Rating:  Summary: Home Alone 3 stands quite well on its own merits! Review: Home Alone 3 is pure delightful entertainment from start to finish. The star, child actor Alex D. Linz is a welcome new talent who is a breath of fresh air after McCaulkin in the first two Home Alones. The 3 bad guys, actually 2 men and a woman, acted and directed brilliantly I felt, come across as extremely dangerous and smart criminals at the very beginning. As things get heated up however, Alex outsmarts these adult crooks, who are looking for a top secret electronic device, which all the while is of course right under their noses. There are some brilliant technological tricks used in the story, for example the camcorder on the remote control car which sends a video signal back to Alex. Alex is unstoppable in his foiling the crooks, and that translates to cartoon-like comedy. Adults won't be fooled by the same unbelievable stunts that the kids will just marvel over. Both adults and kids will love the talking parrot, who even sings a piece of "Bad Bad LeRoy Brown". The movie is obviously made for kids, with all the kid heroism going on, but adults who pay close attention will enjoy many of the dual-meaning and sometimes satirical lines of the bad guys, often poignant and above the level of most children's understanding. I feel it goes further than the first two Home Alones, using a more cerebral humor. The music tracks used in this movie are mostly enjoyable, but understandably aimed more at kids. I loved Home Alone 3, and I would show it to my own grandchildren.
Rating:  Summary: Changes the whole home alone story Review: I first liked this movie when I first saw it but now when I think about this, this movie totally ruins the home alone sequence. Here are some examples. 1) The movie has nothing to do with Kevin McCallister or any relationship with the first 2 movies. So just because it has a kid setting traps like the first 2, is this really considered a sequel? because sequels usually have relationships to its previous films and this one didn't. 2) The bad guys in the movie are not crooks like Marve and Harry. These guys happen to be a group of masterminds and computer geniuses that are not wanted by the police but instead the FBI. 3) It has a very bizzare plot. The reason why the criminals are here is because of luggage mixup. It was kind of stupid too because there bag was behind someones luggage and but comes out of the x-ray machine first and was identical to another bag. And not only that, how could the lady who took their bag by accident have not realized it was the wrong bag. It took the criminals less then 10 seconds to realize they had the wrong luggage. They need their bag because it had a toy car that they hid a missil chip inside of that they need. 4) The new hero, Alex (Alex d. Linz from Max Keeble's big Move) isn't staying home alone because his family went on vacation and forgot him but because he has chicken and stays home from school and his parents have to go work. 5) An 8 year old boy takes out 4 supergeniouses. Lets just take a minute to think WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???????? I know in the first 2 we have an 8 year old boy taking out criminals but those guys were morons. Where dealing with people who have mini camers on their singlasses and intercept phone calls. These guys are wanted by the FBI and they are dumb enough to get trapped by a little kid. One trap where Alex put yarn and a wire together and hooking to a cord making it electrical. The guy was sp stupid into cutting the wire, why didn't he just walk around it?I agree with another rviewer that this movie shouldn't have been called home alone. It had nothing to do with the original and brought us a totally different storyline. It is like Halloween 3. I'll admit this movie is kind of funny but becomes boring later. This is one product that I recommend not to get but if you do intend on watching this movie then rent it. But if you still like then go ahead and buy this movie because this is only what I think. There many of other people who would say this is there favorite movie. I'm just not one of them. It's your desicion, do what you want to do. If you see other reviews that convince you to buy this then go ahead. These are just my thoughts.
Rating:  Summary: JUST HORRIBLE Review: Home Alone 1 was a very good movie. It was very original and it had many funny parts. Home Alone 2 was just as good, maybe even better, since it was the same actors and everything. However this Home Alone, Home Alone 3, is utterly disgusting. Its very upsetting to see a movie that has nothing at all to do with the first two movies have the same name and make the movies a trilogy. This movie and the other two movies are opposites, and they should not have let them call this movie "Home Alone 3." This Home Alone has truly tarnished the Home Alone name, and should never have been released. The plot was horrible, and it was a horrible imitation of the first Home Alone. Please do not waste your time buying this movie or even seeing it, since its a waste of 2 hours of your life. I regret seeing this movie, and this movie should be banned in America. The Home Alone name will never be the same, and that is very sad.
Rating:  Summary: HORRIBLE!! TERRIBLE!! Review: This has got to be the biggest rip-off ever. There are two words to describe this.....HORRIFIC and DESCUSTING! They can't just throw any garbage out like this!!! Home Alone one and two are the best movies EVER in my book!! Don't waist your money!! There will never be another Macaulay Culkin!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Overdone. Review: This franchise is completely overdone. They should never have made a third one. It just doesn't work. The worst part is this movie is actually a good movie. The bad part is that this movie is part of a series known for it's greatness. If you'll notice, the director of the first two (Chris Columbus) did NOT return for this one, and that it is under new direction. This may be part of the problem, but the biggest problem is that you'll just be shaking your head at how unrealistic it was. Two burglers are different than 5 FBI-wanted criminals, who are dealing with missiles. It just doesn't make sense. The lack of realism and the fact that this series should NOT have been made into a trilogy simply takes a lot out of this film. Based on reading these reviews, people who like the first 2 seem to hate this one, and people who never saw the first 2 really like this. There are some exceptions, however. Basically, this movie would be much better if it was NOT part of the Home Alone series.
