Rating:  Summary: Daniel Radcliffe killed Harry Potter! Review: To start I would like to say that this movie had the posibility of being a clasic, with such a fantastic script, and nearly universaly popular subject matter, Warner Bros. can't go wrong. Right? HA! Anticipation of this movie was palpable among Harry Potter readers. Fanatics stood in lines for hours (I regret to say I was among them). Once the movie started cheers arose from the crowd, oh so eagarly awaiting thier magical fix. But like many others I was forced to cringe, gasp and groan at the attrosities and aborations that was inflicted upon this posible gem. I am shocked by their casting choises. I'm sorry Danniel Radcliffe, but you suck deary. He was posibly the worst actor on the screen I have ever had the dismay of being subjected to. Radcliffe's monotonous, dry and juvinile acting skills litteraly murdered the character of Harry. Not to leave out Chris Colombus's directing. *shudder* But not all the charecters were as terrifyingly terrible as poor Harry. Maggie Smith's portrayal of Minerva McGonnagal was a pure delight, and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasly was exceptional (especialy next to his counterpart). Believe me I had the biggest expectations for this movie *sigh* but, there are some things in life one simply can't deny.
Rating:  Summary: Worth waiting 4 hours in line!!! Review: This movie was excellent, that's all you can say really. I liked it so much that I saw it 8 times in the theater! ... I don't think they could have picked better actors and actresses to portray the characters Everything from that to the scenery was wonderful. The Quidditch scene is amazing because it is exactly what I had envisoned when reading the book. A must see and a must buy movie. I rate it 10 stars...even though you can't. I have already pre-ordered my copy, how about you??
Rating:  Summary: A good adaption of the book, but it has its flaws. Review: J.K Rowling's books have held children and adults alike spellbound, and it was inevitable that they would make the transition to the big screen. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is an excellent introductory book to the magical world of wizardry, and Chris Columbus's film does a similar job in introducing at least a dozen key characters, Hogwarts school, and the whole concept of wizardry. Obviously there is a lot to get through therefore, and much of the charming conversation and everyday events of the book have had to be compressed for the film. Despite this, all the key happenings are included, the script is very much based on the book, and it is still a hefty two and half hours long.The key role of Harry Potter was given to Daniel Radcliffe. Looks-wise, Radcliffe is good, but overall, he gives a rather functional performance; he isn't bad, but he doesn't really inhabit the character of Potter, and underplays too much. Emma Watson isn't particularly great either as Hermoine. Hermoine is admittedly a bit of a know-it-all in the books, but she is also quite shy and insecure, whereas Watson's Hermoine is a know-it-all, but also cocksure and self-confident, and quite frankly, middle-class. Thankfully however, the famous trio are saved by Rupert Grint's Ron Weasley. Grint looks perfect for the role, and gives a much more dynamic performance than the other two. These three are surrounded by some very experienced actors and actresses who all do an excellent supporting job. In particular, Robbie Coltrane IS Hagrid, and Alan Rickman is suitably soft-toned and sarcastic as Professor Snape. The surprise actor was Sean Biggerstaff who was most convincing as Oliver Wood, and should go places after this. The special effects are good without being brilliant, although the Quidditch match is exceptional to look at. Better than any CGI effects however is the natural location for Hogwarts, Glouster Cathedral. The film is nice, and certainly enjoyable. It has flaws, and although the music score from John Williams is catchy, it can at times be a bit smothering and overbearing. Nevertheless, the film should leave a good impression on you. Some of the child actors were not as good as they could have been, but with at least two films coming up, and also the wealth of older actors on hand to help them, we can only hope that they grow into their roles. It's a decent film, but hopefully, the next two will be even better.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent and enchanting, if just a tiny bit omissive Review: My friends and I (recent college graduates, mind you) went to see this when it came out, and all of us, from the cloudy-minded dreamer like myself to the practical, real-world money-and-women worshipper like my housemate were blown away by it. I happen to be a not-so-closet-anymore Potterite, but even those who weren't enjoyed it just about as much. The characters are accurately represented, despite the necessary omission of certain thought and personality details that can't be translated to an entirely visual medium. Any humor that is left out from the book is made up for by new elements in the film. For just over two hours, all of us were children once more, living the childhood we never quite achieved in a world and social attitude that made it possible. My only small complaint was that Malfoy and Snape were not quite as venomous as in the novel, but that's not worth a star penalty - Alan Rickman did a fine job in his own unique way, and the Slytherins looked enough like punks. I'm anxious to see the characters grow up throughout the next films as they have in the novels.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Review: It took me several years to finally get around to reading the books that had managed to get all five of my children so thoroughly enthralled. Like perhaps everyone else on the planet, I also became enthralled by J.K. Rowling's works. So, it was with a great amount of trepidation that I went to see the first Harry Potter film. Having been disappointed so many times before, I found it hard to believe that the magical world created by J.K. Rowling could possibly translate to the screen. After all, these worlds were so intricately detailed, so perfectly described, and so different from anything that we had previously experienced. After four books, I had a "perfect" mental image of every character, every place, every event. However, I am delighted to say that I was wrong, and very much impressed by the way that all of this detail was captured in the film. The characters were very much like I had them pictured. I can't think of a single detail that was left out. The acting is superb. The visual effects are stunning. The film was very well directed, and the editing was masterful. Instead of spoiling my mental images, the film simply enhanced them even more. This is THE film to own on DVD. You, your kids, your neighbours and your relatives will come back to watch it again and again.
Rating:  Summary: What a great imagination Review: my 13 year old neice & I went to see the movie Harry Potter The charaters were great & the special effects were unbelievable. I loved the floating lit candles that lit the great hall room where they do the sorting of the first year students. I enjoyed it so much that I have borrowed the first 3 books from my neice & have read the first two already. This is a fun & adventureous movie for all ages to see. I have the movie on preorder & once it's released for rental will see it again.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone the movie made the book come to life. I finally know exactly how a Quiditch game is played and what the castle really looked like. The movie made all of the character seemed exactly as I saw them in my mind. The movie was thrilling! I want to see it again and again and again...
Rating:  Summary: A future classic! Review: I saw the movie 4 times - something I've never done before! I found it to be wonderful retelling on J.K. Rowling's most excellent book. Each successive time I saw it, I found something I missed and things that I eagerly anticipated seeing again. It is wonderful to have a face to put the names in the book. This will make rereading them all the more enjoyable for me. Even though the movie is almost 3 hour long, I found the time to go so fast I was left wanting more. I would have liked to have seen more than just the one Quidditch match, although that one was very thrilling to watch - made me feel like I was in the stands cheering. I eagerly look forward to the next two movies.
Rating:  Summary: ThE BEST DARN MOVIE EVER MADE! Review: I loved this movie! It had wonderful grapics, the best ever grapics, My daughter said that she thought Daniel Radcliffe Was cute! And I'd recommend this movie better than The lord ofthe Rings!
Rating:  Summary: Good Even if You Haven't Read the Book Review: I'll admit: I didn't understand the Harry Potter phenomenon at all... and I can honestly say it was a good movie! The storyline is familiar to everyone, so I'll spare you the details. The acting is really good, especially from the faculty of Hogwarts. Even the kids are decent actors! The special effects are also really good, although they can look a little fake at times. But overall, this movie is a fun experience. After seeing it, I read all four books and am anxiously awaiting number five. That's what a good movie can do!