Rating:  Summary: An Average Gadget but with some good DVD extras Review: Disney's INSPECTOR GADGET is an average bit of fluff and mayhem. Matthew Broderick is really unremarkable in the role. He does not bring the charm that Brendan Fraser did for GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE. And that's just the point. This film is amusing but it really has no heart behind it. However, several of the action and chase scenes, after Broderick undergoes his transformation as Inspector Gadget, are fun and done quite well. The Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround added a lot to this film. The Youngstown Music Video included on the DVD is pretty good and the song is very catchy. However, the very good feature "Go Inside Inspector Gadget" on the DVD made the price of the disc worth it all.
Rating:  Summary: Dud film nothing like classic toon!!! Review: I've been a fan of the 80's cartoon of the same name when I was a kid, The mysterious Dr Claw hatching yet another plan, Chief Quinby getting blownup after Gadget chucks the letter away, Inspector Gadget getting no closer to MAD's latest plot & Penny & Brain doing most of the work foiling Claw's plot without our hero knowing, it was great.But then this comes out & spoils it all, I've seen this on a plane to the US & the turbulence was far more entertaining then this, for a Cartoon to Movie flick, it has nothing to tie it to the catoon & here's why below, 1, Matthew Broderick made a nice Gadget, but we all know that he's a bit of a doofus when it comes to crime solving & Penny & Brain do most of the work, but in the film he does it all without Penny or Brain's help (like they did anything in the film) & I don't like that "John Brown" name. 2, Penny does most of the work foiling MAD with her computer book & com/laser watch in the toon, now she's just a typical pre-teen girl who does nothing but teaches one MAD worker the error of his ways. 3, Penny's partner Brain the dog protects Gadget while in disguise & helps Penny out, now he's just your typical house pet. 4, The Gadget car turns from a family van to a sports car, the movie car is a thunderbird (I think) & it is a total paint in the ***, never mind all the characters in other films that some people consider "annoying". 5, Dr Claw has more of a metal gauntlet then a claw to add to him name & we never see his face, but that what made Dr Claw so cool in the cartoon, in the film we see his face & he is a CEO of a major corporation, ( that is WAY overdone if you ask me) atleast he has a CLAW this time :-) 6, This film's version of MAD only has 2 noticeable people (some inventor guy & a fat doofus), the toon had an army of MAD henchmen. 7, The in movie advertising, I don't really mind it but some people do & that's why I'm mentioning it. 8, We all know Disney will give us some sort of origin on how Inspector Gadget (or John Brown) got his gadget's, but getting badly injured or killed while pursuing evil folk has been overdone. 9, The film is just another one of those "nice Special Effects, pity about everything else". 10, Why doesn't Chief Quinby hand out letters that "self-destruct" in this film, it would be worth a laugh :-/
Rating:  Summary: Go, Go, Gadget - Don't Come Back Review: Matthew Broderick is a fine actor, but even his talents could not save this awful film. The fact that he appears in it merely indicates that his career has declined sharply. The fact that this is a Disney film glaringly demonstrates that the level of quality at Disney has declined even more sharply. Broderick does his best, but he cannot carry the film alone, particularly when saddled with an inept director, a horrible script and an equally horrible supporting cast (particularly the annoying, untalented Michelle Trachtenberg). The story is uninteresting, the jokes and gimmicks fall flat, and most viewers will find themselves checking the time frequently, and marveling at their endurance in sitting through this dud. Do yourself a favor: Stick with the cartoons, and skip this piece of junk.
Rating:  Summary: "Robocop" for kids! Review: Growing up, one of my favorite cartoon character was Inspector Gadget. One of the reasons why is because I always compared Inspector Gadget to the sci-fi movie "Robocop", a movie I still enjoying watching to this day. Because of this, I found myself liking Inspector Gadget even as an adult, primarily because I saw a lot of similarities between "Robocop" and "Inspector Gadget". If you have ever seen Robocop you will know exactly what I mean and if you have not, then consider these comparisons after watching Robocop: 1) both Robocop and Inspector Gadget were human beings before they became cyborgs. 2) As human beings, they were both law enforcement officials(if you consider a security guard a person who lays down the law!). 3) They were both "killed" by a criminal genius whom they were trying to arrest and then brought back from near death as cyborgs who take down every perp they encounter. 4) They both cling to what humanity they have left in them, mainly through the loved ones that they had in their human lives. 5) They both wind up combating the same man who tried to kill them as human beings and eventually bring him to justice. 6) They both have to deal with a heavily armed robot before they are able to take down their primary adversary. 7) They both come to terms with their existence as cyborgs. All in all, Inspector Gadget is nothing more than a child's version of Robocop, since there are way too many similarities for a movie watcher to miss.
