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Panasonic DVD-RV32K DVD Player (Black)

Panasonic DVD-RV32K DVD Player (Black)

List Price: $149.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great player
Review: Plays everything and works a lot better than the Sony I bought ... the only thing lacking is progressive scan, but unless you have hdtv that means nothing.
Easy to use remote and optical sound outlet that allows me to use my monster cables set. Onscreen display for mp3 files a big plus. Very nice product.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: probably shouldn't buy...h07
Review: recently got the h07 error message. in my case and i suspect in many other cases, the motor that spins the dvd needed to be oiled. its working again, but i am not looking forward to getting that error message again. i think panasonic should address the problem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's the Audio boss, the Audio!
Review: Sure, this is one great and inexpensive DVD player, manufactured by a consumer electronics giant that is dependable and mainstream in its design outlook. YET...having owned a very expensive Sony DVD player some years ago, for which I paid close to $1000 for, the DVD-RV32 beats that one and many others now on the market hands down in feature sets--specifically audio quality variables. Look at the audio specs for the various Toshiba models, for example, and their underachieving audio D/A codecs.
The DVD-RV32 features 192 kHz audio waveform sampling at 24 bits, an exceptional specification when compared to what else is out there---you will see numbers like 64 or 128 kHz sampling and anywhere from 10 bits on up resolution. Ever wonder why some CD and DVD players have tinny sound? It is because of low sampling of the original analog waveform coupled with little information about each sample (bit rate).
The fact that this DVD-RV32 plays the requisite universe of DVD and CD video formats AND has better digital audio conversion than most home Stereo CD players on the market should make you want to throw out that cheap CD player you own and use this as your primary audio CD player as well as a first rate DVD playback unit.

If quality audio is important to you as well as video entertainment, this is the unit to buy.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: dvd-r
Review: The fine print: It only reads DVD-R's that were created on a panasonic DVD burner. I have several that it can't read that came from a generic burner. It does however read DVD+R.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: OK until HO7 hit
Review: This is the second Panasonic DVD player I've had which suddenly died for no reason at about a year old. No more Panasonics for me.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Read the recent reviews for this model's predecessor
Review: This model replaces the popular RV31k. That model got good reviews from people who had just purchased it, and terrible reviews from people (including me) who had owned it for a while. Unless Panasonic can show that the fatal defects in the old model have been taken care of, I would urge everyone to stay away from this one. It is a shame, because I was a regular Panasonic buyer until the disappointing experience with their DVD player.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: HO7 after 13 months
Review: This seems to be the typical message for this product and in fact most other Panasonic DVD players (just google it). This company has lost the trust of many customers (again, just google it). But it does not stop here, I contacted their customer service 2 weeks ago and have not heard back from them. I hope that this company will pick up on their problems and improve their products and customer service. I would recommend not buying their products for another decade or so - after all there is enough choice out there.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: unreliable--or did I get a lemon?
Review: We really liked this thing until last week.

Just four months after buying it, the reader conked out. In the middle of playing a DVD, it sputtered a few times and then stopped. When we tried to read other DVDs, we got a mysterious error message "HO2" that's nowhere described in the manual. We tried unplug/plug, letting it dry out in the case of condensation, resetting settings, etc. Nothing.

We couldn't get through to the 800 service #. Busy all the time. A 16 minute wait on hold one time. We emailed customer service and got a form-email back two days later telling us to take it to a service center, the nearest one being an hour away. We took it there, and they wanted a minumum just to look at it. Fair enough, but since the labor part of the warranty ran out just one month before (parts were covered for a year), we were probably looking at double that.

In short, we either bought a lemon or this product is unreliable. No way to know for sure, but I won't buy another Panasonic. ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: a ruined movie night
Review: well, it was working great for a while, and now i'm getting this ridiculous HO7 error (HO2)?? and it won't even spin or read the dvds. im very sad. i will be buying a sony tomorrow.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Well, what can I say about this piece of **** that hasn't already been said? Mine is 13 months old, just out warranty. It's now dead. (H20) It always did hesitate when reading a DVD for some reason. Thank-you SO much Panasonic. I will NEVER purchase another piece of garbage from your once mighty company ever again.

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