Rating:  Summary: A Christmas Favorite Review: Home Alone has always been one of my favorite Christmas movies, It's funny and entertaining! The movie is about a boy named Kevin McCallister[Macaulay Culkin] who accidently gets left behind in his home in Chicago when his family goes off on a trip to France. While Kevin is at home, two burglars are trying to break in. The burglars are played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. One of the burglars was at the house at the beginning, pretending to be a policeman, to check out the house. After Kevin finds out, he sets up a set of booby traps on the night they arrive. Meanwhile, Kevin's mom[Catherine O'Hara] wan'ts to get home as quickly as she can when she finds out that Kevin was left behind. So, instead of going on a plane she travels back to Chicago on a truck with a group of musicians and their polka king of the midwest[John Candy] when they offer to take her home. After the burglars get arrested with one of Kevin's plans, Kevin's mom arrives home with the rest of the family including his dad[John Heard] and they all feel so grateful to see him. This is a movie your whole family will enjoy!!!
Rating:  Summary: Still one of my all-time favorite top 10 Christmas tales! Review: HOME ALONE is most definitely still the best holiday comedy ofall time. And if not, then it's sequel, HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEWYORK, is! HOME ALONE is about a young 8-year-old kid, KevinMcCallister, who lives with his wealthy family in a large house inChicago (the house is part of the whole plot). It is Christmastime, asas usual, Kevin (considered by his family) is causing lots oftrouble. When things get out of control the night before they have tofly in a plane to visit relatives in Paris, Kevin is sent to sleep inthe attic, and he tells his mother who punished him that he hated herand wished he'd never have to see his family ever again. Well, nosurprise, Kevin wakes up the next morning to find that he is the onlyone in the house and thinks his family had disappeared, even thoughthey had actually left on the trip without him! Soon, two crooks,Harry and Marv (Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci), want to rob large houseswhich they think has lots of money and vaulables. Most of theneighbors living on Kevin's street are also away on vacations. So theymake a scheme to break into all the homes and steal all vaulables.Kevin overhears this plan - they are really after Kevin's house - anddecide to set up booby traps that will hopefully capture thecrooks. Through the high-tech pranks and laid-back laughs, this isone great Christmas movie you can't live without. If you haven't seenthis yet (and who hasn't?!) well, there's no time like thepresent. Who cares if it's not Christmas? This movie is just as funand cool to watch during the mid-summertime. With top acting bypopular, famous actors of the early '90s, this is one smart comedythat is totally unforgettable! Buy it today. It's definitely one ofthe most popular and one of the biggest box office hits of all-timefor good reasons. Once you see this movie, you will understand why,too. I'm telling ya - you must buy this movie. It's DA BOMB!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST CHILDREN'S COMEDY EVER! Review: This movie is largely a pretty serious affair except for two parts: One is the pizza delivery boy scene. The second is the booby-trapping climax. Macaulay Culkin is endearing as a little boy at home. However, he has a few continuity flaws. One minute he's calmly stating that he destroyed his father's new fishing hooks, the next he's yelling, the next he's calmly assessing his liberties of being Home Alone, the next he's screaming like any kid, the next... These changes are very real, but the movie never makes its mind up about whether or not Culkin is a frenetic little kid who happens to think his plan through (my bet), a cold little boy who, except for his sense of humor, is extremely mature. Or he may be a nice-looking kid with his moments of hyperactive bliss as well as his moments of talking like a four-foot high tactical strategist as well as his moments of swearing and leading people to believe they're being shot at (if that scene is not copied once sometime by another movie, either nobody has the guts to do it or America's directors and script writers are getting smarter). If that was a run-on sentence, pardon me, you P.C. people. Now zat I am done raving aboot ze star of ze motion picture (that's with a French accent), I'll get to the review. Kevin McAllister (that's Culkin) is an ordinary kid whose family (with all relatives) is about to leave for France. When he gets in a fight with one of his many siblings, Kevin is sent to his room. The power goes off during the night, and the family sleeps too late before hectically packing everything and dashing into the airplane just in time. Kevin is forgotten, and he stays home alone. He enjoys himself for a while (tormenting pizza boys, looking at his brother's Playboys, shooting an air rifle, sledding down stairs, watching violent movies) but soon figures out he'll have to wash clothes and buy groceries. This movie would be a drama about a kid becoming a grown-up if it were not for the two bumbling bandits, Harry and Marv. Kevin's street is full of big houses, and they use the holidays, when everyone's on vacation, to rob houses. They disguise as policemen that supposedly watch over the houses for the holiday season. With access to the homes, it's easy to rob them. It was the perfect crime... until they try to rob the McAllister home. Keven diverts it, but now he knows they'll be back. They do come back, but eventually they figure out that the only inhabitant of the house is an 8-year old. But Kevin is prepared. He rigs the house with some of the funniest (and most unbelievable; how many homes have a blowtorch?) traps ever; so many, in fact, that it's amazing the sequels had any left over. Over the course of the movie, Kevin realizes how much he needs his family, and how much families are really worth. He also meets an old man who is mistaken for a "shovel murderer" by the juvenile population, but really he's just an old man, sad but not embittered by an argument with his son. Both help each other to understand their families even more. The only flaws in the movie are some unconvincing supporting roles, Culkin's shifting personality, and an unnecessary amount of profanity. This didn't bother me, but it detracted from what could have been a real, PG movie. Why the heck did Kevin have to call the bandits "horse's (rear end)?" It just wasn't necessary. It wasn't bad but it just wasn't necessary. It's like that rave scene in Matrix Reloaded. Why the heck was it there? Granted, profanity is not as out of place as that rave scene, but you know what I mean. If you have a child between 13 and 3, your car should be parking in the Blockbuster lot any time now. That's if you listen to this recommendation: If you have kids, watch it. If you don't have kids, don't watch it. It's the opposite of Calvin and Hobbes books, but with all the fun action and endearing characters.
