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Return to Never Land

Return to Never Land

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Peter pan Fanatic
Review: I love Peter Pan, I have since I've been 4 years old, but this movie, didn't have a plot like the first one. I could have written a better story. Really young kids will like this but nobody else. Peter Pan is this movie is an airhead and shallow. We didn't get a real storyline. Jane goes to neverland finds a treasure and saves peter pan then goes home. Really lame. For Disney this was really sad. I've seen Fox's peter pan and the pirates and that is the best peter pan i've seen yet. I went to this move expecting the first peter pan again not going to happen, I think disney should either make a 3rd or apoligize.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: sensitive children should not see this movie
Review: I just went to this movie, it was great. My daughter really enjoyed the movie. We went with a friend of ours, her daughter is a really sensitive child. Our freinds daughter was very scared of Captian Hook. She cried during the movie and a long time afterward. It is not for children who are scared very easily. My daughter did not get scared, nor did any other children in the theatre. I would suggest that most children can go and see the movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Delight
Review: Disney does it again with this colorful, fast-paced fantasy young and old will enjoy. The opening scenes of World War II in Britain may be a bit intense for very young viewers (I was crying, my 8 year old was fine), but the rest is wonderful and moving. A crowd-pleaser, but not on quite the same par as Lion King or Pocahantas. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would though, and there are worse ways to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a Teenage Movie Fan
Review: At first acouple friends and I went to see this movie for old times sake. We thought it would be really on the young side- but were amazed at how the movie turned out. The scenes in the beginning regarding the clouds were great and the effects of the ship were well done. The story line is full of hope, faith and pisky dust as Jane changes from a non believer to a believer. The only draw back in the movie is the pictures they show with the credits... The movie ends with a sweet touch and I really recomend all ages to go take a peek...
*~go ahead remember some of your childhood~*
(and don't forget the kids) = )

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than the original
Review: This movie is best. Return to Never Land rules and rocks. Jane gets kidnapped by Captin Hook, and she meets Peter Pan. Better music in an all new adventure with Disney magic. At the end after Wendy meets Peter Pan when she is grown up and Danny and Jane said Good Bye Jane told him that she'll always belive in him, and then their father came back and they're happy, and Peter Pan and Tinkerbell went home to Never Land. My favorite part is when Peter Pan said "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" to Tinkerbell and Wendy sees Peter Pan.
BETTER THAN PETER PAN1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Okay, but with a word of warning...
Review: This movie is set in WWII London at the beginning, and a couple of scenes deal with the government-mandated relocation of the children of London to the countryside for their protection. While those of us who have studied this particular era of our world's history have most likely come to grips with this kind of protection, my 9-year-old daughter was particularly troubled that the train full of children were saying good-bye to their parents, who were staying behind in the dangerous area. Also, just before the "Peter Pan" bit starts, a man comes to the family's door to tell Wendy that her children are scheduled to leave on the morning train. She is upset by this news and goes upstairs to have a talk with Jane, which doesn't go especially well. Children who have any separation anxiety with regard to their parental units may find this troubling. I've been reassuring my child through historical information, but you need to be aware of the inferences here. A friend of mine with two adopted daughters who are going through a phase of "nobody wanted me" right now, has chosen not to see this movie. Sadly, it really wasn't necessary for Disney to use this reference to get to the point of the story. You can't "Disney-fy" this kind of topic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Disney Sequel of 2002!!!
Review: I went to see this with my mom on Presidents Day and we loved it the animations wonderful and the characters are too Disney has bright ideas for sequels like these except if they did A Snow White II sequel that would be just horrible which I heard about it on the Disney Animation Archive site I went on but don't worry I imagine they probably won't and never ever make one but that's another story so anyways these sequels are wonderful you should go see this it's a cute story for everyone.(...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warm, witty and clean!
Review: 'Return to Neverland' proves that making "nice children's movies" is not a totally lost art at Disney, evidently only often forgotten. There are no vulgar words, sexual references or attempts to make bathroom humor seem clever. What a refreshing change from most "children's movies" of the past several years. Parents and children alike are entertained by the plot, wonderful artwork and soundtrack. As a parent one is not embarassed by situations or dialogue, but can enjoy innocent fun again. The Peter Pan plot is well followed, with Captain Hook, the Lost Boys, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Wendy and even Nana 2 (the St. Bernard dog) all there, plus the addition of some new characters. A wonderful way to spend quality time with any of your family members or even a nice way to treat yourself to an escape for an afternoon.
NOTE TO MOVIEMAKERS/STUDIOS: Pleaes make more moivies like this!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Peter Pan's rescue
Review: Captain Hook plans to kiddnap Wendy & bring her back to never land. Peter Pan comes to the rescue, but soon he relizes it's not Wendy who's been kiddnaped,but her daughter, Jane instead. Peter,The lost boys, and Tinker bell help Jane battle Captain Hook, and bring Jane back home.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: My son and I really enjoyed it
Review: We obviously didn't go to this film expecting another "Beauty and the Beast." I only expected a direct-to-video quality time-killer, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Be honest, the original story of "Peter Pan" leaves a lot to be desired -- helpless girl must be rescued by male, embarrassing Indian stereotypes, no moral to speak of -- but this sequel does a wonderful job of redeeming the original. It offers the premise that a child who believes that Captain Hook will never triumph as long as there is "Faith, Trust, and Fairy Dust," will grow into an adult who believes that evil will never triumph as long as there is Faith, Love, and Perseverance. It is a parable that audiences today can certainly use. The animation was first rate and the background music was also very good. The songs will not likely be remembered as Disney greats, but they served their purpose. My son enjoyed the slapstick, which was well-timed and quite amusing, and I liked the message. It was certainly worth the price of admission, and we will likely add this one to our DVD collection.

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