Rating:  Summary: Kevin McAllister Strikes Again!!! Review: This movie is too FUNNY!!!I love the Second Home Alone Movie as much as I like the 1st one.My favorite part the movie when Kevin sets up those Boob Traps for the 2 Burglars.And gets the wrong that goes to New York & Kevin gets sparated from his family again.This movie is the best,I gotta get this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: You guys give up? Have you had enough pain? "Nevahhhhhh!" Review: What kind of idiots do you have working here? "The finest in New York." - This is just an idea of the great writing & acting in Home Alone 2:Lost In New York. This is the second of 4 movies by Chris Columbus. Lil' Kevin McCallister gets caught up in more trouble again in this sequel to Home Alone. Home Alone 2:Lost in New York starts with the Christmas Pageant where young Kevin manages to get himself in a bit of bother with Buzz who manages to make Kevin look like a laughing stock in front of many parents. Buzz then makes a very phony,but convincing apology to the family who accept it (as idiots).As he brings this apology to an end,he calls Kevin a "troutsniffer". The acting in this film is pure brilliance,especially the parts of the two "Wet Bandits" played by Joe Pesci & Daniel Stern.This film is such a hilarious film especially with great actors such as Joe Pesci,Daniel Stern,Catherine O'Hara,Tim Curry,Rob Schneider & not forgetting the fine young actor Macaulay Culkin. If you like Home Alone 2:Lost in New York then you are bound to love Home Alone.Although Home Alone 3 & 4 are not worth seeing as they are not the originals with Macaulay Culkin & the original Bandits
Rating:  Summary: If at first you do succeed, then do it again and again Review: There are some differences between the plots of "Home Alone" and "Home Along 2: Lost in New York." Instead of going to his family going to France for Christmas they are going for Florida, instead of the family leaving them behind Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) gets on the wrong plane, instead of an old guy next door he befriends an old lady in the park, and instead of taking place in a Chicago suburban home it takes place mainly in a swank New York hotel. Of course, all these changes are ultimately immaterial because John Hughes is sticking close to the original formula for his smash 1990 release for this 1992 sequel, even if Chris Columbus gets the joy of directing. The same three elements that worked so successfully with the original are present again. First, Kevin gets to enjoy the highlife without his parents, enjoying the power of his father's credit card. Second, Kevin once again gets to take down the Wet Bandits (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern), when their paths get crossed again. Third, there are the poignant moments with the kindly older folk that Kevin runs into, and his mother (Catharine O'Hara) has a lot more to do this time around in her frantic efforts to get to New York and look for her son. However, the fun is a little less enjoyable, the creative attacks on the goofy bandits seem less comic and more painful, and the heartstring have already been plucked and sound more hollow in this sequel. If you are young enough to be happy that everything is just as you expect and do not mind the formula being followed right down the line, then you will find "Home Alone 2" more palatable. But in the rating book of life, more of the same is less and not more.
Rating:  Summary: sequal lives up to its predecessor Review: I laughed as hard as I did in Home Alone (til I got the hiccups every time by watching it)
that's how great this sequal is
it's just as moving, touching, hilarious as the original Home Alone movie.
the plot in this one is just as great as the first movie
and the outcomes the burglars think won't happen to them when they find Kevin in New York are just as side splitting
he really jingles their bells with his new inventions to stop them from ruining Christmas
a very touching movie
the ending had me laughing and quite shocked on how much was spent by Kevin McCallister. great movie. glad i have it on dvd. it too will be watche dmore times then I can count over the years. it really is a timeless comedy family gem
Rating:  Summary: And He's Back; They're Back...Again! Review: Last time around, Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) was left home alone (pun intended) by his family in a frantic hurry to get to the airport. And to add insult to injury, he had to deal with a couple of bumbling sillies--burglars who wanted to burglarize his house--who went by the name of the "Wet Bandits." This time around, it's more of the same, but with a slight difference: this time, he gets on the wrong plane, and is left to his own devices in the "Big Apple"--a/k/a New York City.
The plot is pretty similar to the last one in many ways: Kevin gets into trouble due to getting into it with his older brother, and is punished. He gets fed up with his family treating him unfairly, and in the midst of his angst, wishes that he could have a vacation on his own, without any of his family. The next morning, in a frantic hurry, the family rushes to the airport to go to Florida for Christmas vacation. In the airport, Kevin stops to put some batteries into his small camcorder (which will be largely significant later in the film), and as soon as he lifts his head, his family are long gone. He spots an older guy from the backside who looks like his dad, and therefore gets on the same plane as this gentleman, believing that it really was his dad. Needless to say, he was in for a big surprise when the plane landed.
Meanwhile, the "Wet Bandits" (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern) escape from jail, and are in the "Big Apple" as well. You know what happens: they cross paths, and these two clowns are looking for revenge. The slapstick craziness that was seen in the last film, is taken up an extra notch, and is made gut-bustingly funnier as a result. (And again, just listening to Daniel Stern's demented operatic-like screeching as he gets his, alone, just slams the wind straight out of me. It's too hilarious!)
