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Lite-On LVW5001 DVD Plus Player/Recorder

Lite-On LVW5001 DVD Plus Player/Recorder

List Price: $349.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Happy with my LVW5001
Review: I've had my Lite-on LVW 5001 for more than 3 months now and since that time have used it for hours at a time most days. So far, I am very happy with the performance of the machine as well as the picture and sound quality. I have read elsewhere that this model comes with a mono tuner, but mine, manufactured in March 2004 has a full stereo tuner. One handy hint is to ONLY use good quality DVD+R/RW discs such as Verbatim or TDK as I have found these work the best. A really good recorder for the price! I'm very happy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfect
Review: I've had one of these for ten days and have had excellent results. I'm using it to record from a camcorder via the firewire port, from a digital video recorder cable box and to dub from VHS and laser disc. It works perfectly and is very easy to use.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wait for a better recorder
Review: It worked well when it did work.

1)Poor video output. Output from the recorder is dark and you lose lots of details in the shadow area.
2)Destroy DVD if you attempt to record more than space that you have left on DVD. Not intelligent enough to stop recording when you run out of space.
3)If you hit the record button and walk away and forget to stop it, it kills the DVD media. See #2.
4)It died on me after 6 months of casual use. Was able to record 15 DVD before it died.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wait for a better recorder
Review: It worked well when it did work.

1)Poor video output. Output from the recorder is dark and you lose lots of details in the shadow area.
2)Destroy DVD if you attempt to record more than space that you have left on DVD. Not intelligent enough to stop recording when you run out of space.
3)If you hit the record button and walk away and forget to stop it, it kills the DVD media. See #2.
4)It died on me after 6 months of casual use. Was able to record 15 DVD before it died.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good player/recorder
Review: Just bought the Liteon DVD Recorder. I was charmed about the price (euro 300,in the Netherlands). I had doubts when I had read all reviews. Then the salesman told me that it was impossible to swap channels in order to put your favorites at top. At home I discovered he was right. But after updating the firmware a menu item was added and channels could be put into any order.
I am pleased with this DVD recorder, it does what is supposed to do and has a very good recording/playback picture quality. Even at EP (4 hours/dvd) the picture quality outranks my old VCR.
The only negatives points I found so far are the relatively slow start up and the strange noise it makes when it is switched on.