Rating:  Summary: stupid, stupid, stupid Review: what can I say about this movie? Stupid. It is another horribile Disney film. One of the worst movies ever. It deserves less then one star.
Rating:  Summary: The Cartoon is Better! Review: I like the cartoon and I thought I would like the movie because I like Matthew Broadwick, Joely Fisher, Rupert Evrett, Michelle Trachtenberg and Andy Dick but I didn't like the movie and was so bored I felt like walking out of the theater but couldn't because the people I was with paid for my ticket but after the movie was over they said they didn't like it either. As for the movie there were too many gadgets and special effects and not enough plot and there was just too much blatent advertising for products like Skittles, etc, making it way too commercial! I'm not totally against product advertising in movies, take the Home Alone movies for example, they had a little bit of advertising but didn't over do it. I think only little kids would enjoy this movie but older kids and adults might be extremely bored!
Rating:  Summary: Not for kids - Not for adults - NOT FUNNY Review: I am stunned, amazed, horrified that this movie is out on DVD! This is the absolutely worst kids movie ever made. I am a big fan of kids movies, Disney, cartoons, and Inspector Gadget. So is my daughter (6 when we saw this). This is the only kids movie she ever said she didn't like. The major problem with this movie is they forgot to make it funny. There are no laughs whatever. There are a few unfunny attempts at slapstick that fall flat. The key to the real Inspector Gadget was that Penny (his niece) and Brain (her dog) were the geniuses behind the man. This didn't come through in the movie, and as a result the whole premise was shot. The best way to think of this movie is Popeye starring Robin Williams. (Kind of adult, huh?) Now, take out the jokes. Change Olive Oyl's character so she's not Popeye's girlfriend. Starts not to be Popeye or funny, huh? That's what they did with this movie. There were good special effects, and some boys will like that. Most girls probably won't. There is no vulgar language, and only comic violence. But it still won't bring a smile to your kids eyes. Rent it on video if you must. Don't buy it if you haven't watched it.
Rating:  Summary: Go Go Gadget Dud... Review: Like most of us who heard about this movie, I was expecting great things when I went to see it. Oh, if only I had known better. Sure, I was mildy amused at times, but I found quite a few disappointments. First, the movie doesn't even follow the cartoon all that well. It has the names of the characters, but that's about it. Not to mention the characters were played by the wrong people. Good acting... but it doesn't fit the cartoon, dang it! -- There were some very nice special effects, but the movie's already pretty short and it doesn't show very much of what the Inspector can really do. I really wanted to see him utilize his capabilities. Lastly, being a Disney movie, they just had to throw in a ton of slapstick humor. Kids eat that up all the time, but it really isn't that funny. -- Overall, Inspector Gadget was a very promising film, but Disney spoiled it with all their inaccurate "gadgets."
Rating:  Summary: An excellent movie Review: Matthew Broderick is great as Inspector Gadget , it is a movie you should not miss.
Rating:  Summary: Go Go Get It! Review: Although not very true to the original, it's still a pretty good movie for a Disney product. The digital effects, especially the gadget chopper, are very well designed and the gadget-mobile is hilarious. The music of the movie is true to the cartoon, but not everything is. You can see that Disney often threw in a few short clips like the cartoon, and then went it's own way. Dr Claw is the best example of it. The Claw in the movie isn't even close to Claw in the cartoon. Mainly because you can see his face nearly all the time (except in his first scene, where he IS displayed correctly) and he's hardly called by his nickname Claw. Bottom line: a cool movie, but it could be cooler if it stuck closer to the cartoon.