Rating:  Summary: Home Alone 3... The idea continues! Review: OK, the plot is getting a little old. Bad guys enter into the live of a kid, who deals with them in a crazy and funny manner, that sends the criminals to prison crying. The idea of this movie is anything but old! When international spys mix up packages, the beginning of the end is signaled. Not from police or FBI, but from the most feared law enforcement of all, a child. Watch as young Alex (like his predecessor in the previous two episodes) deals with criminals in a style only a child could concoct. This is a hillarious movie, that you won't want to miss. If you liked the first two Home Alones, you'll love this one!
Rating:  Summary: Better than Home Alone 1 and 2 Combined Review: I could never stand HA 1 & 2, more direct I thought Macaulay Culkin was just horrible and overrated. The story is a classic and it is always fun to watch kids outsmartting adults, the pranks are just great. This movie should have been called "The Real Home Alone - what the first two were not". Basically the point of this movie as well as the others is for the viewer to have a fun time. Culkin, kills the first two and makes for an unenjoyable experience. Alex D. Linz in HA3 is adorable, and makes the move a joy to watch.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie That Shouldn't Have Been Made Review: Why did they make Home Alone 3 anyway? Home Alone 2 was very funny, but the first one was that much funnier. Basically, the series had reached its end. But its producers didn't want to let go and decided to pursue a third chapter in the series, which turned out to be a dreadful decision. Home Alone 3 was an unnecessary addition. The story doesn't have anything to do with the McCallister family and Alex's relationship with his family is not nearly as funny as Kevin's. In this one, there are no unique siblings or relatives like Buzz, Kevin's cousins, or the very cheap Uncle Frank. There really is no sense of character or family relationships in this film. I give credit to Alex D. Linz, because he had tough shoes to fill and the writers didn't really give him any good lines. But Alex's character was not mischievous like Kevin McCallister in the first two. That's why this movie shouldn't have had the title Home Alone in it. Overall, this movie was highly fictional and unnecessary. Four intelligent spies getting out-witted by an 8 year-old. Come on! I haven't seen the fourth one that just came out, but I'm sure it will be painful for any adult to watch. Especially someone who has seen 1 & 2. Bottom line: Stick with Parts 1 & 2 and see the difference for yourself. In the end, you'll be glad you didn't buy this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: ranks up with the first two despite the negative reviews Review: Is there really a good reason to trash this movie? Sure, Home Alone 3 is a whole new story with a different family but c'mon... how much more could the original plot have gone on with the McCallister family and the Wet Bandits? This movie delivered what the previous Home Alones had: a good story, humor, creativity, and four crooks opposed to just two. If you keep an open mind and not criticize this movie for not being related to the first two, then you will definately enjoy Home Alone 3. It's too bad Home Alone 4 wasn't a continuation of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the bunch Review: I liked Home Alone. I loved Home Alone 2. I didn't think anything could possibly top the sight of Tim Curry on his knees telling a fictitious hotel patron that 'he loved him'. Boy, was I wrong. Many people seem to have taken issue with Home Alone 3 because it does not follow on directly from the 2nd film in the series. Really, is that such a huge deal? If anything, it's what made this movie work. They didn't try to make another 'Kevin' story, but went for something totally different, just using the same plot - David vs. Goliath in a house of horrors that David set up. And as for trashing Alex D. Linz in the role, please.... At least this child could act. My biggest gripe with the first two Home Alone movies was that Macauly Culkin constantly sounded like he was reading his lines straight out of the script, rather than something that was rehearsed. But back to the story. The premise of this tale is that four criminal masterminds have obtained a stolen chip, with the intention of selling it to a mega-rich (mega-dangerous) buyer. Through a totally plausible mix up at the airport, the chip (which is hidden inside a remote controlled toy car) ends up in the hands of an elderly lady. The crooks chase her all the way back to Chicago to try and recover the chip and save their own rear ends. This is another factor which worked well for the movie. Whereas with the first two films, it was funny because Harry and Marv were such an obvious pair of morons. The four crims in HA3 are supposed to be smart, which makes it so much more delicious when Alex makes idiots of them. The hero of the story, Alex, is by himself not through any family holiday mix-ups, but rather because he has chicken pox, and both parents have to work. Like Kevin McAllister, Alex is portrayed as being rather hard done by as far as his family goes. He's the butt of endless jokes and tormenting by his older brother and sister, and when he begins reporting the suspicious activity going on his neighbourhood, no one will believe him. Hence, he decides eventually to take matters into his own hands, find out just what is going on and do something about it. There are some absolutely hilarious scenes in this film. Particularly the scene when Alex sends the car with a video camera taped to the top to try and get evidence to prove he is not lying. And the inevitable confrontations in the end with the crooks have to be seen to be believed. The best parts to watch for are firstly the incident with the mouse and the iron bar. If you thought Marv's screams in Home Alone 2 (when the pigeons were attacking them) were hysterical, then this one surpasses all possible expectations. Who would have thought a grown man was capable of hitting such a perfect high note...? And secondly, the parrot is a complete crack-up. Watch for the shower scene, it's the best. Like the first two movies, this has the standard little-boy-makes-friends-with-aloof-and-outcast-neighbour ploy. The plot is basically the same in all three movies, but the introduction of a completely new cast has done wonders. This film is not the disaster that some would have you believe, and if you enjoyed the first two Home Alone movies, then it's hard to imagine that you wouldn't like the 3rd installment. Just do yourself a big favour, see it for yourself and make up your own mind. Because it really is worth it.