Rating:  Summary: More for Kids Review: Though I enjoyed watching this one too. I found it to be more for the kids this time. The first Santa Clause had more for the entire family, young and old alike. This version was definately in line with young fantasy. But, isn't that what Christmas is all about. Merry Christmas!
Rating:  Summary: Santa needs to watch out for the fine print... Review: I honestly had pretty low expectations of Santa Clause 2. The first film was utterly charming and the law of diminishing returns usually applies to sequels. I was very pleasnatly surprised to find that Santa Clause 2, while not quite as inventive as the first film, was a fun and charming movie. There's a number of sequences that rank up there with the first movie and, although the film feels a bit rushed towards the end (we only see one blind date in the movie but, heck with Molly Shannon from SNL, it's a great little scene). It seems that Scott Calvin aka Santa missed another little bit of fine print in the Santa contract. He has to find a Mrs. Clause or he'll no longer be Santa. To prevent the elves from panicing while he's gone, one of the other elves comes up with a machine that can create a duplicate full size "toy" Santa. With the temporary Santa in place, Scott begins to see the effects of his desantafying, in other words, he returns to looking like Scott Calvin. There's another problem awaiting Scott when he returns home--his son Charlie has been "tagging" (i.e. painting graffiti) the high school he's going to and has been caught his his principle Carol(Elizabeth Mitchell). Scott returns home and ends up staying with his ex-wife and her husband (the clueless and marvelous Judge Reinhold). Scott's ex sets him up on a number of blind dates (as mentioned before we only see one but it is quite funny). When Charlie gets caught tagging again at the school, Scott negoiates detention vs. having his son expelled but there's a catch--Scott has to help Charlie serve detention. Scott suddenly notices a romantic spark between he and Carol. When Scott decides to woo her the film has some of its most effecting moments. Back at the North Pole the Toy Santa has gone bananas--after reviewing the rule book, he decides that every child in the world deserves a lump of coal. He also decides to retool the toy factory into a coal factory. Now Scott has to save his position as Santa and Christmas. Tim Allen is marvelous as both Scott Calvin, Santa and the Toy Santa. His natural comedic flair and timing help make the tone of the film (which veers from comedy to a number of touching moments) work. Elizabeth Mitchell also gives a nicely nuanced performance as Carol. Despite her beauty, she's believable as the drill disciplinarian princple and Scott's love interest. I was really surprised to see the young actor who played Charlie in the first movie in this one as well. Unlike a lot of child actors, he's managed to retain many of the qualities that made him so effective in the role in the first place. Although Judge Reinhold has made a number of stinker movies over the past decade, it doesn't detract from his ability to light up the screen. He's a natural, goofy comic presence. The DVD comes with a number of deleted scenes and it's pretty clear why they were deleted. Still, the scene between Mother Nature and Father Time would have been great in the movie. The cameos include appearences by Michael Dorn (Worf from Star Trek) as the Sandman, Peter Boyle as Father Time and Kevin Pollack as a love challenged Cupid. The gag reel isn't quite as funny as I would have thought but there is a chuckle or two there. The True Confessions of The Legendary Figures features "interviews" with the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Mother Nature and there's also Operation Toy BOx: Save Santa Set Top Game which I didn't have a chance to try. DVD Rom features include Coloring Book Activity, a fairly lame Reindeer Games gameas well as two other games I didn't have the time to try. The Santa Clause 2 is fun entertainment for the whole family. While it isn't quite as original as the first movie, there's still plenty of creative invention that keeps this film rolling along.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie Review: I think this was a great movie for a rainy day, go TIM!!
