Rating:  Summary: Blah, not half as good as I thought it would be Review: When I was a kid, I used to watch Inspector Gadget the cartoon all the time, it was one of my favorites. Since I used to like watching the cartoons, I wanted to see this movie. From the previews for the movie, I thought it was going to be a good one. I just now watched the movie, and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.The main reason I wasn't all that crazy about "Inspector Gadget" is because it's not all that much like the cartoon series. I noticed a lot of differences between the two. I'll mention just a few of the biggest differences. In the cartoon, Penny's hair is blonde, in the movie it's brown. In the cartoon, Penny uses a book to do several things, in the movie, she doesn't. Claw never shows his face in the cartoon, but in the movie he does. There are many other things that made the cartoon series original and entertaining that are either different or were left out of the movie completely. Looking past the differences and things that were omitted, "Inspector Gadget" is a decent movie. It has its funny parts and it's fairly entertaining, but even with that, it's real short (an hour and twenty minutes), and nothing about it stands out. Overall, I give "Inspector Gadget" 2 stars. If you want to see a decent movie, I would recommend watching "Inspector Gadget" before you buy it. If you or somebody you know used to be or is a fan of the cartoon series, just don't expect the movie to be all that much like the cartoons.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie purely for Matthew Broderick and Rupert Everet. Review: This movie was not the best representation for the original show, but it was very good in virtue of wanting to see Matthew Broderick, and Rupert Everet. It has a few funny lines, and a fair story line. It was overall watchable, and enjoyable. I suggest the original show much more then the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The original cartoon series is better! Review: This is a Disney film and many kids will love the humor and gizmos Inspector Gadget has to offer but the older fans of the original series (such as myself) feel this movie is not a "faithful" translation from the cartoon. I felt most of the casting was pretty good (could have been better!) but the whole story is just dumb & poor. Much like JarJar Binks ruined "Star Wars:Episode I" for me, making a character and life to the Gadget mobile does the same for this movie. Gadgets niece Penny & dog Brain are pretty much useless with the story line. The writers put too much focus on a developing love story between Gadget and the leading lady in the film. Everything is just totatlly wrong with this film including the villain "Claw". Dr.Claw in the cartoon series was evil (never showed his face!) but a believable character that wanted to take over the world. THe movies villains are clumsy, stupid, and poorly written into the movie. This is a "rent" movie in the old release video section or better yet, wait for it to come on network T.V.. But for purchase, I recommend the old cartoon series.
Rating:  Summary: Go Go Gadget! Review: This Movie is the best dsiney movie I have ever seen. This movie is the best and well done for the good reviews. This movie is deffiently a Family movie for all ages but (parent should see it before son or daughter watch it) This movie is about Officer Brown turns in to inspecor gadget when he gets himself in to a car accident. When he is first Inspector Gadget he loses mind and forget about every thing. He has an Evial enemy I frogot his name. But he makes Inspector Gadget look bad. And at the end Inspector Gadget Finds a New girl friend. Brenda Breafford (Joley Fisher) th main chacters are Brenda, Penny, Inspector Gadget, Brain, This movie you got to see.
Rating:  Summary: How can one film be so bad? Review: That's a question you'lll be asking yourself time and time again as you watch Inspector Gadget. Granted it's for kids but Disney should really give children a little more credit. Rather than going into all the different ways this film fails(something that would take hours), I will just simply say you have better things to do with your life than watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Inspector Gadget? Review: This movie wasn't as bad as it could have been, especially if you divorce it in your mind from the series. I was expecting it to be just awful, but it was somewhat decent. I thought the main problem was that they didn't even try to model it on the tv show. I'm starting college now, but when I was little I used to watch Inspector Gadget every day after school, and so I can tell you with confidence that Inspector Gadget was not the star of the show---Penny was. Gadget was a nice enough guy, if a little overconfident, but he was incompetant. That was the point of the show---everyone thought that he was saving the day when, of course, it was Penny and Brain. The thought of him having a romantic interest quite honestly cracks me up. There were other, particularly unnecessary, changes, also, like the naming of the various gadgets. Gadget "chopper" doesn't sound any better than Gadget "copter", but to someone who's used to hearing it the original way, it certainly stands out. My little brother vowed not to see this movie when, even in the previews, they showed (Dr.) Claw's face. He was scandalized---they never showed his face once during the series that I remember. The car was also obnoxious, in my opinion. The gadgetmobile was always cool, but it never spoke or had opinions or an "attitude". And it could shapeshift! I actually ended up liking Dr. Claw, or "Claw" as they called him in this movie. He was entertaining. Maybe I'm just too attached to Don Adams to accept this movie, but you can make up your own mind. I just wanted to rant, and if you feel the same way I do, then at least now you know you're not alone.
