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Oritron DVD600 DVD Player

Oritron DVD600 DVD Player

List Price: $149.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buy an apex or a Playstation 2
Review: I bought this DVD player about 6 months ago. I choose this one because of the price and the fact that usually the cheaper brands of electronics I usually buy work great (such as my Symphonic VCRs and Sanyo TVs and Stereo). Now I have to admit the picture on it seems ok but last month the remote just stopped working. To top it off the DVD player on it doesnt have a pause button (only the remote does) so I'm out of luck. I checked other peoples reviews here and found out I'm not the only one this has happened to. Obviously this DVD player has some serious QC problems. Luckily I got a PS2 for Christmas so I just use that now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great dvd
Review: i ordered this for my son, he says is great for the money, cant go wrong. for simple kick back and watch a movie, i reccomend its cheap and its still working 6 mnths later

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointment
Review: After having for only a few weeks, it simply stopped working. The DVD player would stutter & would not stop until the unit was unplugged from the wall. This would happen several times per DVD (that worked on other machines). One of the DVDs got stuck in the machine. We are waiting for the return to go through now.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not perfect, but very good for the price!
Review: I was a little reluctant to purchase this DVD player (the DVD600 model) because of some of the reviews I read here. But, I figured, the price is so low I'd give it a try -- besides I could always return it for a refund if necessary. However, I will not be returning this -- I'm quite happy with the quality. It's precisely what I expected for the price. It plays my DVDs quite well, with only the very rare frame skip or sound drop, and that only lasts for a very brief half-second. Also, it plays my CDs perfectly. I've not tried any CD-Rs or CD-RWs yet, but I don't expect any problems there... Having just received the player, I've not had to deal with Oritron's customer service, so I cannot rate the company's customer service dep't -- but if the initial quality is any indication, I won't have to deal with their Customer Service department anytime soon. I'd recommend this player to a friend with no hesitation.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing DVD Player!
Review: This is the first DVD player I have ever bought. I have told everyone to go out and buy it! I have watched my friends's players and they don't even compare in quality. Purchase this item. You won't regret it!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware
Review: I am in the process of tryingto return this item. The video does not work, though the audio does. The only way to use a coax cable is to run it through a vcr, though the customer service rep says "this only sometimes works". If you buy this, I hope you have better luck with it than I did.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Paint it black
Review: This is a good DVD player. It has everything you want (even comes with DTS) at a price you can't beat. I'm sooo glad I bought this player. It's easy to set up and easy to use. A great first DVD player for anyone who is thinking of getting a DVD player. It's a great bargin. I wouldn't use it on my HDTV, home theater, but if you just want something simple that looks great, this is the one. Haven't had any problems with it, what can I say I love it. It was cool.

Big Truck

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Orbitron has no quality control or customer service!
Review: I recieved this product(actually the 650) for my birthday 6 months ago. It had immidiate problems with white dots appearing all over the image and then the image distorted terribly. Took it back for replacement at local store, new unit worked for two days and stopped responding to remote or front panel. Replaced it again, third unit functioned for two weeks and failed completely, store refused to replace, Orbitron support said they would replace, sent unit back and never heard from them for 4 months. Kept calling for two weeks they finally said they had the unit and sent me a 600 to replace it. I sent that back saying I had a 650, they sent me another 600. I again returned it and demanded my 650 back. They finaly sent me my original unit back and now say its out of warranty and they wont deal with it. They had it for months during the warranty!

This company has no class or humanity, they manufacture low quality products and then fail to support them. Do yourself a favor and tell stores and other retailers that you will never buy a product from this company. I do!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a review but some comments on VCD playing capability...
Review: I just wanted to point out that there is a menu to enable the unit to play VCDs. Unfortunately, it is hidden and requires a few presses of buttons on the remote to access it but it does work. If you have firmware version 5, the following steps will allow you to enable this feature. (To check what version of firmware you have, just hit the menu button twice and the information should come up on screen.)
#1 - Insert a music cd.
#2 - Press the menu button.
#3 - Press 5
#4 - Press the eject button. (The tray should remain closed.)
#5 - Press 1
#6 - Press the index menu button.
#7 - Press eject again. (The tray should still remain closed.)
If these steps are followed correctly, a prompt should appear saying "Enable VCD:1-Yes/2-No" at which point you simply hit 1. You should now be able to play VCDs on the Oritron 600. According to what I have read online, this should work on all units manufactured from January 2000 onward.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Man, this plyer is a complete reck! I know 3 other ppl who purchased one at the same time i did, I figured since it didnt appear to have alot of buttons or any "special-features" that it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out....oohhh if i had only knew..

FIRST THE PICTURE.MY GOD...THE PICTURE! It fades in and Out..CONTINUOUSLY. Mines not the only one either, other ppl (2/3 ppl to be excact) i have spoken too said there Oritron did the same thing. Ands its not minor fading, i could deal with that, it fades so dark that the tv looks turned off (literally** NO JOKE!) then about 25 seconds later it fades back in and becomes extremely bright; kinda like the sun:O...and still you cant see the picture.

Some of my friends Oritron's have really good sound quality though...but i guess it doesnt matter if you cant actually see picture:|

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