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Mulan (Special Edition)

Mulan (Special Edition)

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $22.49
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A girl worth fightin' for....
Review: Brilliant! I loved this movie - and I think this is the last WD animation I actually liked ( any movie with Pixar doesn't count, since we all know It ain't no disney! ). I'm glad they bought this out on DVD with the special features attached to it. I wold have bought this DVD if I didn't watch it like 10 times so far. Good to buy for: Kiddes aged 3 - 14. Old people with Dimentia. And people young at heart .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A brave heart
Review: Disney really reclaims itslef with Mulan. After the disturbing sexual innuedoes in the Hunchback of ND, Mulan brings a strong self of character to Mulan. Mulan takes her fathers place in the Chinese army and in the process disguises herself as a man. The switch proves to be both hilarious but shows the strength and love Mulan feels for her family. The dragon (voiced by Eddie Murphy) injects even more humor and choas in this delightful tale. In addition, the colorful backdrop of China's countryside and villages weaves a comfortable blanket around this story in which to enjoy. In Mulan, Disney has created a character were young girls can find independance and heart.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Solid Gold
Review: Disney's acclaimed film Mulan is a treat through and through...hey, I'm Asian. It's high time they made a film with us folks in it, hehe!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of My Favorite Disney's
Review: I love most of the Disney movies whether they are animated or acted. What impressed me most about this movie was not just the animation, voice acting, and music great, but the moral was super. Most good movies have a lesson to be learned. This one was incredibly simple and to the point. Value all people and learn what they have to offer no matter what their sex, believes, et cetera. I highly recommend this movie for the whole family. It is ashame Disney hasn't learned it shouldn't limit the sales of their movies yet. I think they are going to learn the hard way when someone buys them out and stops the stupid moratorium policy. I know if I could buy Disney the first thing I would do is fire the person or persons responsible for the moratorium and second I would immediately make all Disney movies available all the time. If you see negative votes here there is a good possibility they come from scalpers. They want to sell you used Disney movies for three or four times what they are worth. They don't want them to be available all the time. They want them to be unavailable for at least eight years.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Honorable
Review: I love this movie. Its probablly the last BESTest film that came out in theatures that was from disney. Oh that wasn't pixar. This is A Great movie and the extras aren't that bad because their wasn't alot, but that doesn't matter, the movie itself matters, and the movie is good. No its not good....ITS AWESOME

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Movie for Kids
Review: I remember watching this when i was young and i couldnt stop LAUGHING.. Now that i watch the special edition which i said i MUST buy it just wasnt funny. I was watching it with my youngr cousin and they loved it though. sO i think it is great for young ones and it teaches a lesson but just not for adults.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great for Chinese adoptees
Review: My daughter, who we adopted from China, is a HUGE Disney princess fan (5 years old). While I can deal with that on a certain level, I love being able to watch this with her and talk about how Mulan saved China and that a girl can be as smart, and smarter, than boys. I think for all girls this is a hugh self-esteem building Disney movie ... Mulan is not a princess -- she's smart and she's a hero. My daughter loves this movie and I'm happy to have her watch it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not bad one-off viewing
Review: Not bein' as big a fan of Disney's animated fare as I used to be, I wasn't too keen on seein' this particular flick. But then Amazon sent me a "thank you" for being a Top 100 customer reviewer in the form of an advance copy of "Mulan II" on DVD (available at www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0002YLCH4/qid=1106712546/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-0488135-0118334?v=glance&s=dvd ) to review, and alla' sudden I had somethin' of an obligation to fulfill. So I figured that if I'm gonna review the sequel, I might as well watch the original movie so I'd be caught up on the back-story and such. Kinda like watchin' the first "Star Wars" so you're up to speed when ya check out "The Empire Strikes Back", ya know? Or not...

Anyhoo, I gave "Mulan I" a rent and a view. While I wasn't too hip with a few of the musical numbers and the rapid-fire rap that Eddie Murphy laid out as the miniature dragon Mushu, I found the show reasonably entertaining. I've always been a sucker for the tried-and-true "prennial-screw-up-who-tries-to-prove-his/her-worthiness-and-ends-up-savin'-the-day" plot, and this was one of the better ones I've seen in recent years. I even got a chuckle or two outta some of the more humorous situations, although most of the slapstick moments were more silly than funny. I even got a bit misty at the end, which hasn't happened to me since I watched "Snoopy Come Home" (available at www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005BCMS/qid=1106712476/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-0488135-0118334?v=glance&s=video ) for the first time. I only wish the animation was up to the level of "The Little Mermaid" and "Beauty and the Beast"; methinks the Disney animators are gettin' a bit complacent...

