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Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR Combo

Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR Combo

List Price: $169.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The MDV530VR is not reliable
Review: My MDV530VR quit playing commercial dvd's after 6 months. It can still play music dvd's or jpeg images created on a computer But it is now useless for playing dvd movies.
The Magnavox website was useless to use and I didn't feel like staying on the phone after 20 minutes to try and talk to a real person. I went online and did a search for other comments on this unit. The other comments were not very encouraging. I decided that if you ever need service on the unit then you are screwed unless you have money to throw away.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: same thing happened to me
Review: Boy, I wish I'd read these reviews before I bought this piece of junk. The DVD player broke just about 4 months after I bought it ... of course, after the 90-day free exchange warranty was up. And yep, Magnavox is charging $99 for a replacement ... and in addition I have to fill out a form, hunt down my receipt, pack the old unit up and pay UPS to ship it (Magnavox is generous enough to ship the replacement for free, bless their hearts) ... pardon me if I think it's a better idea to buy a different DVD player that hasn't disappointed nearly everyone who's bought it. Pass on this one, folks.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Magnavox MDV530VR combo DVD/VCR
Review: DO NOT BUY THIS! I purchased this unit and was pleased for 3 and half months. The dvd unit ceased to work after just four months. Ironically, the full warranty is for 90 days only. I contacted Magnavox (Philips) customer service and they told me to eject the DVD and start again. Of course I had already done this and told them. They then said my unit was indeed malfunctioning and I could obtain a replacement unit for [full price]. ... If the replacement unit after just four months is priced as full price, it is obvious Magnavox/Philips expects it to last approx. four months. For this price, you'd be better off renting a unit!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Mine is still working great after a year...hmmm...
Review: First of all, I don't understand why everybody is complaining that their Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR combo suddenly broke down on them. Maybe these reviewers don't know how to use an electronic equipment, but who knows why it broke. I bought it brand new last year in May, and it continues to play every DVDs and VHS tapes that I own without any glitch or flaw. This Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR combo is pretty much similar to the Philips DVD750VR, except that the Magnavox has no progressive-scan output.

I like to inform all the angry reviewers with their bad experience on their Magnavox MDV530VR. Please be aware that Philips and Magnavox do not make these DVD/VCR combos. Philips ask Funai Corporation to make and supply them with DVD/VCR combos to sell under the Philips and Magnavox brand, so don't pick on Philips or Magnavox as an unreliable brand. Funai currently makes Symphonic, Sylvania, and Emerson products.

The main reason for purchasing this combo is for the experience that I have with older Funai-made products. I still have my old 16 year old Symphonic VCR that has never needed repair since new. I need a DVD player for my TV, so I bought this Funai-made Magnavox DVD/VCR because of my positive experience with the Funai brand.

I find the picture quality acceptable in the Magnavox MDV530VR. Just pop in a DVD or VHS movie, and I'm good to go to enjoy the Blockbuster night with my trusty reliable Magnavox MDV530VR DVD/VCR combo.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst buy ever!
Review: Got this little fun box for Christmas.This DVD/VCR combo lasted all of 3 months and twenty days! DVD still working for now but the VCR is eating tapes like a fat man at a all you can eat buffet! Like everyone else, called customer service to see if what they wrote was correct, THEY ARE! The call was routed to India and since the 90 day warrenty was past I could get another one for ONLY $99.00! Yeah right, it'll be a cold day in H*LL before I buy another Magnavox product. However, this company has not heard the last of me! Let the complaints begin!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: complete trash
Review: Have had this for just over a year, and reading all these comments makes me feel lucky that we managed to get a full year's worth of use out of the DVD player. It quit reading DVD's tonight with no previous indication that something was wrong. It does play audio CDs. Yippee. A complete piece of trash; I'm going to take extreme delight in jumping up and down on top of it in the driveway in the morning before tossing it in the dumpster. I may even get in the car and back over it once... or twice. The last Phillips/Magnavox item I will ever own.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wish I would have researched!
Review: I bought the Magnavox MDV530VR less than 6 months ago. Last night the VCR started chewing my tapes, I ruined 3 before I stopped. I'm sorry I didn't read other's feedbacks before I bought. The help desk was "no help", basically I just threw away $160. I'm going to replace it with another brand, but NOT before I check the reviews! DO NOT BUY THIS MACHINE

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ZERO STARS! Let's Start the Class Action Suit Now!
Review: I bought this unit as a gift for my wife on her birthday. It hasn't even been a year and this thing is starting to screw up. Won't record from the VCR properly - that's basic stuff. Similar problems developing that others have compained about. Had to replace it with the Magnavox VCR that's 10 years old and going strong. These guys have destroyed they're brand with me and apparently many others. I am NOT going to pay practically full price for a freaking replacement. I give you my word that I will spread the word on this company and NEVER purchase a product from them EVER again. Let's start the class action suit now! - JT

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: PIECE OF $H!T
Review: I concur with everyone else on this board... My DVD hasn't gone out yet, but it sounds like it will. The VCR just crapped out though. I keep getting lots of errors and it keeps eating my tapes, and cleaning won't do the trick.

Magnavox will send out a replacement when I send them my broken unit plus a check for $99. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY KIDDING?! I think we should all file a claim against them.....this is ridiculous.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: DVD unit very suspect, caveat emptor!
Review: I didn't get mine from Amazon, but from a brick and mortar Target. This is strictly a public service:

Bought it around Thanksgiving, and before Christmas came, the DVD unit quit loading. I called Magnavox and after agreeing it was an obvious hardware failure they wanted to give me a shipping address where I could send it and get a replacement. Instead, I went back to the store and got them to give me a replacement unit.

It's January 15 and guess what? Last night the DVD drive on the replacement failed just like the first one.

For the record, I do not use the thing more than about three movies a week, so it's not like I'm demanding an industrial duty machine.

I can not state it strongly enough: it is a piece of junk, I would never buy another and my former faith in the Magnavox brand is no more. An inexpensive machine isn't expensive when you have to return it twice for an exchange. The only reason this review has one star is Amazon does not offer a zero.

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