Rating:  Summary: My Son Loves This Movie Review: Yes, this is on the silly side and cliched for an adult, but why must everything be deep? It is worth viewing and having for unwinding. The subtle adult zingers that were thrown in were pleasant. Watch this movie on those nights when you'd just like to crash and pull yourself out of the muck of Life's pressures without any effort on your part. As for children, I am a mother who deems it very important to help my child distinguish between what is possible versus impossible. I do this because I am terrified of the feats he may feel like immitating. Also, at his age, he is incapable of determining on his own that certain ideas put forth by videos simply cannot happen. I hate to have him suffer 3 AM nightmares that are avoidable. An adult would not see this movie as scary, but I am glad I sat through it (and enjoyed it) so I could explain that detached feet cannot move on their own, and that people do not have legs that extend. No, people really can't make and attach body parts like this, but isn't it funny to think about what would happen if they could? Isn't fun that we can watch something so silly together? Once he understood the intent of the humor behind the movie, I lost count of the times he viewed it on his own and howled. I won't watch this the countless times that my son did, but I did see it more than three or four times because of his enthusiasm. It held its cute-and-light theme even with repeated viewing.
Rating:  Summary: uninspired fare Review: Children and adults alike are decidedly ill served by "Inspector Gadget," a frenetic but genuinely mirthless live action take on the popular Saturday morning cartoon series that mires poor Matthew Broderick in the role of a nerdish do-gooder who gets the chance to live out his heroic fantasies when he is converted into a one-man, self-contained crime fighting cybernetic arsenal. Thanks to current state-of-the-art special effects, the filmmakers manage to effectively translate the cartoonish aspects of the original to the live action format. Despite a few glaringly bad shots utilizing rear screen projection, the visuals that help to realize the infinite gadgets at the inspector's disposal are genuinely jaw-dropping. What the movie makers couldn't (or, at least, wouldn't) come up with is a decent script - without which all the greatest special effects in the world cannot a quality film make. Gadget is surrounded by a gallery of dull, poorly written caricatures ranging from a giddy, self-absorbed mayor, to a gruff, shortsighted chief of police, and an effete mad scientist bent on creating an army of indestructible gadget warriors, with which, of course, he (ho hum) plans to rule the world. Even the newly "hipified" gadget mobile comes across as a charmless, grating irritant as he provides a constant stream of witless one-liners as running commentary to the action. Of the actors, Broderick and Rupert Everett cannot be faulted since both provide a degree of enthusiasm wholly unwarranted by the inferior screenplay with which they are saddled. For a perfect marriage of sophisticated writing and unsurpassable special effects, check out "Toy Story 2." And see what "Inspector Gadget" might indeed have been.
Rating:  Summary: Cute. Review: This movie is cute but not for all ages. Kids would greatly enjoy this,most adults would think of it as silly. It's about John Brown (Matthew Broderick) getting into a car accident then is transformed into Inspector Gadget,a robot in other words,by many doctors. At first he does not like this new change,but he gets used to it after a while. I say it's a cute movie and i would recommend it to people that enjoy silly movies. If not,then do not see it...I would highly recommend it to the young-ones.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is too short Review: when i watched this,it only seemed like an hour long.when i saw the previews,i knew it would only get one star,because it looked corny and boring.and ususally i am wrong when that happens,but this time i was absolutely right about it.unfunny and boring