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Something Wicked This Way Comes

Something Wicked This Way Comes

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A fun and festive romp through a scary amusement park
Review: Halloway and Nightshade...cool names for young boys to have.

I remember watching this movie back in school and having to write a report on all the imagery and allusions (and illusions) they worked into the plot...

Lots of things to think about here. You can analyze the movie and it becomes the story of an old man's desire to be younger so he can do more with his son; a boys desire to be older and better than his best friend; another boy's desire to just have fun, spend time with his father, learn, grown, etc blah blah blah. But I analyzed this when I was in school...now it's just time to enjoy it.

J. Pryce, while not doing his best work in this film, is the proprietor of dark's pandemonium. a hodge podge of exhibits in which each person sees some of their most personal desires, unfortunately those come at a price.

the old and bitter teacher of the school longs for those days when she was young and beautiful, so her wish is granted in the mirrors. unfortunately this comes at a price and she goes blind after becoming that young and beautiful woman that she loved to look at.

the carousel is of course the central theme of the movie. the carousel makes you older or younger based on which way it's turning. dark uses this to change his handyman into a little boy who goes to impersonate the teacher's nephew in town for a visit...it is later used for the destruction of dark.

whenever i see the movie i'm reminded of the song ulysses from dead can dance. it sounds like a haunted carousel spinning around and around, so while you're reading this review, go check out some albums from dead can dance :)

at any rate...a dark picture, sometimes the scenes on the dvd are very dim and you can't see very well...so don't watch the movie in a bright room or during the day. besides, you should always watch haunted movies in the night anyway, with maybe one candle burning behind you for effect.

enjoy :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfectly Terrifying!
Review: If you had the choice to have anything you wanted in life, would you give up your soul to achieve your ultimate dream? Would you choose to be younger, richer or even wish to change the past?

Ray Bradbury presents a dark fantasy filled with sinister characters who are out to take your soul in exchange for fulfilling your deepest yearning. The script is at times almost poetic and the autumn scenes in October are almost symbolic of the end of life when you might regret unfulfilled dreams.

This vulnerable state of longing is what the "autumn carnival people" prey on. They feed off regret, vanity, delusions, sorrow and pain.

On a dark stormy night, this carnival of pure evil blows into town and presents temptations for the inhabitants of Green Town, Illinois. James Nightshade and William Halloway are naturally curious and feel compelled to climb out of their bedroom windows to go see the Dark's Pandemonium Carnival being set up.

James and Will are not as aware of the dangers of evil and seem like easy prey. When they realize there is something horrid going on, they try to warn the adults, who seem almost oblivious to the threat.

Together, they spy on Mr. Dark and find out exactly what is going on. When they get caught...Mr. Dark comes after them!

The library is their refuge and they hide in the bookshelves hoping to avoid certain death. I thought this was appropriate since truth and knowledge are like light, and darkness was about to consume them. The spiral staircase in the library reminded me of the staircase in my church when lived in Illinois as a child.

If you think this story is not a metaphor of real life, then you might want to look over your shoulder.

Temptation is alive and well.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Evil Nightmares
Review: i had nightmares about this movie for years and years. i never realised what it was from, or even that i had ever seen this movie. i had a recurring dream about a certain evil carrousel... it wasn't until i was in high school and read the book by ray bradbury that i realised my evil merry-go-round dream was a part of literary history. i found out that the book had been made into a movie, and found the movie, only to see my age-old dream played out exactly as i'd remembered, with the lightning strikes and all. so perhaps i am biased, but this film is one of my favourites now.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not as good as the book!
Review: I'd like to ask Ray Bradbury why he felt it necessary to change so much of the story for this film adaptation of his own book. As an average movie it stands alone, but if you have already read the book, don't expect the same level of suspense, mystery or atmosphere. The film has virtually none of these. I could understand the difference if the screenplay had been written by someone else, but the way Bradbury has cut up his own work is beyond understanding. The main let down is the ending. When I read the book I pictured it as a movie. It would have worked wonderfully without any major changes. This movie just lacks the magic of the original story.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A movie well worth seeing again
Review: The first and only time I had seen this film was in the theater when I was 13. That is until I purchased it from Amazon. I remembered it as a GREAT movie when I was a kid and thought I'de give it another viewing. I was pleasantly surprised. It was better than I remembered. If anyone reading this has seen the film adaptation of the Stephen King novel "Needfull Things", you might want to check out this precurser. The film is beautifully shot and acted. Probably one of the best scenes in the film is the exchange between Jason Robards and Jonathan Pryce in the library. It is wonderfully written and very compelling. This film would be a bit scary for younger children, but the older ones will get a kick out of it. The special effects for it's time are fantastic. I highly recommend this film to all fans of Science Fiction.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: this is a really cool movie.
Review: I would really recommend this video, and I would also recommend the Howling, and the Dentist. And especially Silver Bulled, and Salems lot, "Get the full version," of Salems lot. order it off of Amazon.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: "Be careful what you wish for..."
Review: This is an underrated gem. I recall watching it for the first time when I was twelve, and the scene in the library, where Will's father utters the titular line, scared me out of my wits. Sixteen years later, it still scares me out of my wits.

The theme of evil visiting a small town has been done many times, but seldom as effectively as this. Whoever cast Jonathan Pryce deserves an award, because he is truly frightening as Mr. Dark. When Mr. Dark finds and exploits the hopes and fears of his prey, he is both ruthless and humorless (most movie incarnations of evil fall back on humor at least once), but somehow the movie never takes itself too seriously. It also manages to weave in another plot which is just as important as the carnival of evil's arrival in town: the feeling of alienation between the boy Will and his aging father.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Spooky tale of childhood
Review: What if you could have your fondest wish come true? The sinister Mr. Dark and his Pandimonium carnival answers this question for the residents of Green Town, IL with a "be careful what you wish for" vengence in this atmospheric and fun tale of nostalgia and spookiness. Jonathan Pryce is spot-on as the evil Mr. Dark, while Jason Robards brings his crusty brand of warmth as the town librarian who opposes him. Pam Grier is a lovely vision as the Dust Witch, while character actor Royal Dano has a great little role as Tom Fury, the lightning rod salesman who holds the to the sinister carnival's destruction. Ray Bradbury does a fine job adapting his classic novel to the screen and the film evokes the potential scariness of the carnival very well. See this film as a double-bill with 7 FACES OF DR. LAO, another film which features a mystical carnival. Highly recommend!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Underated "Adult" Theme from "The Mouse Factory"
Review: Unlike so many of the live action fare from the Disney studio that preceded it, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" is a genuinely entertaining light thriller. It is not scary but does have its moments (the spider "assault" comes to mind).

Jason Robards and Jonathan Pryce are quite good in their adversarial roles. The always-dependable Royal Dano gives support and a silent Pam Grier is seductive as the "Dust Witch" who appears in various forms throughout the flick.

Not as good as Clayton's masterpiece "The Innocents," the film is still worth a look. Also, a treat for the ears is an early score by "Titanic" composer James Horner.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Flick that delivers without huge names or budget.
Review: This is a perfect example of what a movie should be: a simple setting and plot with very good acting...no huge budget and overpaid actors who don't deliver as in most of today's movies. Jonathan Pryce delivers as the eerie Mr. Dark and his stare is enough to make you keep the lights on at night. Jason Robards also performs well as the ageing father filled with regrets. This movie is a must for Halloween and a nice addition to anyone's personal collection.

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