Rating:  Summary: The Moose Hole - Jamie Lee Curtis is 'Freaky' Review: Neo who? 2003 was expected to be the year of The Matrix but has surprisingly become the year of The Mouse. The Walt Disney Company, who last summer was groveling over constant movie problems, has surpassed all other studios by becoming the first to cross the coveted $1 billion mark this year thanks in part to the leggy duo of Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Disney hopes to continue its winning streak by digging through their archives and remaking a classic film for a new generation. Freaky Friday, which originally starred Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster back in 1977, hopes to join the ranks of other girl oriented Disney comedies like The Princess Diaries and The Parent Trap, which also starred Lindsay Lohan. The only thing going against the film is the fact that it is a remake. Walt Disney Pictures does not have a great success rate for their remakes with films like Flubber and That Darn Cat flopping at the box office. And things didn't go too well for the original Freaky Friday back when it first opened in 1977. The good word on the film didn't get around until late in its run and by then it was all too late. Freaky Friday hopes to defy past history and present a delightful film for teenage girls; a thing the box office has lacked a lot this year. But will the girls flock to the film or will history repeat itself?The story centers on the conflicting relationship between Dr. Tess Coleman and her daughter, Anna. Anna is just another typical fifteen year old teenager who enjoys rock music, plays in a garage band, and drives her mother crazy over her hair, clothes, and problems at school. Tess has enough to worry about with her rising career and her upcoming wedding. But one night while the whole family is dining at a Chinese restaurant things boil over. Anna is totally infuriated that her mother doesn't agree with her musical aspirations and Tess is at wits end trying to get Anna to recognize how good of a man her future husband is. When the two crack open their fortune cookies and read the pieces of paper inside, something mysterious happens the next morning. Anna wakes up in Tess' body and Tess wakes up in Anna's body. The two live each other's lives for one day going through all the problems they never imagined the other had as they try to find a solution to their predicament. Whatever has to be done must be done quickly as Tess is set to marry her boyfriend the next day! The story for Freaky Friday does a great job at modernizing the classic body switching tale for a new generation though several elements of the new script end up getting lost within the course of the two hour feature. The conflict between Anna's former friend who is now a cheerleader was just another typical "Cheerleaders are evil" story element most teen comedies and/or dramas seem to have but wasn't really necessary for this film. The cast for the remake of Freaky Friday was surprisingly more memorable then that of the original film. Jamie Lee Curtis, who is best known for her roles in True Lies and the Halloween series, is absolutely amazing as Tess Coleman. She plays the frantic mother role down pat and slips very well into the role of a teenage girl trapped in a grown woman's body. Lindsay Lohan, who also starred another Disney remake, The Parent Trap, does a very good job in the role of Anna Coleman and shows that she is really maturing in her style of acting. The scenes where Tess is in the body of Anna are less comedic then the scenes with Jamie Lee Curtis acting like a teenager but maybe the fact the audience knows its Jamie Lee Curtis makes it that way. Mark Harmon is pretty good as Tess' future husband but he isn't featured as much as he should have been. His character is shown struggling trying to connect with Anna in only a scene or two and doesn't show much conflict as more there was more of a focus on the relationship between Tess and Anna. Chad Murrary plays another typical high school guy who looks bad but is actually good at heart that is seen in every other teen comedy/drama and does nothing outside the ordinary here. Overall, Freaky Friday is another teen oriented comedy which can be both good and bad. Most of the problems with the film seem to be that many of the elements that are typical in a teen comedy/drama are no different here. Such elements as "cheerleaders are evil", "the bad boy is good at heart" and "some teachers are out to get certain children" got pretty annoying after awhile and weren't needed is this feature. Then there were the scenes that show Jake (Chad Murray) becoming fascinated with Anna's mother. Granted they were trying to show that Jake was interested in Anna's mind and personality that was trapped in Tess' body but it still comes out as just creepy and wrong especially when he sings "Hit Me Baby One More Time" outside their house. And as hilarious as the film was in many instances, the overall feeling was that the film resorted to too much slap stick humor. Certainly the film didn't have to lower itself to that level that much to be entertaining. Outside of those problems, the film was quite entertaining though not on the same level as comedies like Anger Management, Bruce Almighty, and American Wedding. If you are a teenage girl searching for an entertaining film outside of the "blow 'em up" action flicks the box office seems to be cluttered with then certainly Freaky Friday is the film for you. If not, stick with Pirates of the Caribbean or American Wedding until the next gross out comedy or action flick opens in a few weeks. Â
