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The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Unlike the book, unlike history
Review: The movie on its own isn't bad. I'll admit that I've watched it several times and I'm always entertained. But I'm greatly annoyed by a couple of things. One is that about the only thing the movie has in common with the book is the same characters. I could even forgive that, at least somewhat, because movies always change the book. But the movie give a completely misleading view of French history. Richelieu was not evil, and he certainly would never try to kill the king. Even if that somehow happened, it wouldn't make him the next king! Louis had a brother and plenty of other relatives who would have been next in line for the throne. This was the aspect of the movie that bothered me the most. Cardinal Richelieu was a complex human being, and reducing him to a one-dimensional villain is a travesty.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of my favorites
Review: I enjoy clean movies and although this one has sonme definite incinuations (Richelu trying to seduce the queen) it maintains a pretty high, though not 100%, purity. No bedroom scenes (which I think the man in the iron mask could have done without) If you want clean this is much better than the man in the iron mask. Simply compare the Porthos's!! this movie's porthos is MUCH more to my taste (as I said I like my movies clean) but was Chris O'donnel supposed to be the one intended for viewers (girls) to drool over? If so, mark missed. Charlie Sheen was so good looking in this movie, it wasn't funny. He was the best at romanticising as well. And who can forget when his beautiful theology student starts kissing him in the middle of a lesson!! Aramis: I'm flattered madam, but I am here to tutor you in theology woman: I'm sorry, but when you were talking about original sin I became impassioned and couldn't help myself. It won't happen again. Please continue. Aramis:(changing his mind) Well.... there's nothing unholy about these emotions... (more passionate kissing) (pounding on door) woman: My husband! Aramis: You're Married?!!! woman: Yes I'm married Aramis:We must pray for our sins. (door breaks open and angry husband fires at Aramis, who barely dodges the bullet Aramis: On second thought, God's aweful busy I think he was the best actor in the movie, and definitely the best looking. Well, Porthos was pretty funny too. Anyway, great movie SEE IT

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Total slaughter of a truly great book
Review: Never have I seen such a outrageous disregard for the orginal plotline than in this movie. Except for about one scene, the only thing the same between the book and movie is the name. The musketeers were never disbanded, the Cardinal never tried to kill the king, the queen did not really love the king but was in love with the Duke of Buckingham, D'Artagnan's father was not dead, Milady was not going to England to get Buckingham to sign a treaty, she was going to assassinate him, Constance had a much greater role in the story, the line 'All for one, and one for all' was used once during the book and was said by D'Artagnan instead of any of the musketeers, Athos was much more bitter towards Milady, I could go on for hours(but I'll spare you the ranting). Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie. It was funny and entertaining and I enjoyed it. But that Disney (who is well known for screwing up original stories) would even try to pass it off under the same name while ignoring the book entirely is practically a mockery to Dumas. If you want a movie that follows the plot, try 1973's version, which stays true to it throughout.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: ...almost perfect....
Review: as a huge fan of alexander dumas' creation,i often get offended at the casting choices for his writings...(gene kelly?...hello?)....in fact, my lack of a fifth star rating is only due to the lack of a fifth star in the role of D'Artagnan. once again, chris o'donnell has taken a vibrant character and turned him into mush. why on earth does he keep getting these types of roles. the only "roles" he should be getting are hamburger rolls at burger king...(make that mcdonalds...i actually like burger king!)....but besides, and in spite of, his disasterous performance, this movie is by far the finest adaptation yet, with keifer sutherland as the sturdy, but broken athos, charlie sheen as the musketeer who is as good with the lord as he is with his sword, aramis, and of course, tim curry, who never lets me down, but has indeed found his character as cardinal richeleu...but the surprise in this package is the brilliant oliver platt who takes his character, porthos, from an excessive creation and creates a living human being, full of life. it is truly a joy to see a twentieth cetury actor capture the feel of a period piece, and the "three" musketeers do just that.Another current dumas vehicle, "the man in the iron mask",falls short in that area, except that gabriel byrne has finally brought some dignity to d'artagnan, and that the brilliant jeremy irons extends sheen's performance of aramis, to make the two pieces quite complimentary. even if you've been burned by "musketeer" movies before, fear not...all for one and one for all....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Curry Steals The Show From His Younger Co-Stars...
Review: This is a rollicking, non-stop, action-filled delight! And while Sutherland, Sheen, O'Donnell, Platt - and especially DeMornay - are good, it's Tim Curry's sly, seductive turn as the evil Cardinal that fleshes out the story and offers the most memorable character. Curry is a mesmerizing, masterful actor, and this role suits him perfectly. Don't miss it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tim Curry and Rebecca DeMornay's scene was fantastic!!!!!
Review: There scene together is my favorite part of the movie. Her joke,"With a flick of my wrist I can change your religion." Is worth the purchase price. Tim Curry as the Cardinal is scary one momment funny the next. This film is not to missed!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: God I love this movie!
Review: Seen this movie?!?! Understatement of the year! I have this movie memorized!! The late Hugh O'Connor was very cute in this movie. I know every line by heart. Full of action, comedy and fun. Two of my favorite lines are "On second thought God's often busy" and "God I love my work." It makes me so sad that an actor (Hugh) so young, beautiful an talented would just take his life like that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A totally wonderful and entertaining movie!
Review: This is the best Musketeer movie that has been made in my opinion. Awesome cast and very funny. Tim Curry Rocks! The plot is completely inaccurate compared to the book(except for some minor parts), which usually really bothers me when movies are adapted from books, but this one is so good I didn't even care about that. I whole heartedly reccomend this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I read the book (The Three Musketeers) and I loved it! This is just about as good! This is a really great movie!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great !!

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