Rating:  Summary: Loved the movie -- DVD defective? Review: I'm an adult fan of the books. Saw the movie in the theatre and loved it there. Of course, I did go away with that "oh I wish they showed more detail about..." feeling. Also, we didn't bring our 3 1/2 old when the movie came out because we were concerned for the scare factor. Since we've bought it, he (4 yrs now) has watched it 5 times and loves it. He was a little edgy at first with some of the scary scenes, but with the second viewing he got over it.Now as far as the DVD... First let me say, I didn't realize you had to play games to find the extra footage. I assumed that they were now included in the film (even though I couldn't find them there either). I'm going to go investigate that some more. The problem I am having with my DVD is the audio. During the part on Hogwart's Express, Hermione's voice is very much off with the movement of her mouth. As the cd progresses, the audio seems to match itself up a bit better, but still appears "off". I haven't seen any other complaints about this, so I'm thinking maybe I just have a defective copy??? I guess I'll go exchange it tomorrow. Once last note about the DVD... I would have liked to atleast see the DVDs packaged in a clamshell case. The cardboard case and plastic cd tray are not at all up to the standard that you would expect them to be.
Rating:  Summary: Better on a small screen Review: Okay, I admit it, I got the Harry Potter film. No kids in the family except me, my husband and a Great Dane, but that's kids enough. Although I was rather disappointed with the film when I saw it in the theater, I decided to purchase it anyway. For some reason, it's a better TV sized product than it was a large screen film. Chris Columbus has directed a number of kid type movies, including Home Alone, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Stepmom, but I think his concept of kids and family, although wacky enough, is not quite sinister enough to put the bite into the Harry Potter stories that exists in the books. Harry deals with some pretty heavy duty facts of life, including the death--which he later discovers was murder--of his parents, the active dislike and abuse of his caretakers, the dislocation of going away to a school where he knows no one and must discover for himself whom to trust, and so on. Although arrayed in the majesty and mystery of an ancient and occult world, Hogwarts becomes home and family to Harry. It is, however, not a home and family free of conflict and danger, as Harry soon discovers. Columbus follows the book closely, almost slavishly, but little of that sense of suspense and threat seems to exist despite a lavish set and wonderful performances by all of the cast. One almost has a feel of "holding back" on the part of the director, as though children can't handle the grit of a truly "scary" movie. I mean, get real. Like who went/goes to all those monster movies that have been shown at Saturday matinees for generations! I know a six year old whose favorite film is Jurassic Park. There were several episodes that could have scared the socks off of us, but although they were wonderful visually, they were a great disappointment as a scary experience. Maybe it's just that ones imagination can create scarier monsters than the screen can, but I doubt it. There's always Alien to disprove that theory! I had heard that Steven Spielberg had requested to make the film. I can't help but think that someone who gave us both Jaws and ET could have given us a better, more intense and more meaningful film. The movie as it is does better on a smaller screen, however. Maybe it's just that we've come to expect less from a made for TV movie. As it goes, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has such a magnificent set, costuming and special effects, that it shines on the small screen which seems to be its natural home. Perhaps that's what was planned all along. Marketing is a powerful force.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Soars...a real winner Review: The movie fulfills almost all the possibilities and loses very little from the fantastic book...there is no way a movie could actually film EVERY scene in the book...but, it come s close. My children could not resist...we went 3 times to the theater while waiting for the movie release...and we NEVER go to the movies!! Since we bought this, we have watched it about 15 times, and the kids have watched it even more times without their mom...! A reader's dream...the Quiddich game was great, very exciting...!!!Just as my imagination had it 'painted' in my head.