Rating:  Summary: It IS as good as the original. Review: "The Santa Clause" is a holiday movie that my family has watched and loved multiple times every year. It really captured the spirit of the day in a way that EVERYONE can appreciate. "The Santa Clause 2" was something I didn't bother to see in theaters, because it's been my experience that Disney can't do sequels right. Based on past failures, this could have truly been a terrible film. Luckily, I heard from a friend who became absolutely obsessed with it and counted down the days to its DVD release. She said it was not only, in her opinion, slightly better than the first, but that it was a generally wonderful and very funny movie. Sufficiently persuaded to purchase the DVD, I now can honestly say that I'm glad I did. In this movie, the entire original cast returns for a story that's actually quite clever for a "part II." Colorful and fun from beginning to end, the humor is genuine, and not the 'corny' kind you might expect. Actually, my favorite line is when the "number two elf," Curtis, says, "The Desantafication process has begun!" He shouts it so loudly and rapidly it's scary--but mad humorous. If you don't already know the story, here it is in a nutshell: Scott needs a wife in order to remain Santa forever; the "Mrs. Clause." His son Charlie is falling into 'bad behavior' because he feels neglected and upset that he must keep his father's secret, when his dad's got the coolest job of all. While Scott is courting the school principal using magic, back at the North Pole, chaos is ensuing as the toy santa goes awry and develops a persona not unlike Hitler. He whips the elves into long, miserable work hours and is just basically cruel, screwing up the entire process of Christmas by deciding that most kids are naughty and they all deserve only coal. The reindeer, Scott's ex-wife and Neil, the hilarious Council of Legendary Figures, etc., all combine to make a truly satisfying movie that is a very, very worthy successor to "The Santa Clause." I am pleased to say, a longtime fan of the original was not disappointed at all. (Warning: The most irritating character by far is Molly Shannon's small role of Tracy, Scott's first dismal attempt at finding a Mrs. Clause. Tracy has an unhealthy obsession with country music and bursts into a highly embarassing singing-and-dancing performance of a Shania Twain song with lyrics twisted to be about Christmas--UNDER THE WATCH OF EVERYONE IN A PUBLIC RESTAURANT WITHIN FIVE MINUTES OF THE START OF A FIRST DATE. Something's wrong with this woman. She's one of those, "I-am-not-with-her, I've-never-seen-her-before-in-my-life" kind of humilating freaks of nature whom you'd NEVER wanna be caught dead with in public. The scene is funny--still, I dunno about anyone else, but I felt really awful for Scott. I mean, he responded the way any normal red-blooded American would, and then Tracy storms out on him for not "supporting her ambition" when she "put herself out there" which she claims was "not an easy thing to do.") Bernard has a big role, and is even more likable in this one; he doesn't like Curtis much, but he's used to having Scott as Santa. "Chet" is the new, inexperienced reindeer-in-training who is completely horrible at guiding a sleigh--or just flying, for that matter. The Tooth Fairy, who wants to change his name to Tooth Man, Tooth Guy, Molinator, Tooth, Plaque Man, Captain Floss, or as I recall, Roy, is hysterical. "No kid will leave a tooth under their pillow for some guy named Roy," claims Cupid. Eh heh...it's probably true. Also, BE SURE TO WATCH THE SPECIAL FEATURES!! They're excellent. The interview with the Legendary Figures is hilarious. Gotta love Cupid. "Deleted scenes" & "gag reel" are tons of fun. Watch the movie with the audio commentary from Micheal Lembeck as well as the hysterically funny ten-minute "Exploring the North Pole w/ Curtis." These are too much fun & they give greater insight into the rivalry betwixt Curtis and Bernard. Banana, anyone?! So on the whole, it's a great film. For everybody. I'd see it if I were you. Terrific holiday movie. A new tradition will be watching the first followed by the second each year.
Rating:  Summary: Another classic holiday movie. Review: I rented this movie and I liked this one more than the first one , but maybe I just missed Tim Allen. I rate the Santa Clause movies up there with Christmass Vacation. This one was realy funny. Mrs. Clause was hot. My son laughed the whole movie. If you liked the first one than you will love this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Santa Clause 2 Review: Santa Clause 2 Is Without A Doubt The Christmas Classic Of This Generation! Comedy, Suspense,Great Special Effects And Music! All I Can Say Is If You Miss This Movie You've Missed One Of The Best Christmas Movies Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Must See It For Yourself!
Rating:  Summary: A Nice Christmas Movie Review: The Santa Clause 2 brings Tim Allen back as Santa Clause. He finds out that his son Charlie is on the naughty list. On top of that he is told that if he doesn't find a Mr.s Clause in 28 days that he will no longer be Santa. So he has to deal with his son and find out why he became a behavior problem. While trying to fall in love as well. When he is gone from the North Pole he leaves a big toy clone Santa of himself in charge. Tim Allen plays that clone Santa of course and steals the show as him. The real Santa is sweet and cuddly. He plays football with the elves and lets them win. The toy Santa is mean, he pretty much destroys the elves while playing football with them. That scene is very funny though. Anyway the toy Santa gets a mind of his own and takes over Santa's work-shop. He enlarges some toy soldiars and has them make the elves work on coal. He thinks all the kids deserve nothing but coal for Christmas. The movie is mostly warm and magical though. Tim Allen's scenes with Charlie's Principal who he falls for are sweet. The reindeers Comet and the your crazy reindeer in training are funny too. Tim Allen interacts well with them. The reindeers have this silly lanuage that's hilarious. The Tooth Fairy being this big macho guy is funny too. The movie's only problem is that it is overly silly at times. Despite that the Santa Clause 2 is still a fun and cute sequel and may be even better than the original.