Another thing I've noticed about "Mulan" is how much more risqué it is compared to Disney's older animated musical fare; I don't think I've seen quite so many... shall we say, "glute injuries" in a Disney flick as I saw here. There's even a scene where the title character and her fellow troops come across a defeated regiment, the silhouettes of their bodies lyin' out in a snow bank off in the distance. While this scene doesn't quite drive home the horrors of war like most Japanese anime aftermath-of-battle scenes, it's pretty intense for a Disney flick...

Finally there are the special features... which are pretty sparse on the regular-edition DVD. There's the usual theatrical teaser trailer, which (somewhat surprisingly) features a few unfinished rough-cut snippets. Also included are a couple music videos from Christina Aguilera and 98 Degrees with Stevie Wonder, both of which I found absolutely unwatchable. Which makes sense, seein' as how I found the music videos' tunes unlistenable. Fortunately, both songs kicked up during the closing credits sequences, so I didn't hafta suffer too long...

On a technical note: the "Mulan" DVD gives you the option of watching the feature in widescreen or pan-&-scan. Guess which option I chose?


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Disney Lurches out of Slump with Mulan (Almost)
Review: Or would have lurched out, had they devoted any media muscle to this film. Instead, Disney chose to pull their punches and hope to recoup their money on video. Had they pushed or hyped this film in any way--more people would have seen this incredible film.

I was lucky enough to see it at the Uptown theater, the second largest theater on the east coast. Having seen the video, I'm somewhat disappointed with the pan and scan job. Watching it on a television, it just didn't have the same effect. Two examples--when the Huns charge down a mountain on horseback, and when everyone in the Imperial city bows. I wasn't filled with awe nor fear, rather I was filled with disappointment. I had seen and felt those two scenes in the theater, but on the video, they come across rather unimpressive. If Disney ever releases a wide screen edition of this movie, I'll change my review to five stars.

The voice acting is excellent, as is the screenplay. Ming Na Wen and Lea Salonga do an excellent job as Mulan, with Eddie Murphy providing plenty of comic relief.

The art and the animation style shows that Disney is not limited to cookie cutter releases like Pocahontas and Hunchback.

Oh, and finally, a Disney movie where the heroine doesn't end up kissing/dating/marrying the 'hero.' That was getting tiring. That alone gives this movie an additional 1/2 star.

Bottom Line: Superior to Previous Disney Releases

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Una oda de guerra, amor y honor
Review: Quizás el más maduro de sus largometrajes animados desde el Rey León. Una oda de guerra, amor y honor. Batallas a muerte contra la voluntad y el valor de una joven que no se da por vencida. Es Mulan, una película que combinando elementos tan distintos -seriedad y humor, amor y odio-, crea una historia inteligente y graciosa que nadie debe dejar de ver.

Basada en una leyenda china, Mulan es el relato de una joven que no encaja en las estructuras rígidas impuestas por su cultura tradicional, en cuanto al rol de la mujer dentro de la sociedad. Un espíritu independiente sentenciado a "nunca traer honor a su familia" por manifestar una manera propia de pensar y actuar.

En la época del feudalismo chino, el Emperador, quien debe confrontar un ataque de los Hunos, comandados por el vil Shan Yu, manda a reclutar un hombre por cada familia para que tomen su puesto en la futura guerra. El padre de Mulan, único hombre de la familia y atado a sus tradiciones, acepta su deber sin titubeos.

Y al igual que su padre, Mulan, sin pensarlo mucho, decide tomar su lugar, convirtiéndose en hombre. Corta su cabello, roba las armas de guerra de papá y se enlista en la milicia con el seudónimo soldado Ping. Y en el camino, se consigue 2 amigos muy caricaturescos, un simpático dragón llamado Mushu y su compañero, un grillo llamado Crikee. Ambos dan el toque de humor usual en este género cinematográfico.

En la vida militar, Mulan enfrenta un desafiante y riguroso entrenamiento, bajo la mirada crítica de su jefe de comando, el Capitán Shang. Y demuestra en el campo de batalla tanto inteligencia como valor. La historia de su búsqueda por defender el nombre de su familia y por lograr la aceptación de su manera de pensar es contada con gran estilo.

La animación es excelente, desde escenas tan impresionantes como la batalla en la nieve hasta el desfile realizado ante el palacio imperial. Se implementan ángulos de cámara inusuales, Los colores y las texturas utilizadas dan gran delicadeza a la película, favoreciendo su fotografía; la banda sonora es ligera y fresca.

En Mulán, el largometraje animado número 36 de los estudios Disney, una vez más se tratan de alcanzar y explorar emociones y sentimientos como el amor familiar, el deber, el valor, el honor, la obediencia, la osadía, la voluntad y el trabajo en equipo. Nociones muy agradables para que todos, niños y adultos, aprendan y practiquen. (1998)

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