Rating:  Summary: H.I.M. (Harry Is Magnificent) Review: The title says it all boyos. This is an amazing movie. It was so thrilling that I was shocked to discover that I didn't remember half of the dialogue. Emma Watson was such a babe. I can't believe they're replacing her, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Now I know how people felt when Sean Connery threw in the towel after he did You Only Live Twice. They should have mentioned that you had to find the Sorcerer's Stone to see the deleted scenes. All of these deleted scenes should have been kept in the movie except for the eggs scene. These scene could have made the movie more faithful. They could have had Harry and Hagrid talking about the dragon thing as they walking to the Leaky Cauldron. This movie definitely stays faithful to the book. It has some dialogue that wasn't in the book but it was worth it. In case you don't know who Warwick Davis is, he played Wicket, the Ewok, in Return of the Jedi, and Wald, one of Anakin's friends, in The Phantom Menace. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to two Star Wars films. Daniel Radcliffe is equally amazing. You can hardly tell he was lipsyncing in some scenes (his voice was changing). I'm almost certain that they shot the scene with the letters flying all over the place last because his voice sounds different. I am so mad that John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick) had an almost cameo role in that movie. I pray that they'll use him in the next movies and I hope that they write some dialogue for him in The Prizoner of Azkaban. I don't think that Richard Harris (Dumbledore) is going to be used for all of the movies. Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) has become quite famous here in America. She recently finished the movie, Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. I have two final complaints, one minor and one major, and the major one comes first. I can't believe that Harry Potter didn't get a nomination for Best Picture. The actors in the movie didn't get nominated for Best Leading Actor or Actress or Best Featured Actor or Actress. Emma Watson's performance deserved an Award for Best Actress. My final complaint is that the DVD has no audio commentary. Maybe, I'll find it. Maybe, it's an Easter Egg.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: ...There should've been an option to play the game or to go directly to the deleted scenes. A lot of people do not have 10 minutes to click this and select that just to see 5 minutes of deleted scenes. what a horrendous job the movie company made. ... 3 stars for the movie, a ½ star for disc II. I can't imagine kids liking this either.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but i expected more! Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was a mixture of the book and the director's thought. When i read J.K. Rowling's biography, she said about the movie being a bit child like and that she couldn't believe what had been on the screen. the graphic's were terrible and the lighting was simply dispicable, and the actors and actresses talents went to waste. I gave this movie 2 stars because it was horrible. If i were J.K. Rowling i would be insulted by this movie. It was almost the worst movie i have ever seen. The DVD which is full of extras (including the deleted scenes) were more childish than the movie and hopefully the cosmos read this so they can realize how much of a inconcivible movie this. If i were to rate this movie in a 1-10 scale, Harry Potter will get a -1. Just one more thing to say about this oblivious movie that the computer affects were incompetent. On the VHS the "Sorting Hat" doesn't sing like in the theatre. -- Talyn O'Donnell (Missy)
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat less than magical, especially on DVD Review: The casting of this film is perfect. There is not a single character who does not look exactly as he or she ought, particularly Rupert Grint as the quintessential Ron Weasley. (Now, in the second movie, as much as I love Ken Branagh, I'd adore Hugh Grant as Gilderoy Lockhart ... but I digress.) Chris Columbus and company maintain overall a refreshingly reverent faithfulness to the book, which is, of course, a classic. So why did the film version leave me slightly flat? I've decided it's not the fault of anyone involved in the production but the inevitable result of condensing an entire school year into a 3-hour film. So much of what makes the book irresistible is in the details, details which must, sadly, be excised in the conversion to a film that you can watch without a lunch break. Hermione's application of "petrificus totalis" to Neville is far less poignant without the backstory of his struggles thus far in the school year. A Quidditch match without Lee Jordan's biased color commentary just isn't the same. And, oh, how I miss Fred and George Weasley's jokes! So I applaud the efforts of Columbus and crew, who have, I believe, delivered just about the best product possible. But let no one make the mistake of seeing the movie while omitting the read the book. In regard to the DVD version, I found the extras on the second disc disappointing, apart from a truly enjoyable interview with Columbus et al. on the making of the movie. But no outtakes? No deleted scenes? No early peek at the making of the sequel, already well underway by the time this DVD was issued? Color this fan disgruntled. The movie itself deserves 4 stars, but the DVD presentation downgrades my rating to 3.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie...bad DVD Review: I bought one copy of HP for my neice and one for a friend at work. I got to watch both and BOTH caused glitches on at least one of the machines they played on. The first copy ran great on my computer. On my home unit it jumps to the end of the scene on the part where Harry talks to the snake. My sister has similar difficulty with hers but it froze on the Troll scene. I don't have to add my disgust with the second CD to whats already been said...Its awful...BUT A WORD OF WARNING. After the second CD asks you for Net access on your computer...It can download its OWN DVD player and UNINSTALL YOUR DVD PLAYER SOFTWARE from your computer. This happened to my friend this morning. Not only that but the software it replaced it with failed to work. If you aren't fairly computer literate there is nothing on that second CD worth losing your DVD program for.
Rating:  Summary: Sorcery Lite Review: Kids will enjoy this well-produced if derivative fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: I loved this movie! I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!