Rating:  Summary: A Holiday Classic... Review: In 1990, another Christmas movie classic was made. This movie, "Home Alone" is a holiday classic that you can't find anywhere else. The cast is great, the scenes are hilarious, and it's wonderful family movie. Macaulay Culkin starts his fame as the family icon for parents and thier children. The movie starts out in Chicago, IL at the McCillister house. Here we meet Kevin's family that is running all over the house preparing for their Christmas trip to Paris. Also in the house scoping out the place is Harry (Joe Pesci), a crook posed a cop that is planning on robbing the house after they leave. Now here is where the problems start. When the whole family is eating pizza for dinner, Kevin (Culkin) is looking around for his plain cheese pizza because that's all he eats. So his older brother Buzz (Devin Ratray) eats it on purpose. Then Kevin attacks him and the place becomes a mess and soda is spilled and the passports are soaked, etc. Kevin's mother Kate (Caterine O'Hara) sends him to his room. In Kevin's state of anger he says to his mother that he doesn't want to see his family again. Now while in bed Kevin says, "I wish they would all dissapear." During the night the power goes out and the alarm clocks goes out. The next moring they are rushing left and right to get to the airport. Here's the problem: THEY FORGOT KEVIN! Now kevin wakes up an sees nobody is home. He actually thinks that his wish came true. Now at first Kevin loves this. He jumps on the bed, shoots his brother Buzz's BB gun, takes his brother's life savings, and eats all the junk food in the world and watches "R" rated films. While the family is on the plane, Kevin's mother gets the feeling they forgot something. Kevin's father Peter (John Heard) asks her, "What could we have forgotten?" Then Kate screams: KEVIN! Now while Kevin still is having fun back at home, the family is in Paris trying to get a flight back home. and calling the police, etc. One day, Kevin goes out shopping and spots a misterious van in the neighbor's driveway. It's the crooks. Marv (Daniel Stern) and Harry (Pesci), The Wet Bandits. Now after Kevin actually goes out shopping to get food and milk, he notices the guys in the van. Now he realizes they are after his house. Sorry Christmas Eve night he plans his battle against the crooks. The gadgets and the tricks he pulls on the crooks are undoubtably hilarious. First, when the crooks starts talking to Kevin through the back door pretending to be Santa Claus and an Elf, Kevin takes his borther's BB gun and sticks it through the cathole and shoots Harry is the lower region. Then Marv sticks his heasd through the cathole and he gets shot in the head. Now there is ice on all the stairways, the front door knob is burning hot and when Hary touches the knob, the knob's inprinted "M" is impronted into Harry's hand. Lol! Then in the basement there is tar paper on the stairs and eventually there is a nail sticking up which Marv steps on with his bare foot. See what other tricks Kevin has got up his sleeve. This movie, "Home Alone" is the perfect holiday movie that the entire family can enjoy. It's another Christmas classic. One thing this movie does for me is it gets me into the holiday spirit. In the beginning when Kevin said he didn't want to see his family again, throughout the movie, you realize how important family is, especially around the holidays. Buy this movie for you and your kids and you will love it as much as I do. Merry Christmas! Ho, Ho, Ho!
