will try not to repeat what HUNDREDS of people have written here (and I assume there must be thousands more cases out there). All of a sudden this DVD stopped working showing the HO2 error. Very inocent of me to come over the Internet looking for an easy fix just to find out Panasonic screwed me, and hundred of people, with a defective expensive DVD Player. I tried the fix described by others but it didn't work. I am shock to find out that this is in fact and without question a defective product that went to market and PANASONIC should have recalled it. As for me, I will be away from Panasonic electronics (not becauseof the player defect, but for the company lack of responsability). As for you, do yourselve a favor and STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLAYER BECAUSE YOU WILL END UP LIVING THE INEVITABLE DESTINY OF THIS TRASH: THE HO ERROR!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Does not last
Review: I purchased this DVD player almost two years ago. Here is a list of what I liked about it and what I didn't:

-good picture quality
-couldn't tell it was running it was so quiet
-lots of hookup options
-small remote control

didn't like:
-although it would play DVD-R disks it had trouble fast forwarding or rewinding the movies
-wouldn't let me skip a lot of the junk at the beginning of DVDs
-some manufactured DVDs it wouldn't let me fast forward or rewind at all
-many functions can only be used with the remote
-stopped working after 20 months

I tried everything to get it to work again. I powered it down, unplugged the power cord to see if it would reset itself, and took it apart and tried to fix the spindle...all with no luck. I still kept getting the H02 error. As a result I would not recommend purchasing this or any other Panasonic DVD player. I'm sure Panasonic has different engineers working on their different product lines but the ones who are in the DVD wing should be handed pink slips. So should the Panasonic execs for not putting out a fix for this problem being it's so common. Not sure which brand of DVD player I'll purchase next but I sure won't purchase a Panasonic. I'm looking for a portable DVD player as well but with Panasonics reputation for DVD players I'll have to stay away from their portables as well. Even their current players with good reviews will probably die within two years...that is not something I'm willing to take a chance on.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: H02 error message
Review: I bought this player about 18 months ago after reading many good reviews. We only used it to watch one or two movies a week. When it was working, it was great. Last night while watching a movie, it started to freeze and then start again. I thought the disc might be dirty because it was a rental. After cleaning it and putting it back in, it wouldn't play at all. Then I got the H02 error message. After reading some of these reviews I tried the "reint", procedure with no luck. Next, I will try opening it up and spinning the white disk. If that doesn't work, it's going into the trash, because it seems to be a waste of time trying to get help from customer support. After reading about all the unsatisfied customers who have called, it seems to me that they know about this problem and they just don't care. They either try blowing you off or they want to take us for more money to repair it. And it seems that many who paid to have it fixed, only had it break down again. They took our money and its tough luck for us. I for one, will never buy from Panasonic again. They seem to be a company that does not care about keeping their customers happy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very Disappointed! -1 1/2 yrs then HO2 error
Review: I just encountered the HO2 error yesterday and was doing research on repairing the piece of ... when I found all of these similar cases of the HO2 error. I've always been a fan of Panasonic products as I am a recording studio engineer and Panasonic has been making pro products for many years. I bought it because of the name....now I know that no longer holds true. ...

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