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Stitch! The Movie

Stitch! The Movie

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $26.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disapointed...
Review: The whole family loved "Lilo and Stitch" - we did not love "Stitch the movie"....in truth - as far from love as possible - if you and your children enjoyed "Lilo and Stitch" do not buy "Stitch the move"!!!!!!!! Sad but true......we could not wait till this sequel came out........ and now we are all sad that we own this movie......when "Lilo and Stitch" was such a wonderful movie. If you feel that you need to see for yourself - rent do not buy!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't expect too much
Review: I really enjoyed the original Lilo & Stitch so this was an automatic buy. Same charactors, weak story, and only one good song. Also, only 62 minutes long including credits. My kids enjoyed it ok, but it did not work at the adult level like the original. ... Retail is a bit much for an hour long cartoon. ...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good follow up!
Review: Stitch is experiment 626. Ever wonder what happened to 1 to 625? This movie begins to explain that when Jumba, the creator of the experiments, is kidnapped. Lilo and Stitch follow their 'motto'! Jumba is part of their family, and he cannot be left behind. The same holds true when they learn about the other 'Stitches'. I do have two minor problems with this release. First, while the tale is good, it is jammed into 64 minutes. Not really allowing us to learn anything new about the characters. Second, it is really an old-fashioned marketing scheme...preparing us for the television show coming to the Disney Channel (and ABC Kids) this fall. They previewed the series on the DVD, and it does not look impressive at all. It looks like the characters were simply put into poorly drawn scenes. I hope they prove me wrong by at least making this series as impressive as KIM POSSIBLE.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Almost, but not quite.
Review: I loved the first "Lilo And Stitch" film, and was saddened to see how much of a rush job Disney did on this sequel. This hour-long feature is, of course, not as good as the original film, but still has its moments. The plot is that all the previous genetic experiments that led to Stitch ("Number 626") are being unleashed on an unsuspecting world. The problem is that we don't really get to see much of them, or to revel in their chaotic qualities the way we did with Stitch in the first film. Also, the scriptwriting and comedic timing are a bit sluggish, particularly in comparison to the lightning-fast, exuberant brilliance of the first film. This is more of a typical for-little-kids Disney knockoff, with about as much emotional impact as an average Saturday morning cartoon. A pity, really, since I still felt invested in and sympathetic towards all the characters, and if the producers had put a little more creative effort into it, this could have been a *lot* of fun.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Save your money and yourself!
Review: If you or your family LOVED (I mean really LOVED) "Lilo and Stitch" reconsider this purchase immediately. Preserve your memory of the first film. Don't even let this new one catch your eye in the rental isle. If I could have give it 0 stars I would have.

As a die-hard fan of the first movie I made the mistaken assumption that Disney would at least attempt to keep some of the same sparkle and originality of "Lilo and Stitch" in this production. I purchased the DVD on faith. I knew the that it would not measure up to the first movie, but I was sure I'd still have a good time. From the first scene I regretted my innocence and gullibility.

The plot is solely a set up for the TV show. It has no life, no originality, no structure, no surprises.

The characters, who were all so fresh and full formed have become tired 2 dimensional caricatures of themselves. They are there only to serve the new outcome of being cliche props for the TV series. This includes Lilo and Stitch. Lilo is so watered down and homogenized that the writers have her name one of stitch's "cousins", who has the power of electricity "Sparky" of all things! (Only a few of you many really understand how obscene that is to me - but like I said, I'm a diehard fan."

The animation quality is sloppy, choppy and uninspired. Many of the characters look "off" and digitized. Lilo appears to "Peanuts" character rather than her endearing roly-poly self.

The end of the film was obvious from the beginning. None of the characters grew - actually all of them regressed. And the moral was blatant and shoved down viewers throats (and it will be the same heavy handed lesson ever weekend).

This film is not worth an hour of your life. Good luck finding something better. I highly recommend the "Iron Giant."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very Disappointing
Review: I really enjoyed the original "Lilo and Stitch".

