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Spy Kids

Spy Kids

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: good wonderful funny
Review: this movie is the best i really like carmen because she takes after her father and juny is very funny he tries to be like his dad but he acts more like his mom while carmen is not doing anything juny does everything for her now about carmen's spainsh (no doubt like her father ) but juny's english (totaly like his mom ) and i really think carmen looks like her dad even though she fell asleep one time juny did everything but i think really carmen is the hero

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Action-packed, tons of special effects & very entertaining!
Review: I thought SPY KIDS was very well-done. Not only will the kids love it, but this is a film that adults and teenagers will enjoy, too. This film is very worth-while viewing. It's about these two average kids who think their parents are so boring. Then, when their parents are missing, they learn their parents are actually International spies and have been kidnapped. The kids are the only ones who are able to save their parents. This film was very enjoyable. It had lots of action and very cool special effects. The plot was kind of predicetable but who cares? The acting was excellent, too by Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Alexa Vega, and Daryl Sabara as well as the rest of the cast. The kids will love that this is a film with kids as the superheros and adults and teenagers will love the cool special effects and excellent filmmaking. If you have not rented this film yet then I definitely recommend you do so. In fact, I don't just recommend that you rent SPY KIDS, but I strongly recommend you BUY it! It's the perfect family entertainment - with something for everybody! :-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Cynics need not apply
Review: Spy Kids is an interesting movie. It claims to be a kids movie, but is so awash in weirdness, that any young child might have nightmares about this. In that way it is similar to Willy Wonka, but then it is so different. Robert Rodriguez, best known for his hyper-violent films such as Desperado and From Dusk till Dawn, shows he is adept at handling light hearted and whimsical fare. Spy Kids is a sort of modern fairy-tale beginning with "Once upon a Time", and finishing with a happy ending. It is escapism for kids, and I was sucked in. What kid didn't want to have cool gadgets and be the hero. I know I did, and it reminded me of my childhood. It is refreshing to see a pure family film that takes risks with its viewers, Rodriguez isn't satisfied to keep the film within conventional techniques, he makes it a visual feast while not disorienting the viewer in anyway. On top of that, I found the bickering between the brother and sister to be really very funny; They definitely seemed like brother and sister, which was key of course. The supporting performances were uniformly excellent. Antonio Banderas and Alan Cumming both gave wonderfully eccentric performances. Overall, the movie was soaking in creativity and thoroughly satisfied me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I was in the movie and it still rocks!
Review: In early October, both my son and I had the opportunity to be extras in this film. He was a robot kid and I was in the wedding scene. It was amazing just seeing how they were making illusion and magic from the other side of the lens. We saw the movie on it's opening day, and believe me not many family films have audiences lined up to buy tickets for tomorrow's show. It is a great flight of imagination for kids and adults alike. And when you see the weeding scene and they run with their packs..look for the guy bent over chasing something in the gate shot...that would be me. Those darned helicopters blew off my glasses!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nice, imaginative, healthy, family film.
Review: "Spy Kids", is one of those films who make you want to be a child again, the gadgets, everything, and everything make up for a great wonderful family film, that is both smart and entertaining, Spy Kids is about two kids Carmen (Alexa Vega) and Juni (Daryl Sabara), who one day discovered that their parents are spies,and there have been kidnapped, so they go on to rescue them,as you have readed, the plot sounds stupid, but then i could say that "Harry Potter" is stupid, because of his fantasy plot!, the acting is great, the FX are Good, but um they look a bit unrealistic, but they still look quite good, Robert Rodriguez, has without a doubt, a lot of imagination, since he is mexican-american, i can say that he has the mexican in his film, it seems so,that he does it for passion, not money, since many of his films are quite indie, i will buy the DVD, without a doubt, and also i hope that he keeps doing more films, i can believe those people who say that this film is dumb, well again i could say again that "HP" is dumb, (i love HP), i hope that Spy kids, in the future is being considered as a family classic, i will show them to my grandsons, when i am older.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Family Film of 2001how about a sequel in 2002!
Review: I just barely saw this today in theatres and it was one of the funniest films of this year if your looking for a film that you all can enjoy this would be it, ok when I walked out of the theatre I told my mom I hope they make a sequel it will probably be as good as this one was actually that's true from what I've heard on upcomingmovies.com they said the sequels coming out next year on August 2002 now that will be exciting don't you think, so if you like Spy Kids then you'll like Spy Kids 2 as well as this one and to find out what movies will be having for the future go to upcomingmovies.com it's a wonderful site I go on there all the time.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Movie for the Kids!
Review: This was definatly not Disneys greatest achievement in movies...however I did enjoy it! It will definatly be good for you children if they range in age from about 5-11 any younger and too much older they may lose interest...the storyline is quite good and is somewhat like the movie Konrad from the mid 80's. The adventures that the children have in this movie will definatly make your kids want to be spies and the interesting gadgetry that the children have will also make your kids want the same! Definatly a good buy in my books, but not a movie that will be talked about over the years.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: um.......................not so good!
Review: I liked the actors and actresses but......the movie wasnt so great after all.I went with some of my friends and they
said it was great they were 14 11 and 9.I was excited but when i saw it i didnt know what was so good about it!I liked
a couple of the parts when the 2 kids were hidding out in that little secret place.But over all i give it 2 stars cause it wasnt so hot!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: More Proof that Adults Hate Entertaining Children
Review: Mom, Dad, buy "Shrek" instead. "Spy Brats" is an overblown, stupid, ridiculous movie not fit for brain damaged squirrels. Why does Antonio B. keep doing these bad films? What's his next project, sitcoms on the WB? Most intelligent children won't see much of the movie because they will be rolling their eyes in stunned disbelief instead of looking at the screen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great fun for all the family !
Review: My six year old son was very scepticle about this when I wanted to go and see it, he said it will be rubbish ! I was thinking who is the child here ?! Anyway we all went including my 4 year old daughter and we all loved it. All in all a great family film and one which I will buy on DVD to watch over and over again. With Shrek it is the best family film I have seen since Stuart Little and Toy Story 2.

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