Rating:  Summary: My favorite holiday movie of all time (Or for any other day) Review: I am EXTREMELY happy that this movie finally made it to DVD because this is one of the most exciting and nicest holiday and family movies ever made. Everything from beginning to the end reminds me of the Back to the Future movies - when I watch that movie, I always notice something interesting, familiar, funny, or exciting when I see those movies and Home Alone. Many people may not like this DVD release because of inferior picture and sound quality and lack of bonus features - I THINK THIS DVD IS GREAT! Of course, the only bonus features on this DVD are the trailers to the Home Alone trilogy, and the sound is only stereo, but still, that's great because I LOVE THIS MOVIE! You know, because I love the funny parts - including the fake movie Kevin watches and uses to scare off the pizza guy and the villians (I always wanted to try that!) The fake movie, in case you didn't know, is translated into foreign languages as well! Speaking of which, this DVD comes in English, French, and Spanish audio and English subtitles. I've seen this DVD in English sound with closed-captioning from the TV, and on the computer in Spanish sound with English subtitles (still remains Kevin's infamous scream)! Yeah, I'm glad Fox has a Spanish option for this disc because I'm currently finishing up my Spanish class at my prep school and from time to time, I watch DVDs in Spanish (if available; otherwise it's French for the Canadian viewers!) You know, this week or next week, I'm bringing this DVD into Spanish class for my teacher to show. EVERYONE WOULD LAUGH! This is a sweet movie. The DVD may not be the best, but it's still a great buy! Enjoy! sethn172
Rating:  Summary: Laugh Out Loud Comedy! Review: "Home Alone" is probably the best movie I've ever seen! It's about a young boy who gets left at home, accidently, while his family goes on a trip for Christmas. The boy had said he didn't want to see his family ever again, because they were so mean to him, then it appeared that his family had disappeared. During the holiday season, while he was home alone, he had the time of his life; at first. Then he heard these thieves were going to come after him and try to rob his house. He sets up a series of hilariously funny traps to catch the bandits and ends up catching two robbers that the police had been after for months! This movie is great and I recommend that you see it, it definitely made me laugh (and every time I see, I laugh just like I did the first time I saw it, not many movies can do that) and I'm sure it'll do the same for you!
Rating:  Summary: Great Maculay Culkin Review: I own 1,2,and 3! I don't own 4. I don't like it!
Rating:  Summary: Some kids like it on their own! 4th may 2004. Review: A young boy kevin mcalister gets left behind when his family go to france. He likes it on his own, only at first he thinks they are playing a joke on him. But his mum on the plane realises that they have forgotten something[KEVIN], when they get there, they try to get home as quickly as possible to see if kevin is alright. Some nights he gets a little bit frightened though in the house on his own, 2 men creepy men are after him. He the boy makes out by a video tape that he is not alone, so he talks the man his dad off the tape. He does different stunts to make out that he isn't alone. He was keeping it a secret at first until they saw him decorating the tree. He starts to make a plan, get everything set for when they come after him. He isn't scared of them at all cos he wins they can't get near him because he as played some tricks on them by putting stuff down that will hurt them. GREAT FAMILY FILM.
Rating:  Summary: No Bonus Materials????????????? Review: Dont get me wrong. I didnt give 2 stars to the movie, i gave 2 stars for the DVD! Home Alone smashed box offices with an unexpected christmas story of a kid who accidently finds himself alone at home. Now every one shoudl have seen it by now, and most of the people who loved the film as like me already have it on VHS anyway. right? So why does one of the most succsesfull and popular movies of all time get a poor treatment when it comes to putting it onto DVD? It comes in widescreen, and a trailer, and subtitiles, and thats all!!! ITS NOT EVEN IN SURROUND SOUND!!!!!!!! (5.!) I remember when the first two movies came out I watched behind the scenes things about the movie on TV and I remember them talking specidly on the second film about how it wasnt shot at christmas and how they used fake snow, and the pigeons wernt real, and Daniles saying he was the guy in charge of the comedy, and if he didnt find somthign funny, it was his desicion.... so WHERE ARE THOSE FEATURETTES???????? For anyone who dosent care for bonus features, then pick this movie up, youll love it. But if your like me, and do enjoy bonus features, then this movie has been abused!!!!! No bonus features? Not in surround sound? No featurettes? which i know for sure exsist. Dont you think a smash hit like this movie, which is without a doubht one of the most popular movies of all time,should have had better treatment as a DVD? I think they have done a poor job with this DVD and had better realese a speichel edition one day to justify what a poor effert they have done with this DVD for such a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Christmas Alone is a Laugher Review: This Christmas classic is so enjoyable, due to the engagement between Kevin and two superb burglars (ala Pesci and Stern). In my view, these two burglars make it the great comedy that it is. There expressiveness in being duped by the redhead protecting his family home is creative and simply good comedy to enjoy. The neighbor with the shovel is another outstanding character that pops up in key spots in the plotline. Candy is so-so as the polka king. The mother played by O'Hara is authentic too in her concern, and the rest are just support cast in this. The plot is possible due to the setup of the busy family preparing for the trip with all the chaos and Kevin being somewhat of a sore-thumb in all this. The results are a howl! Enjoy watching this periodically over the years. Too my way of thinking, this makes a movie truly great, its ability to have lasting power. This might be one of those that endures the fads and all that make many flicks ok, but would one buy them or rent them or watch them again? Likely not. But this, this one I've did all three, finally purchasing a copy for our own collection.