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Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR Combo

Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR Combo

List Price: $169.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dvd drive stops working after a few weeks
Review: Purchased a MDV530VR for Christmas, the dvd stopped loading discs on 1/10/2004. Returned it on 1/11/2004 for a new one. The second unit stopped working on 1/29/2004. This time I'm exchanging it for another brand of dvd/vcr player.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Same old story. We bought ours around Christmas '03. The back of our player notes that is was manufactured in October '03. It worked fine for about a year. One day it was fine, the next it gave us problems.

FIRST it accepted a disk, but read "DISK ERROR". We ejected, checked the disk, and tried to play again, but the DVD screen just reads that it is trying to read the disk. It continued with the "reading disk" icon (a spinning CD logo in the upper right corner) even after we took the disc out, tried others, and closed the drive w/o a disk in it.

Of course, these things happen, once in a while. But I'm seeing over three dozen complaints, and only one "ok" rating. And what has Magnovox Support done? NOTHING. After staying on the phone tonight for over 45 minutes attempting to use their voice-activated menu-selection support line, I still haven't reached a live person. I hope we can get a suit filed, but until then, I say BOMBARD THEM WITH CALLS AND EMAILS. You can reach this crappy automated system at: Telephone Magnavox 1-800-705-2000. You can also email them your complaint by going to www.magnovox.com and clicking on Support Center at the top of your screen, then selecting Contact Support on the right.

Maybe with enough calls, we can get some cash back on this piece of junk.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another lemon
Review: Sorry to sound like a broken record. We use the DVD player 3-4 times per month. Now the DVD player will not play ANY dvd's. The DVD player simply stopped working ...just in time for the holidays. You can be sure the next product won't be a Magnavox. No support and as of 12/27/04 only a "coming soon" page on www.magnavox.com. Very frustrating. Makes you stop and think that buying the $29 cheap DVDs may be a smarter way to go then spending extra on what you believe to be a quality product from a reputable company. Miffed in Minnesota.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: no stars for this hunk of junk
Review: thats right you too can have this lovely one of a kind piece of trash in your home for 2 easy payments. First one is 139.00 and the second is 99.00.(238.00) This should have gone from the box to the trash do not pass go do not pay 238. the dvd plays half way through then stops. Think the vcr slot is just big enough a stick of Dynamite....boom. dont buy dis.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Beware after 3 months...
Review: This item works really well...for about three months right after the warranty runs out. My dvd player also ceased working about 31/2 to 4 months after I purchased it, and from what you all are saying, I'll have to purchase a new one at full price! Talk about horrible customer service! I will not be happy when I get the news from my e-mail I just wrote them. What a load of crap.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Unit failed within 4 months
Review: This magnavox combo failed with 4 months of purchase. Using the DVD side returns a Disc error message, leaving the DVD player totally unusable. Full Warrantry was only for three months, but Phillips Consumer service offered to exchange the unit for the same price I paid ($129)to purchase it.

The remote is also difficult to use, and lack of a remote eject option is surprising bothersome.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This unit stopped working completely after 7 months. All I had used it for was to play DVDs. In total used less than 20 times for DVD only. The 1 year warranty was a lie. After 3 months you have to pay to replace it. They wanted $99.99 to replace a unit that has sold as low as $89.99 at the warehouse club. I wish I could rate this a zero. I don't give it any stars.
I will never buy anything from Phillips Magnavox ever again.
Total rip-off.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Haha, I got all of you beat.
Review: Too bad the ratings don't go into the negative. OK, I got my father (who lives 1,000 miles away) this DVD/VCR Combo for his birthday in August. He's not technically inclined so it took him a day to set it up and he played his first DVD, Winged Migration (which drives my mom crazy).

He doesn't use it for a few months and decides he wants to watch it again in November. It's not working, so he calls me up and wants some technical support from me, since I am 1,000 miles away it is rather difficult. I figure he doesn't know how to switch from TV to Video so I square him away on which remotes to use. He tries it and nothing happens. I tell him to get better cables, believing in Magnavox's reputation for being a quality company, I figure better cables will fix the problem.

He calls back a few days later, after he finally got the new cables. Nothing is working. So today I go to the Magnavox web site to check for a PDF of the manual. The site is just a big empty screen. Nothing is loading. So I decide to see if anyone else has had problems with their machines. I come across this site and my stomach turns sour. I just found out the present I bought my dad for his birthday is a piece of crap.

I now have to call him and tell him, and with the Maganavox site not loading it feels like a thief has slipped away with my money and disappeared. It's like they won't even face me.

This product sucks, I will never buy a Magnavox product again and I will make sure no one I know buys one of their products either.

I also learned a valuable lesson, do the research.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Do Not Buy This!!!
Review: Unfortunately, I bought this product without researching it. The DVD player is absolute junk!!! The DVD tray quit opening after 8 months. I also was told by the company that they would be happy to replace it for "discount" price of $99. Given that I only paid this plus tax, it was no discount. Given the company's policy on this item, I strongly urge everyone to take a pass on Magnavox products.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: DO NOT BUY
Review: We purchased this unit about six months ago and the dvd player simply stopped reading any kind of disk.

After calling Philips/Magnavox, they informed us that the unit was still under warranty and they would be happy to send us a used replacement for $99.

This company does not stand behind their products and they are deceiving consumers by selling defective merchandise and then trying to double their profit by selling you another unit under the guise of a warranty.

I would strongly urge everyone not to buy products from Philips or Magnavox until they change this policy and treat their customers fairly.

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