If you have questions you can mail me at: max@ffkijken.com

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great Price! . . . if it worked!
Review: POOR QUALITY!!! I bought this for $199 at BB and was ecstatic. Then I went home to discover that my remote did not work. I'm not sure if it is the remote or the reciever on the unit with the problem. I would exchange my system at BB, but they only sell this DVD recorder on-line, and they are SOLD OUT! Worse yet, LiteOn tech support will not replace my unit unless I send it to them first (a process that will take 2 weeks). Plus, I have to pay for shipping. There goes my thoughts of giving it as a Christmas gift. Good thing I tested it first! There have been so many reviews with lemons, I suggest getting a brand name system. I can't imagine how many time this DVD Recorder model will break over a few years. POOR QUALITY!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great DVD Recorder for 1st time buyer !
Review: Pro: Recorder is simple to set up and operate, it does take getting used to, the disc's have to be formatted but that takes less than a minute. Easy to record off the air, even at 6 hour rate, the digitizing of the analog TV signal seems to look better during playback than off the air. Price is a positive, you can find them for $279. The recorded disc DVD+R or +RW also play on Apex, Pioneer (portable), Norcent (cheap DVD player) but doesn't play well on a Samsung DVD player (I have all of these players).
Con; It doesn't fully record 2 hours in the 2 hour mode, I found the max was 1hr 56 minutes. This seems to be the same in the longer modes, just shy of the expected time. The other con is the one touch recording, you have to manually turn it off or it keeps going to the end of the recordable time on the DVD. Each press of the recording button is not 30Min like a VCR.
Overall, I am Really Impressed and would consider buying another unit because it also plays regular DVD's as well or better than regular DVD Players.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It's Junk!
Review: This DVD recorder could be easy to like, if it only worked. My first experience with this gem of a product was early January 2003 ... After unpacking and hooking everything up, its drive wouldn't open. It behaved like a frightened turtle. I took it back for an exchange and the 2nd unit worked fine, for about three weeks. Now early February, the recorder no longer read media, nothing. (...) I had to box it up and send it to the Lite-on service center in Hayward CA. (...) ... . I received my repaired unit at the end of February. The good news, it reads DVD's. The bad, it couldn't read anything it recorded. It destroyed 5 DVD+RW's along the way (continual invalid disk). I downloaded the firmware as was recommended, but this didn't help. The unit destroyed media it formatted, recorded flawlessly (I assume) but couldn't read what it recorded. None of my other DVD players could read the recorded disks as well. I again emailed Lite-On for a RMA, which I received a couple days later. So off I go to the shipping department to send this thing. I later received the unit back from lite-on, unfortunately the same problems remain. I'm not sure if they did anything. I have lost a lot of confidence in this brand name. I have since purchased a new DVD recorder (RCA) and am very pleased with it thus far. As for lite-on, I can only hope my experience was just a case of bad luck. I hope anyone who's purchased one is happy with it. I'm glad to have moved on from what has been a very bad experience and horrible electronics choice.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Limbo
Review: This DVD recorder could be easy to like, if it only worked. My first experience with this gem of a product was early January 2003, a delayed Christmas present (that's still delayed by the way). After unpacking and hooking everything up, its drive wouldn't open. It behaved like a frightened turtle. I took it back for an exchange and the 2nd unit worked fine, for about three weeks. Now early February, the recorder no longer read media, nothing. I couldn't return it to the computer store where I purchased it (14 day return policy), so I had to box it up and send it to the Lite-on service center in Hayward CA. $21.00 it cost me to send this thing (their web site is poorly designed by the way, as of this review many links don't work, like RMA. You have to email and hope they answer you back). I received my repaired unit at the end of February. The good news, it reads DVD's. The bad, it couldn't read anything it recorded. It destroyed 5 DVD+RW's along the way. I downloaded the firmware as was recommended, but this didn't help. The unit destroyed media it formatted, recorded flawlessly (I assume) but couldn't read what it recorded. None of my other DVD players could read the recorded disks as well. I again emailed Lite-On for a RMA, which I received a couple days later. So off I go to the shipping department and another $21.00 to send this thing. I'm currently in limbo waiting for the unit (3rd time charm?) to arrive. I hope my experience is the exception, but truth be told, if it doesn't work this time, I'll likely smash it to pieces (I can't afford the postage), and move on with my life. I'll find another DVD Recorder (different brand) somewhere down the line.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great product & price Totally recommended
Review: This is my first review on Amazon & I'm only doing this to counteract the brainless knuckleheads who give products on Amazon bad reviews they don't deserve. Almost anything listed on Amazon has undeserved bad reviews from these morons which helps screw up purchase decisions made by people like you & me who use these reviews to help decide whether to purchase anything.
Anyway, the bottom line is this a great and super easy to use very inexpensive DVD recorder (I got mine for $169 new from one of the chain stores)and a moron could figure how to use it in 5 minutes- its that easy and simple, ignore what some of the idiots said here. It copies old VHS tapes to DVD and TV broadcats to DVD with great results & total ease. This DVD recorder burns DVD+R & DVD+RW discs, which is what I've always used anyway. As it copies and records in real time, you should get & use the cheapest DVD+RW discs (I can get them for less than 30 cents each) as it takes the same time to record on a 1X disc as it does a 8X disc. Also you do not need to finalize DVD+RW discs but you do need to finalize DVD+R discs, so there clearly is an advantage using a DVD+RW disc here which as I said are available at the 1X speed super cheap.

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