Rating:  Summary: Lohan shines Review: This movie was completely hilarious and a total shock to me. I wasn't going to give it a chance because I don't usually like "teen" movies but Lindsay Lohan has proven to me that she is a genuine actress. The reason I watched it because I love Jamie Lee Curtis but it was Lindsay who stole the show for me (though Curtis played a very significant, funny role). Most of you know the storyline, the two get switched and have to play in each other's lives for a day. It's actually really funny, don't throw the opportunity away like I was going to. Lohan is one of the only teen actresses who stands a chance because she can actually act and she's gorgeous as hell. 'Freaky Friday' is a must see for anybody.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Fun! Review: I thought the whole idea of mother and daughter switching bodies was so out-dated and so redundant that I almost skipped watching the movie with my sister and younger brother, but I was surprisngly wrong and I have not laughed this hard and enjoyed a romantic comdey this much in a LONG LONG time!!! The whole plot(which was first introduced in the '70s) was executed in such a clever, interesting, and unpredictable way, I forgot I was seeing a mother and daughter body switch movie and just enjoyed the hilarious performances by both actresses and endearing, real qualities that both evoked towards the audience. A must see for the whole family, ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Having not seen this movie in theatres I admit to being hesi Review: Having not seen this movie in theatres I admit to being hesitant about buying it but I'm glad I did because it's an excellent family movie. It's a classic story of a mother and a daughter who don't get along because they don't see eye to eye on almost anything. However, unlike any other mother and daughter, these two wake up one morning after going out to eat Chinese in each others bodies! The result leaves them understanding each other and getting along much easier. This "girly movie" is quite well done. So well done in fact that my entire family was watching it with me the very next day!
Rating:  Summary: Good family type movie, worth seeing with the kids Review: I watched this one with my 8 year old niece and my almost 3 year old. The little one didn't care for it, nothing for her to follow or understand, but I'd say the 6 to 14 year olds will all probably really like it judging by the reaction from my niece. I thought it was well done and acted and mostly entertaining. The movie is wholesome without anything I found distasteful or objectionable for the young. I'd recommended owning this one it has lasting value as a family or preteen girl flick.
Rating:  Summary: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt Review: This film really struck a chord with me! I've been where Lindsay Lohan's character was with her on-screen mum, Jamie Lee Curtis. Tell me a teenage daughter who hasn't slammed her bedroom door in protest (and had it removed), yelled at her little brother, not liked her soon to be step-dad, not got on a motorbike because her mother wouldn't have liked it, turns her music up loud, belongs to a rock group, yet pierces her bellybutton without her mother's knowledge. After watching this, I was on such a high afterwards. I loved the music (I'm getting into that loud music phase now, after my years of cheesy pop, so much so, that my mum had to go upstairs when I was watching this, due to the noise!), Jamie Lee Curtis & Lindsay Lohan actually COULD have been mother and daughter (great casting), and on the whole, the movie was great. I haven't watched a 'Walt Disney movie' since I was young, so watching this, and now actually owning a non-ANIMATION (it's called a cartoon) movie by them is great. When Anna and Tess swap minds almost it's so funny! And what happens afterwards, made me appreciate my mum even more - although she hasn't had to put up with me smoking, drinking on street corners, and sleeping with any guy who takes an interest. At least that's something! Unfortunately, I couldn't persuade her to watch this. She doesn't know what's good for her. The way Jamie Lee Curtis manages to change her image - or the way Anna changes her mother's image - is amazing, although I preferred her with the slightly longer hair. The extras are your average, run of the mill DVD extras to be honest. You get a "backstage pass" with Lindsay Lohan, which is quite funny, and you get to see the rehearsals that 'Pink Slip' do. There's also one deleted scene, a blooper reel, and some alternate endings, which are basically all the same!!! A terrific movie for mothers & daughters to watch together, or for others to have an insight into this lovely and sometimes troublesome relationship. And on a final note: what is the point in putting easter eggs on DVDs if the person trying to find them isn't smart enough?!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best of summer: Review: Disney released 3 gems this summer: 1. Finding Nemo, 2. Pirates of the Carribean, and 3. Freak Friday This is a simply hilarious movie. It is so good for 3 reasons: 1. Jamie Lee Curtis - She does such an amazing job when she's playing Hannah trapped in her mothers body I believe its her, and man is it hilarous!!! 