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Panasonic DVD-A120 DVD Player

Panasonic DVD-A120 DVD Player

List Price: $299.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Panasonic DVD players are so-so
Review: I originally bought a Panasonic AU-115 DVD player. It would occasionally freeze up on certain scenes while playing a movie.I exchanged it for a different one,same model.Same problem,with the addition of skipping while playing a CD.I returned it and got my money back.Later,I bought a Panasonic AU-120 DVD player.Guess what? Yup,same problem!I returned that one,too.I might try a different brand later.I'm concerned that this freezing problem may not be confined only to Panasonic DVD players.I've heard that it happens to all brands of DVD players,and if this is true, I'm going to stay with VHS until they fix the problem with this format.At least movies on VHS do not lock up,and they[in many cases]cost only about 25-50% of what movies on DVD cost.And you don't have to sit through the stupid anti copy warnings,either!!!That is soo irritating!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a great buy
Review: I'm not going to mention the crisp visuals and great sound because that "IS" DVD. My DVD gets alot of use, and I havn't experienced any of the freezing or locking problems that others have, the only problem I have ever had with it is that does not always recognize an audio CD the first time you load it, other wise its a great player with all the important features needed for a truely awesome home theater.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great DVD Player!
Review: I recently bought this player and have been totally pleased with it. I haven't seen any of the problems that other people have seen with bad layer changes, skipping, or a bad picture. Every disc I have bought and rented works perfectly. Overall I would consider this a great dvd player for the price!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Panasonic Lets You Down With This Player
Review: The other comments about problems with this player are all true. Give this one a miss and buy another brand. I bought a Sony and are very happy after numerous problems with the Panasonic, including pixilation & lockups leading to total failure. Panasonic were totally unresponsive so I cut my loses!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: JUNK!
Review: Well, after reading all of these other reviews my worst fears have come true. The player will stop mid-movie and at one point I could not turn it off nor remove the disk. It just froze up for about 10 minutes. When it works it is great, but I will never purchase another one like it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Decent for shorter movies
Review: I purchased this player in March and had no problems until I tried to watch a movie that lasts more than 2.5 hours. It seems that the Panasonic has some problems switching between layers on the DVD, causing a great deal of digital noise, both in the video and the audio. This is not apparent during the first and last few chapters of a longer movie, but when the laser tries to switch to the second layer in the middle of the movie, it just doesn't cut it. If your favorite movies run between 90 and 120 minutes, by all means, this is a good player. But to watch a movie that is any longer, I often resort to my PC's SONY DVD drive, which has no problem. It may in fact be that DVD players haven't been standardized yet, leaving those of us who prefer digital to expend more money to fix (or replace) the problem. My advice: RENT a number of players first, and try them out at home with longer movies before making a decision.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Buy This or Any Other Panasonic DVD Players
Review: I had one of these and just like one of the other comments here, it was faulty and Panasonic were no help. There are apparently common problems with Panasonic DVD players that involve having to replace the laser assembley. This costs in labor alone, around $100 and the warranty with this player is only 90 days on labor and 1 year on parts. Take my advice and avoid this until Panasonic sorts out these quality problems. There are web sites dedicated to people that have experienced these problems, listing hundreds of named dissatisifed customers. Amazon should not sell this player!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great value for the price
Review: If your are a home theatre buff like I am with all the right equipments, expensive or not, this is a good DVD player. It has all the features that the high priced players have an some more, especially if you have a Dolby Digital receiver. The component output is excellent, the SVideo option is just great. I am very pleased with this buy, although my rest of the accessories are Kenwood, Bose and Proscan, this low priced player is just great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Buy, Worth the Price
Review: This is a great player, I bought it a few weeks ago. I is really good for your buck and you get the performance of high end model. I got a lot more then I expected for $300.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This skipping and freezing bug plagues my favorite DVD's!!!!
Review: My most recent purchases "The Matrix" and "Heat" have had nothing but skipping and freezing. The picture skips around while the audio fads out. Acts kind of like a VHS tape that has been twisted (the film inside the tape) until it eventually freezes. I like Panasonic products but I wouldn't buy another one of their DVD players for this reason. I bought one other for a Christmas present (at the same time I purchased mine) and it has the same issues. My roomate has a Sony which I asked him to play both of these movies and he didn't experience any problems with both movies.

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