Rating:  Summary: Do you really think Walt would approve? Review: I'm a very liberal person and i have no belief in political correctness but somehow i don't approve of how the legend of Santa Claus is being portrayed. Is this really the way we want our kids to think of Santa? (those kids that still believe in Santa that is). Please remember folks that the legend of Santa is really based on a real person, Saint Nicholas. This film as well as the first version isn't how i would like to remember 'ol Saint Nick. Somehow after working and meeting Walt Disney, i don't believe that he would of approved of this film either.
Rating:  Summary: Tim Allen shines in a decent movie for the Holidays Review: "The Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause" is a decent enough sequel, buoyed mainly by Tim Allen's engaging performance, which is added by the fact that all of his comic excess is vented through the "toy" Santa that is created to fool the elves at the North Pole while Santa is out shopping for a wife. The movie splits into two plot lines. For the kiddies there is the toy Santa deciding to maintain a strict interpretation of what it means to be "naughty" and put coal in the stocking of every child. For the adults there is the attempt of Scott/Santa to woo, win and wed Carol Newman (Elizabeth Mitchell), the principal at the school where Charlie Calvin (Eric Lloyd) has been defacing school property with anti-Christmas graffiti. As the clock ticks down on the efforts to find his Mrs. Claus, Scott begins the process of de-Santification, which means the beard and belly end up disappearing. The best sequence of the film is when Scott manages to actually talk himself into a date with Principal Newman and uses his entire reserve of magic to impressive her, which he does. We are impressed, even though part of what he does is the same sort of thing that convinced Charlie's step-father Neil (Judge Reinhold) that Santa was real the last time around. But for me this movie comes down to the moment when Carol has to become convinced of the truth and I did not find the movie's solution to that pivotal moment to be particularly memorable or moving, as much as I wanted it to be. However, that objection will matter not a whit to the small fry who will be more concerned with flying reindeer and the final encounter with the toy Santa's army of toy soldiers (which ends up as a very weak rehash of "Babe in Toyland"). Still, a holiday movie this time of year that the kids will enjoy is a good thing. There are some nice character bits turned in by Art LeFluer as the Tooth Fairy, Peter Boyle as Father Time, Michael Dorn as the Sandman, Kevin Pollack as Cupid, and Molly Shannon as a prospective bride who is clearly Santa's #1 fan. Final note: Be sure to stick around for the first part of the end credits because you do not want to bolt out of your seats and be the first person out the door at the end of this one.
Rating:  Summary: I loved this movie Review: I thought that Santa Clause 2 outshined Santa Clause 1 in every way! This movie was laugh-out-loud funny, sweet, clean, and just a feel-good, leave-the-theater-happy kind of movie. There are scenes that will have you cracking up days later. Tim Allen is one funny dude, and his delivery and timing are perfect. And just for your information, I don't have kids. My husband and I just enjoy wholesome family entertainment. Santa Clause 2 is that and then some!! I give it a 10 out of 10. Great holiday flick!
Rating:  Summary: 3 1/2 stars Review: A nice holiday film. Pretty good sequel. Not quite as warm as the first, but touching at times and certainly enjoyable family entertainment. The plot is ok; the writing is good. About seven years after the events in the first "Clause", the North Pole is bustling with activity about a month before Christmas. The opening sequence gives a nice, fanciful view of Santa's village and workshops. You see Santa as a good manager/leader happily encouraging the elves in their efforts. But trouble is on the horizon - literally in the opening sequence and figuratively in the form of two problems: Charlie, Santa's son, has grown into a teenager and is getting in trouble for rebelling against a repressive school principal with no holiday cheer; and Santa finds another "clause" that says he must find a Mrs. Claus or he will be "de-Santafied", reverting back to Scott Calvin. And he has only 28 days before this marriage must occur, coinciding of course with Christmas Eve. A cute scene occurs at the North Pole as it is Santa's turn to host a Board Meeting of Legendary Characters: The Easter Bunny, Cupid, The Tooth Fairy, Mother Nature, Father Time (Peter Boyle) and The Sandman (Michael Dorn of Star Trek:TNG fame). Charlie now has a six year old stepsister and this young actress does a very nice job with her role. She is charming. While Santa is away looking for a wife and tending to Charlie's troubles, bad tidings occur at the North Pole - beware of soul-less technology and a rigid enforcement of "the rules"! I don't like giving anything away for people who plan to see the movie. I would suggest that this movie will work much better if you have seen the first movie. So if you haven't seen "The Santa Clause", rent and watch that before this. I also wonder how effective this movie would be for children under six. This sequel's content, while rated G, feels a bit older than the first. The acting is well-done and comes across as genuine, though the Bernard character seems a bit overplayed with more broad physicality than seems needed. Happy Holidays!