2. Lindsay Lohan - I had seen Lindsay Lohan in a couple movies, a remake of 'Parent Trap' and 'Get a Clue', a Disney channel movie. And though she was good, she'd yet to impress me. But she is an equal match to Jamie Lee Curtis's physical comedy and zany antics here. Where Lindsay play the mom trapped in her daughters body she is absolutely fantastic and hilarious. 3. Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis play off eachother wonderfully well as mother and daughter. They have a very natural chemistry. And there are some great moments, to many to count really because this movie altogther is just hilarious. It doesn't feel contrived it feels natural and well paced. Its the perfect movie for mothers and their daughter(s). I saw it with my mom and we loved it. We so many paralells between us. Esp. the seen where Hannah's mother tries to wake her up. hehe :D So my advice is, even if you're not sure this looks good, give it a chance. Its absolutely hilarious. Even if you're a boy. If you have a sister I'm sure you can relate to this too. :D God Bless ~Amy
Rating:  Summary: Seen It Before Review: It's an old story with a predictable storyline. Jamie Lee is finally starting to look old. It's a good movie and the acting was pretty good. It's just this story has already been told tons of times before.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of fun Review: This remake of the Barbara Harris/Jodie Foster film from the mid-1970s is a borderline 4-star picture. It's a classy, smart and very, VERY funny family film, one that does not insult grownups while it's tickling the kiddos. I don't own this one yet (my daughter does), but I have no doubt I'll be adding it to the family section of my DVD library. What's best about the movie is its acting. Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan are sensational; did any two actors give better performances in the summer of 2003? I always knew Curtis could play funny/tough/matronly/goofy, but Lohan pretty much comes out of nowhere to deliver what is, I think, a Best Supporting Actress-level performance. Lohan, if you will recall, played the twins in the 1998 remake of "The Parent Trap" (another great family film -- strangely absent from DVD). She was wonderful there, but here she's sort of breathtaking. She plays both the mother and the daughter (she and Curtis switch bodies thanks to an Asian "curse") with absolute conviction. I have a feeling we're watching the rise of a major talent. Who knows what this young actress will be doing 10 years from now? On the basis of her work in these Disney films, I'd say great stuff! Otherwise, "Freaky Friday" is a whole lot of fun. I can't imagine someone not enjoying this movie. It's pure entertainment, but it also deals sort of touchingly with the themes of remarriage and frustrated adolescence. Though it focuses on a mother-daughter relationship, the movie is really for everyone -- even fathers and daughters, as I found out.
Rating:  Summary: Help I'm Trapped in my Mom's Body Review: Title: Freaky Friday Production: Walt Disney Studios, GUNN films Date: 2003 Length: 95 minutes Genre: comedy Rating: PG (mild events and some language) Awards: #1 comedy in America three weeks in a row. When I went to go watch Freaky Friday I thought it was going to be another classic Disney movie, you know the happily ever after junk. It wasn't, it was different and it ended up being one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Here's a little summary of this outstanding movie. Tess (Jamie Lee Curtis) and Anna (Lindsey Lohan) are a mother and daughter who don't get along. One day at a dinner rehearsal a magic fortune cookie turns their world upside down. On one Freaky Friday the two switch bodies and are trapped until they realize how difficult each other's life is. Will they switch back before Tess's big wedding and Anna's first real concert? The best apart about this movie is definitely the characters. Throughout the whole movie they are outrageously funny and really act like that is their normal life. You can definitely tell the characters fit their parts. Next is the storyline. It was really unique and very different. The characters make the movie so believable. Even though none of us would ever switch bodies with our mother's. Third is the plot. The plot is also very rare to find. It's not everyday that you watch a movie about a mother and daughter switching bodies. The whole movie is basically about the characters trying to overcome obstacles about being in someone else's body. Last but certainly not least are the actors. I think they were born just for this movie. Jamie Lee Curtis is outstanding, and I have read several times that she is sure to receive many awards in 2004. Lindsey Lohan was also fit for her role but Jamie Lee Curtis stole the show. Overall I would give this movie **** stars because the whole movie was great. Everything from the actors to the theme was good. The movie was very unique, and the characters are very believable. I recommend this movie for anyone who likes or needs a good laugh. Like I have already said several times before, this movie is funny from beginning to end. Freaky Friday was also the #1 movie in America for three weeks in a row. Freaky Friday is the best Disney movie I have ever seen, and is a wonderful remake of the 1976 version. If you don't believe me then go see this wonderful movie for yourself, and find out if mother and daughter are trapped in each other's bodies forever or will they switch back just in time!!!!