As for poignant moments, last time around, the "scary" character was an old man who was rumored to be a murderer. This time, it's a homeless woman who dwells in Central Park, and her companions are a bunch of pigeons.
These Home Alone films are recommended for anyone with a taste for over-the-top, outrageous slapstick humor, added with a large dose of mischief. Also recommended if you want to bring out the kid in you.
Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as the first one Review: This sequel to Home Alone finds the McCalister family going away for Christmas yet again. Instead of going to France, they are going to Florida though.
Things start to go wrong for young Kevin when he needs batteries at the airport and lags behind his family. After putting in the batteries, he follows a man wearing the same coat his father is and gets on a plain to New York City.
His adventures start when he decides to check into the Plaza Hotel (New York's Most exciting hotel experience) and meets the people in charge that don't like him as well as bumping into Harry and Merv who tried to rob his house the previous Christmas and who just escaped from jail.
If you thought what Kevin put them threw in the first Home Alone was rough, wait until you see what Kevin does to them this time.
Very funny sequel to Home Alone.
Rating:  Summary: A complete rehash of the first, but still better Review: This is a very entertaining movie, but almost every event in it has a parallel from the first movie. Kevin, still disgruntled over being made the family scapegoat, hates his family's guts and wishes them away. Through a mishap at the airport, his wish comes true again! Unfortunately, his old friends, the Wet Bandits, are back and are out for revenge, big time. Still, even though this movie is a rehash, it improves over the first. Kevin uses a gangster movie to scare away uninvited guests, like in the first. Kevin encounters an eccentric outcast who scares him at first, but ends up teaching him an important life lesson and comes to his rescue when the bad guys finally catch him. Again, like the first HA. And of course, what Home Alone movie would be complete without a house full of booby traps to tear the bandits to pieces?
My one complaint is that HA2 is much darker and grittier than HA1. This time, the bad guys don't merely want to hurt Kevin, they actually intend to kill him. The scene where Harry pulls a gun on Kevin went beyond bad taste for me. Also, the traps Kevin sets this time are much more dangerous (and funny), and would easily kill someone in real life.
Still, it's worth your time watching this holiday season.
Rating:  Summary: Child Welfare Services Review: All kidding aside, this 1992 follow-up to the mega 1990 smash hit, is a delightful and fun little romp through the most magical of cities at Christmas time, New York City. While the nostalgia and set-up in the first film doesn't quite carry over into this one fully intact, it's a credible sequel to the first film. With the world getting into the holiday mood and sprit, I have been in the mood for reviewing some Christmas stuff. This time, young Kevin McAlister(Macaulay Culkin)and his family, and extended family, are planning a yuletide trip to Florida. In the usual mad cap dash to the destination, as in the first film, little Kevin is lost behind in the shuffle, and instead of joining his family on the plane to Florida, he boards the wrong plane and ends up in New York City. If this isn't too much of an stretched out plot ploy, then the fact that little Kevin, in the gigantic abyss that is New York, runs into the two bumblibg crooks from the first film, again played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. What a coinkidink. The two survived their torture in the boobytrapped house, and have now escaped prison, and are looking for revenge. Quite convenient that Kevin is right there. Even though the film seems to be mostly a re-tread of the original, it makes glorious use of it's beautiful surroundings and new location, and manages to make it somewhat fresh, even if the material mostly isn't. The movie squeezes out some genuine laughs, but not high on the meter as the original. The cartoon violence is upped to another level, and some of it, like in the first, is quite clever and inventive. Almost too clever for a small boy. The cast, returning and new, all shine here, and really carry the film along. Culkin is sweet and charming, and he hasn't lost what he had in the original here. But in recent times, what happened?. Pesci and Stern are definitley game, and they are a hoot and a half to watch. Seeing little Pesci get beat down is always fun, and Stern's reaction to the pain and torture is still as funny as the original. John Heard and Catherine 'O' Hara get minimal time, again, but it is the great 'O' Hara that is the only one of the two who ends up getting something. New additions including the wonderful Tim Curry, a concierge at the famed hotel Kevin stays at. Funnyman Rob Schneider is the bell boy. Brenda Fricker is a friendly bird lady Kevin meets in Central Park, and vetern actor Eddie Bracken is the owner of a toy store. But seriously, wouldn't anyone be a little upset and worried that Kevin's mother has left him behind twice, and that he has always, in both times, ended up in mortal danger?. Jeez louise!. The first time, while still horrible to happen to anybody, can be seen as happening. But a second time?!. Didn't the first time teach not just her, but the rest of the family, to be more aware?. I guess not. Director Chris Columbus, returning from the first film, shoots the film elegantly, and makes the most out of the city. He really sets the tone for the holidays and the right Christmas spirit. HA 2 may have fallen a little short from part 1's standing, but it is a worthy follow up.
Rating:  Summary: Only a scrooge would dislike this movie Review: I really enjoyed this movie. I have it on vhs, but I'm also getting it on dvd. This movie puts me in the Christmas spirit everytime I see it, even in the summertime. I love the soundtracks. I love this movie better than the first one! It never gets old. If you love Christmas, you'll love this movie, I'm almost thirty and I still love this movie. You have to be a grouch not to like this movie!