Rating:  Summary: Time To Believe Again Review: Tim Allen returns to role that gave him his biggest box office success back in 1994. Good 'ol Saint Nick. Why did it take so long to get a sequel to the smash hit original made?. Well, Allen himself said they could never find the right storyline and that they wanted it to be perfect. It took 8 years to find the right story?. The plot of this movie pretty much sounds like the obvious storyline to do, so I'm surprised it took them almost a decade to realize it. Scott Calvin(Allen), has been Santa in the north pole for many years now and many believe that he has been the best Santa ever. The glimpses into the north pole and the Santa village and workshop are wonderful. This is what I have always imagined the place to look like. However, the place is located underground, and that's the first time I have seen them do that. Head elf Bernard(David Krumholtz), is back, and is followed around by the #2 elf, who is played by Spencer Breslin, who was seen in "The Kid", and the upcoming "The Cat In The Hat" movie. Santa gets his annual naughty and nice list and is shocked to see that his son, Charlie, is on the naughty list. But Bernard has bigger news. It is written in the clause agreement that made Scott Santa that he has to get married, get a Mrs. Clause, or he will be desantified. Will no longer be Santa. Ho no!. He travels back to town to catch up on what Charlie has been doing, being reunited with his ex-wife, and her horrible sweater wearing husband Neil, once again played by Judge Reinhold. As the desantification beings, and Scott begins to shrink his body weight and lose the beard, he gets involved with Charlie's ice princess principal, Principal Newman, played by the lovely Elizabeth Mitchell. He realizes that she may be the one he has been looking for, but has to get her to realize it before his time is up and he is no longer Santa. In the meantime, the north pole is being overrun by a replacement Santa who quickly becomes dictator-ish and causes chaos and mayhem. This sequel is sweet, warm, and fun. I can't say it is as good, or has the same kind of magical feel and quality to it as the wonderful original, but it comes close. Then again, what sequel really does?. It's good, clean family fun, and everyone should enjoy it. Tim Allen, not surprisingly, carries the film. There were moments and scenes with no real spark, but were made by his being there. His jokes and overall presence lift the film and make it what it is. Eric Lloyd returns as Charlie, and he isn't bad. Dealing with young teen angst and the big secret he has to carry about his father really weighs on him and he does a pretty good job of making it seem real. Nothing special, but he gets the job done. I would of liked more screen time for Reinhold, but what are you going to do?. What the film lacked was the awe and specialness of the original. The original just seemed natural as these magical things begin to happen and everyone has to deal with them. Since everything has been set for quite some time now in this film, the enchantment isn't the same. Don't get me wrong because it is still there, but it's not the same. SNL alum Molly Shannon delivers one of the best moments when she cameos as a potential love interest for Scott. She delivers a doozy of a Christmas tinged Shania Twain song and it's hilarious. Also, original cast member Peter Boyle, who played Scott's boss in the oringal, has an uncredited cameo here playing Father Time. So, in the end, what you get is a really fun, nice movie that gives sequels a pretty good name. There's no harm, no foul, but the first is still the best.
Rating:  Summary: Another Sequel--Fun, but Overdone Review: Well, I have to preface this review by saying that The Santa Clause (I) might be my favorite movie EVER, and so of course I was expecting great things from the sequel. After seeing it in the theater I did feel that sense of early Christmas magic (didn't hurt that it was snowing out), but also an empty sense of yet another dissapointing sequel. Sure, the kids will love this movie, that is if they aren't sCaRed by it. (Yes, evil-toy-come-to-life imitation Santa is one frightening dude.) But if you really want a movie that'll enrich the family Christmas spirit, go for the original. The Santa Clause II is simply TRYING TOO HARD--there are too many tangled plot lines that are supposed to be rather wry, but end up feeling cheezy and awkward. Yes, I mean the council of mythical beings, the whole "Mrs. Clause" idea, that gross farting reindeer, etc etc. Surely it still has moments of genuinely warm humor and Christmas cheer, but the magic is gone. Oy that sounds insincere, but I mean it. The simple conflict of family tensions and believing in Santa has been resolved--so they desperately need new ones, but those that they have come up with simply don't feel right. Luckily, Eric Lloyd still plays Charlie, and he's wonderful and quite believable. (yes, he made me cry) And of course, Judge Reinhold as Neil, my favorite--still wearing those creepy sweaters. Actually, my REAL favorite is David Krumholtz as Bernard (!!), but unfortunatley Bernard is no where near as surly as he was in the last movie--he's become virtually without personality, only to be replaced by the annoyingly surly elf Curtis. Ok, but I said that this movie was fun, right? Well, Tim Allen does prop up all of the extraneous plot lines and saggy jokes with his very funny but solidly likeable portayal of Santa-dad. And for some reason, it does invoke feelings of Christmas cheer. But after that some nausea. So I'd reccommend 1 over 2, unless you're a DIEHARD FAN like me...which is somewhat odd considering this is a xmas movie geared towards seven year olds! However, if you're really at a loss for xmas cheer, rent it and have a really OK time.
Rating:  Summary: A great family Christmas film! Review: This is a great sequel to the original in so many ways. First, the cast from the first returns! While the banter between Scott and his ex-wife's husband Neil isn't nearly as plentiful as it was in the first movie, it's still hilarious when it happens. The toy Santa has some classic lines in the final confrontation with Scott ("Whoa, he's an action figure!"), and it's great to see Charlie and Bernard both returning for the second trip (you really don't realize how long it's been since the first one until you see how much Charlie's grown!). This is a "G" rated film, and I have to congratulate the guys on doing that. So few "G" rated movies come out anymore that it's a relief to see one that makes it and has a great star in it! I felt just a little cheated by the ending because there just seems like there should be an "after Christmas" scene to see how it all worked out, but I guess that leaves a little something for another sequel. You can tell everyone had a good time making the film, and I hated to see some of those deleted scenes taken out of the movie (Scott's blind dates were hilarious). All in all, this is a great dvd and a great follow-up to the original.