Rating:  Summary: A Must Have! Review: I bought this DVD when my baby was 3 1/2 months old and she absolutely loves it! I wish had bought it sooner. Anytime that she is fussy or if I have to put up groceries, etc., I just pop in the DVD and she is transfixed. She giggles and smiles at all the images. One feature I love about the DVD, is that it has repeat play.
Rating:  Summary: Mesmerizing Review: I bought this video for my son when he was 2 months old. He was mesmerized by the moving toys,puppets,colors and music in this video.He is now 4 months old and he still loves to watch it. He gets a bit grumpy if you disturb him during his "movie". We also have Baby Bach which he doesn't really enjoy. The music is too dull and it moves rather slowly, while Baby Mozart is bright and visually sharp.
Rating:  Summary: My Baby Loved It Review: My son Max loved this video from the age of about 6 months onward. He is now almost two and his attentions have turned more to Elmo, but he still enjoys this tape.My wife and I also grew to love baby mozart. It gave a peaceful and warm feeling to our house when it was playing every morning, sometimes over and over. In particular Max liked "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (aka "Baa Baa Black Sheep" aka "ABCDEFG...", which was an old French folk song of unknown origins hovering in the collective ear of the world back then when Mozart wrote a series of variations on it). Whenever this one started to play (it appears at least twice on the tape) Max would smile and begin to hum. At first and for a long time he only hummed the first two notes ("Hmm Hmm"). When Max had to have an operation at the age of one this tape brightened up his four-day hospital stay immeasurably. I brought it to him the day after his operation, and his little "hmm hmm" when "Twinkle" began brought tears to my eyes. This video was better than medicine. The only annoying thing about it is the whole "baby genius" concept and the inane pseudoscientific garbage at the end. I always had to race to stop the tape at the end before this came blaring out of the tv. It's beautiful music, that's all, and all babies love music and all minds benefit from it.
Rating:  Summary: It's not too early to start! Review: We received Baby Mozart as a gift and played it the first time for our son when he was just 6 weeks old. I could not believe it was able to capture his attention the way it did! Now, at just 10 weeks old, he enthusiastically sits through the entire video! The music is synchronized well with the images. At his young age, he finds the fluid shapes and colors more engaging than the stuffed animals and play toys. But we are so excited about his interaction with the video and I would recommend it highly to new parents. We have not tried the other videos in this series yet, but I would certainly start with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Sarah sez: Baby Mozart Rocks! Review: My husband & I have been classical music fans since we were young, and wanted our daughter to grow up with an appreciation for it as well. She LOVES her Baby Mozart! I started playing it for her when she was about 3 months old. She now will go to the video cabinet and pull it off the shelf for us to put in the VCR. She can also be in another room playing, and when we pop it into the player, and turn it on she will come running the second she hears the orchestra warming up. She loves the music and will clap and dance around the living room. She also loves the animal puppets and will make the noises the animals make as they appear on the screen. I highly reccommend Baby Mozart to any parent of young children. It is worth its weight in gold! My husband and I also love what we call our "baby mozart time". Our daughter is so captivated by it, that we can actually have some mom & dad time to talk or get other things done without worrying about where she is or what she is up to.
Rating:  Summary: Great for babies Review: This is my favorite of the Baby Einstein video series. It is great for babies. It is also a great video for older babies and young toddlers before bedtime. It's a very simple, but mesmorizing video with real world objects and soothing music from Mozart.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS A MUST HAVE! Review: This video, and the whole series actually, are a must have in my opinion. My son has been watching them since 3 months old and is still as delighted with them now as he was in the beginning (he's now 13 months). I definately believe that they have had a positive effect on my son's cognitive skills; granted, I don't know how "smart" he would have been without them, but due to a birth trauma my son has brain damage. Nonetheless, he is 10-14 months ahead in cognitive and spatial skills (sorting, matching, etc.). We have also used the images, toys, puppets, etc. in these videos in order teach him "baby signs", and at 13 months old he has an active sign vocabulary of over 10 words, in addition to the standard "brooooom", "moooo" etc. for car, cow, etc. I definately credit the videos. And, even if they *don't* make your child smarter, they can't be beat for being an attention getter. My son loves to watch them, point things out, dance to the music. I highly recommend them.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: I mailed a copy of this video to my niece as a baby shower gift. Her son is now 9 months old, and I just received a letter from her which says, in part: ". . .after suffering through 2 nights without sleep due to one very miserable little boy with an ear infection, I popped in Nicholas' favorite video, "Baby Mozart." I don't know if I ever mentioned how much of a lifesaver it has been. When all else fails, "Baby Mozart" comes through and calms even the most distraught Nicholas. I'm amazed at the effect it has on him. . ."
Rating:  Summary: A winner with the "Under 2" demographic Review: Our 16-month old watches both Baby Mozart and Baby Bach and Mozart is the clear winner. Be advised that this series does not offer a lot of depth of exposure to classical music--the short musical clips that are offered are severely edited, and very repetitive. But consider the audience; kids LOVE repetition and familiarity. At least you will find yourself (and probably your child) humming Mozart and Bach tunes, which may impress your friends and coworkers more than the commercial jingles you used to sing! I think that most of the so-called "Mozart effect" claims that are made on behalf of products like these could more readily be explained by the parent-child interaction that Ms. Clark encourages. These videos each offer an entertaining half hour of kinetic toys, puppets, and common objects (like candles) that fascinate the very young. If you only buy one of the Baby Einstein series, opt for Mozart. The sound quality is better, the visuals are better, and the music is emphasized more.
Rating:  Summary: WONDERFUL!!!! Review: My 7 month-old son loves this movie! He has loved it since he was only a month old. He stares at the television and squeals in delight. I am not saying this video definately made my baby smart because I don't know how smart he would be if he hadn't watched the video. But, he is very curious and can do activities way beyond his age. He is putting shapes in his shape sorter and he has a wonderful vocabulary. ( he only says MA MA and DA DA and BA BA, but he talks constantly in his own language.) There might actually be something to this Mozart Effect. ( My own math skills have sharpened!) Anyway, BUY THIS MOVIE! Your baby will LOVE it!