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the Video Review: I went to the Santa Clause 2 in the hopes of getting myself into the Christmas spirit but somehow. . .even with all the elves and snow. . .the film didn't really capture anything about Christmas. There were brief moments that I thought were right on the button, like a scene where SC (Scott Calvin/Santa Claus) gives a group of adults their favourite presents from Christmases past. The storylines that the film tried to tackle could have been so much better if they all hadn't been vying for screen time. There was 1)The search for Mrs. Clause 2)Charlie being on the naughty list 3)A Reindeer in training 4)An Evil Santa Clone 5)Other figures of legend (Mother Nature, the Tooth Fairy, etc.) 6)A "Number Two" Elf who's obsessed with rules. . .the list goes on. The best parts were when Scott was being normal, without the beard, without the belly. . .he didn't suddenly change his behavior, he was still kind and a child even came up to him without his beard, etc. (That was a cute scene, btw). Overall, I don't think this film should have been put to theatres, it would make an okay video release but even then I don't think I'll add it to my library of Christmas films. Observing the children in the theatre they seemed pretty bored with the film, especially the "romantic" parts. There was also a terribly embarassing scene where Scott tries to go on a blind date with this psycho woman who is obsessed with christmas. . .it really made no sense. A better plot would have been to look at adults who go through the motions of Christmas (like the lady on the blind date or like most of the film itself) but who aren't really good or kind, they're just wearing holiday sweaters. Or they could have taken a page out of Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather" and looked at how a mythical figure loses power when people stop believing. One caveat I should mention: The scenes with the "evil santa" are pretty disturbing, I don't know how children would handle the image of someone who looks like santa wearing a beret and ordering toy soldiers to harm the elves. Even though an adult would know the santa is fake, I have no doubt that it would cause a nightmare or two. On the bright side, the previews before the film were neat -- Treasure Planet & Harry Potter especially look like great family films for November.
Rating:  Summary: *THE* Christmas Classic of the 21st Century Review: What a riot!! The entire audience laughed throughout the entire movie, and it was a sold out showing. It's not often I find a flick all three kids walk out loving since they're 3, 5 and 14 years old. I loved the first "Santa Clause" and was pleasantly surprised to find all the original main characters / cast back, and not some capitalist driven attmept at an eight-years-later-rewrite of the first movie. "Santa Clause 2" is a truly original sequel that complements the first go round. Tim Allen's hilarious comedy and keen sense of wit shine once again, and the entire cast contribute awesome talent and performances. And for those adults who, like me, are true believers - Disney actually did an incredible job bringing the North Pole with all the Christmas Magic and Citizens to life. This one's a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: the santa clause 2 Review: Great movie Tim Allen was funny as usual.I love the christams season.
Rating:  Summary: This is going to be a great christmas movie Review: after watching the first movie i ran out an bought the DVD.. i cause you can tell from my reviews love movies that everyone can watch together. This movie is just plain fun! This movie is going to be Great i have seen a trailor for it, it looks even better than the first.
Rating:  Summary: The mrs. clase search:by Brian k. Review: Santa forgets to read something importent. It says he is going to get married. It will be a mrs. clase. They search the north pole for the mrs. clase. He had made is list and checked it 2 times. It is a sequl to the first. The santa clase 2:the mrs. clase sounds awsome.He is a great santa.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Sequel that should of been a little bit better Review: I enjoyed Santa Clause 2, I really did but there were some parts that messed up to be the same or has better than the first one.No boring parts, but cheesy part.28 Days before Christmas he finds out that if he dont get married before Christmas he wont be Santa Clause ever again.The part that I thought was stupid that magical thing that Benard gave him but he did do some cool stuff with it.But a sequel that should of been better. *****/***** 88/100