The characters are fun, the story is charming, and the animation beautiful. It's obvious that in the original film a great deal of attention was paid even to subtle sound effects. Ever notice that Stitch squeaks when he bounces? I was very, very much looking forward to this sequel, and sadly, Disney let us down.

First, it's immediately obvious that the sequel "Stitch! The Movie" is no where near the quality of the original. Most disappointing is the flat, lifeless animation. Yes, the original voices are there, but the actors and writers seemed only to be going through the motions. Adding insult to injury, I felt duped when I realized the sequel for which I'd paid $20 was really only a set-up for an upcoming Saturday morning TV series.

Much like it's animation, "Stitch! The Movie" falls flat.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as good as the first one
Review: My husband and I fell in love with the first movie of Lilo and Stitch and were quick to rush out and buy the sequel. I have to say it was a bit disappointing. The premise was that there were 625 other experiments before Stitch came to be, which would lead you to think that there would be more interaction between Stitch and his 625 "cousins." He only interacted with 2 of them. It is clear that "Stitch! The Movie" was all a set up for the upcoming cartoon series to be shown on the Disney station. The cartoon graphics were not as sharp as in the original movie which is to be expected going right to DVD. I guess we were just spoiled by the excellence of the first movie. On a positive note, all the voices were the same as in the first movie. You've gotta love the voice of Stitch!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too Saturday morning cartoon
Review: I was excited to see that there was a follow up to Lilo and Stitch and the previews and marketing lead you to believe that you will be seeing a lot of the other 625 experiments. You do not. There are two other experiments released and they are not very important to the movie. The little hampster-rat thing looked as though it walked straight out of one of those cheap cartoons that are on at 5am. My recommendation is that you stick to the first one. This is less of a movie than it is an attempted teaser for the new cartoon show.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Should Have Been So Much More
Review: As a major Stitch fanatic who was counting down the days until this film's release, I am so sad to say that I'm disappointed by this sequel. This version lacks many things that made the original movie so enchanting (and worthy of the Academy Award for best animated film, for which it was nominated): gorgeous, hand-drawn watercolor backgrounds, cool music (only one Elvis tune this time), a heartwarming and charming spirit and sense of subversive fun, the ability to make you cry, and the focus on "ohana": the desire to be loved and to find where you belong. I had hoped that this movie would focus on the adventures that Lilo, Stitch, Nani, and the others might be having now that they are a family (going to school, job for Nani, relationship between Nani and David, Stitch's attempts at housekeeping, adjusting to life together, vacations, beach fun, etc --things that were portrayed in all the wonderful snapshots at the end of the first movie). Instead, the film is mostly centered around an excrutiatingly annoying alien named Dr. Hamstervhiel (get it, Hamster Wheel? uh-huh) who abducts Jumba, and the ensuing fight to get Jumba back. Lots of outer space chases, posturing by the villains, etc. One of the biggest disappointments is that, contrary to what the previews suggested, we get to meet only TWO of the other 625 experiments!!! (And the one I was most excited about, which looked like a cute yellow version of Stitch, is an annoying slob with no personality and a grating voice that sounds something like Danny DeVito's! He has not a hint of Stitch's magically naughty charisma). The whole thing has the feel of being just a pilot for the TV series that is going to debut this fall. The one redeeming factor is that Stitch is just as adorable as ever! He desperately wants to be accepted by other people outside his "ohana," but is afraid that others see him as scary or freaky, and that he will never fit in. The few moments that are devoted to his struggles are the best part of the movie, and I only wish that they had stayed with that aspect, rather than ruining things with the same old boring outer space stuff. Hopefully, the series will center more on the family, and focus on some of the experiments that were only briefly mentioned at the very end.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Stitch- Marketing Ploy
Review: This movie is not as good as the original. The animation is like a cartoon show on TV versus a made for release movie. The story is also not as good - no real new ideas. It is very obviously simply a tool to get kids ready for their new fall TV show. I really resent that the children are being used this way. If I had realized that fact I would not have purchased this DVD. Disney should be ashamed!

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