Rating:  Summary: gOoD mOvIe To WaTcH Review: I lovEd this moviE! it wuz so good. I don't havE the dvd yEt but i will gEt it as soon as it comEs out on DVD. I rEcommend this for thE wholE family.
Rating:  Summary: "One of the Funniest Movies Ever!!!" Review: I love "The Princess Diaries," because it has funny parts like the "shut-up," parts and it shows how people can be beautiful on the inside and it also shows that you don't judge a book by its cover.
Rating:  Summary: great Review: I am 23 years old and I loved this movie. It is for every girl or boy, man or woman. Along with Pearl Harbor and Remember the Titans, this is my favorite movie!
Rating:  Summary: A suprising film perfect for the entire family. Review: I must admit, I did not want to see "The Princess Diaries" at first. However, the film actually captured my interest and approval.Pros: 1)"The Princess Diaries" offers quality entertainment fit for the entire family. There is little, if any, swearing which is excellent for the younger audience (or for the older audience if you are like me and dislike tastless profanity!) 2)The overall moral of the story is rather elementary, but well executed i.e. there is more to being a princess than having power and vast lands. 3)Julie Andrews offers a wonderfully elegant performance without the ostentation. 4)The humor in "The Princess Diaries" is actually funny... All too often films claim to be funny, but instead of offering decent humor they use sexual jokes and gutter humor versus true comedy. Anyway, you get the point.. Cons: 1)One scene of the film that irritated me greatly dealt with the princess's physical make over. A short explanation: The princess is a klutzy, unattractive young woman whom undergoes a make over under the orders of her grandmother, the queen. When the make over is finished, the princess loses all of her physical klutziness and instantly becomes an irresistable young woman who can do no wrong. (This ficticious attitude last a while, then the flim takes a more realistic approach to princess's make over i.e. a little make-up being applied does not connotate that you will not trip over your own shoes...) That is about it for the deadly Cons. Overall, go see the movie with your family. Enjoy the simple plot, indulge in the clean script, and be swept into a modern fairy-tale.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Fantastic! Review: We loved this movie! We'd read reviews about it ahead of time to make sure it might be appropriate for our 4-year-old, and it was everything everyone said and more. Clean, wholesome, and lots of fun, we'd recommend it to everyone -- male or female -- who wants to feel good at the end of the movie! Hollywood finally gives us a modern-day family movie that's rated "G!" (And it has to be good to hold our 4-year-old's attention for 2 hours!)
Rating:  Summary: Princess Diaries a hit for the entire family Review: This G rated movie is sure to be loved by the entire family. Truth, lies, identities and innocence are at the heart of the movie "The Princess Diaries." You can't wrong with this movie about a young girl. Mia, who finds out, she is the princess of a country she has never heard of. Moreover, you can't forget the wonderful acting. The setting of the movie in the luxurious ambassafdor house brings a beautiful eyeful for the viewer. Altogether, this movie does a wonderful job of showing a teenager becoming a beautiful young lady who makes decisions for her self. The movie "The Princess Diaries" is a tale of a young lady who is about to discover a part of her heritage that she never knew existed. In the beginning of the movie she is presented as a typical teenage geek. Having never met her deceased father's mother before. She is unsure what to expect from her grandmother. WHile Mia tries to find her identity as a teenager, she is uncertain if she wants the role of the princess of this country or not. She also has to deal with trying to figure out who her true friends are as well as , who she truely is. The movie does a decent job of showing her battles along the way. It also shows the grandmother facing the decision of what she wants to paly in her granddaughter's life - grandmother, friend, or queen. With a winner like Julie Andrews - Queen Clarisse Renald- those viewers who have enjoyed her acting before will also enjoy her role in this movie as she plays Mia's grandmother. She must prepare her to walk, talk, act, eat, and sleep like a princess. Her role in this movie was definetly one of its stronger aspects. Having Hector Elizondo - Joe- in the movie brought a nice male perspective to the movie for all the fathers in the audience. Joe was funny and very well played as first a personal bodyguard and then a friend to the princess. And Mandy Moore - Lana Thomas_ does a wonderful job of portraying a typical high school cheerleadrer. She definetly does her share of trying to be a star in this movie bit it is far from it. This film has a well-rounded cast that every member of the family can relate to. The setting of the beautiful house for the Queen while she is visiting the stares make a magnificent sight for the viewer. Younger viewers won't appreciate it, but for those parents in the audience it a brings a nice setting. THe setting in the city of San Francisco adds to the comedy of the movie as the young Princess takes a stab at driving. Her grandmother has to use her power as queen to rescue the princess from the trouble she is about to get into. THis movie is sure to please the entire family with a great cast,fabulous setting and a dream come true for one teenager, even though she didn't know it at first.
Rating:  Summary: Oh my word! This movie rocks! Review: I cannot say enough to convey my thoughts on how much better this is than the book! Julie and Anne completely bring these characters to life! The movie is funny and sweet and charming. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing a teenage character in a movie say, "Oh my word,"instead of the alternative. You never hear that anymore. The book was full of the usual teenage confusion, and the movie just completely whipped it into shape! Everyone run to the video store when this is released!
Rating:  Summary: Princess Diaries Review: I took my daughter to see this movie this summer, and she just loved it, she can't wait till the video comes out. It kind of takes you in a fairy tale. What ever little girl dreams about. I as a adult have to say it kind of took me back to when I thought of being a princess when I was little. It was a great movie, and I recommed it to all.
Rating:  Summary: Princess Diaries is great! Review: "The Princess Diaries," starring anne hathaway and julie andrews, is an awesome movie. I saw it in august and can't wait for the dvd. Mandy Moore is also in it, which makes me proud. The movie is actually pretty funny for a "G" rated film, and is very cool. Plus the soundtrack is also awesome, so you should buy it with the dvd/video if you already hadn't (i bought it the day it came out:). The soundtrack has songs by mandy moore, myra, and a really cool song from the 3g's. so buy it! you'll be satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Five Stars for The Princess Diaries! Review: This movie is really great. It's going on my Christmas list. I loved seeing Julie Andrews in a movie again and Anne Hathaway is a talented young actress. This movie is mostly for teen girls. Most adults I know didn't enjoy it.