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Bzots - Escape A Go-Go!

Bzots - Escape A Go-Go!

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great for kids and parents!
Review: (...) this product is so exceptional, I want every parent who's tired of Barney and Big Bird to give this a try. Bzots "Escape a Go-Go" is extremely entertaining; your kids won't even realize all they are learning. The video is about three robot buddies who escape their factory jobs and form a rock band. The language is cute enough for kids and clever enough for adults to enjoy. My kids go crazy for the robot costumes, and I can't say enough about the music! The music is simply wonderful: charming, catchy, and cool. I have full confidence that your family will enjoy this!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Bzots Rock
Review: A friend gave us Escape A Go-Go! and Gotta Getta Gig and I wasn't sure if my 2.5 year old twin girls would like them. They don't watch any TV and have only seen some Baby Einstein videos and Finding Nemo. They love "The Robots." The tunes are really great and I find myself singing them after we watch the movies. The animation is totally cool - a cross between Monty Python and Yellow Submarine. The show reminds me of The Monkeys in that the plot is secondary to the fun music and groovy visuals. My daughters like it a lot and always want to watch more than the 2-3 songs we let them watch in a sitting. Both DVDs have great bonus documentaries, one about breakdancing and one about real robotics. The bonuses were fun for my wife and I and would be great for older kids. Keep the Bzots coming!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Treat for the Kid in All of Us
Review: A terrific display of 21st Century Children's programming. I found "Escape A Go-Go!" to be the ultimate babysitting tool for my nephew Alex, who is as fickle as they come.

At first, Alex sighed when opening the Bzots DVD because he had not recognized any of its characters. Within minutes, he was humming along with the songs and, when the program ended, was begging for me to play it again.

What stands out the most with this, and all Bzots episodes, is it's ability to engage adults with its quirky, topical humor.

I recommended this highly!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great DVD!
Review: At first, I wasn't sure how my nieces would like this DVD, as it's a little different from your average children TV shows. However, they love it! It holds their attention even better than the other TV shows, and they sits as if they are in a trance when it's on.

Overall, I highly recommend this DVD! It's enjoyable for my nieces, and I enjoy it too!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What An Escape!!!!!
Review: Bzots is great to watch. I really liked the mix of real actors with animation. The jokes were funny for both me and my kids and I didn't have to worry about violence or gross-out humor. My kids really like the robots. I have a feeling Bzots will become the next big thing, and my kids will be able to brag about being the first on the block to have this video.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun for all
Review: Finally, a kid video that cracks mom up too. This is a fast paced, off beat, cute story. My girls 3 and 4, just love it. We also have the sound track and it is not nearly as mind numbing as most of the kid music I am subject to on a daily basis. I have even found myself listening to it when the kids aren't around. By accident, of course -- I will get in the van and it's still in the player...before I know it , I've been jammin with the Bzots for miles, "wait a minute!".
This video is a refreshing must have.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My son LOVES this DVD
Review: First, let me say that this is a really good kids video. Having said that, let me add that what I think does not really matter, so long as kids like it, and I have proof that they do. My son and his friend (a regular playdate) request to watch this DVD more often than others in our collection (more than Bob The Builder!). The story line is fresh and gives children credit for being thinkers. But the truth is even I enjoy it as well. The DVD is very music driven and the kids like to dance with the songs. I like that they can get up and be active as well.
The storyline features three robots who "escape' from their assembly line jobs at the "Globocrud" factory. It's something of a musical as they often explain their feelings through song but the music is modern and very appealing to the kids. There are scenes of children during the songs running, jumping, playing and dancing which acts as inspiration for activity in your young viewer. This is definitely a great new concept in kids video, you would do well to get this for your children. In a short time it will be as big as Wiggles I think.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bzots are Bz-awesome!
Review: Honestly, I looked at the box cover and thought my three year old daughter would have very little if any interest in anything not soft, cute, and/or Disney. Boy was I wrong.
Within the first two minutes of the Bzots Escape-A-Go-Go, she was transfixed! She watched it in it's entirety and twice without interruption. She sings along to nearly all the lyrics. Her fave is "Let's Make A Friend Now". She "scratches" with Wke Wke,and the best part of all...she cries when the Bzots "power down". She has never reacted emotionally to any other of the countless DVD's we own. Our new term for bedtime is to "power-down"!

Exceptional children's entertainment that keeps adults interested over and over again. I'm almost embarassed to admit I look forward to the sequal!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Skeptical but thrilled
Review: I figured the subject matter--robots and all--would mainly interest boys, not girls. But our young daughter loves it and this video quickly knocked Baby Einstein off the front burner. The songs are catchy and the very quick and colorful graphics keep her attention. Good, very original stuff. Highly recommended for kids.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Kids love it!
Review: I got the DVD as a promo and I've shared it with a lot of families. Every kid that I've seen watch it LOVES it! I've been truly amazed at their response. They dance, and they even "power down" with the robots at the end of the program. What makes this special is the music. The songs won't drive adults crazy and the kids love them. It's a ton of fun, and really spans a good range of ages.

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