Rating:  Summary: Good, Clean, and Should Become an American Classic Review: This is one of the best movies I have seen since "The Natural." It is based on a true story about a boy who grows up in Yazoo, Mississippi. Set during the war, the boy has no friends until on his ninth birthday he receives a puppy from his parents (against his father's wishes). Soon, the boy has made friends with the local bullies, got the attention of the prettiest girl in school, and has passed on from being a child to being a young man. This is a classic American tale that has all the elements of a great film, the underdog rises to meet his challenges, baseball, man's best friend, and overcoming adversity. The movie is clean and fun which makes for a very much needed change in the movie industry these days. Moreover, it will make you laugh, smile, grit your teeth, and even make you cry.
Rating:  Summary: A must have for any collection Review: My Dog Skip is based on the book by Willie Morris of the same name. It is the story of a small town boy who is given a dog, Skip. In short time, Skip becomes Willie's best friend and partner in crime. Skip also is by Willie's side throught all the changes and challenges that come a young boy's way. This is a wonderful movie, and retains the southern small town essence that made the book much loved. Supported by brillant, understated performances by Diane Lane, Luke Wilson and standout Kevin Bacon, Frankie Muniz is a natural and likeable child actor who is more than up to the challange. This is a classic in the sense of Old Yeller and Lassie. It is a movie you will pull out and watch again and again.
Rating:  Summary: The best boy and his dog movie out there! Review: I was a little skecptical of the movie at first. I mean, I hadn't really watched a kiddie movie for quite awhile. But this movie is more than just a kiddie movie, it's one for all ages. Adults and maybe some teens will find it just as enjoyable as kids. This movie stars Frankie Muniz, who is as adorable as the dog, as an only child living in wartimes in a small southern town called Yazoo. His next door neighboor is the most famous ball player in all of Yazoo, Dink (played by a convincing Luke Wilson). Dink is his only friend, since all the other boys there treat him like crap. I never knew kids could be so awful, I mean so incredibly awful. But soon Dink has to go off to the war and Willy (or Billy, I never really did catch his name) is left alone without any playmates. You can kind of figure out for yourself what happens after, but I don't want to spoil anymore of this wonderful movie! Besides great performances by Frankie Muniz, Luke Wilson, not to mention Eddie the dog from 'Frasier', who plays Skip, Kevin Bacon and Diane Lane also turn in great performances as Willy's parents. See this movie with the whole family. Trust me, every single person will walk away happy!
Rating:  Summary: Frankie is a cutie Review: Wow, what a movie; I laughed, I cried. How can you go wrong with a good boy and a dog story. Not to mention that Frankie Muniz is major league good looking.
Rating:  Summary: My Review... Review: OK, first off, the movie starts in the summer of 1954 when America was facing Germany. Frankie Muniz plays Willie, a young boy on his 9th birthday who receives by his Mother, a Puppy which he calls Skipper "Skip". It is a "typical" tale of a boy and his dog, but with a more dramatic touch. You could say it was a "Old Yeller" movie. Willie and Skip become best of friends and Skip helps Willie grow up to be a man. My Thoughts: Well, it is pretty much a child's movie but even though I am a teen, I still found it quite good and it would be the kind of movie, if I was 6 or 7 that I would really enjoy! The movie has great supporting roles supplied by such as, Luke Wilson, the all American son who is the best at everything he does until he goes to war and then, well I do not want to spoil it for you. Kevin Bacon, who plays Willie's father, who lost his leg in war and helps Willie. Pretty good movie suitable for all ages. When I watch the DVD I will review it! Have A Nice LiFE! Ryan
Rating:  Summary: This movie will steal your heart Review: There is not much I can add to the wonderful reviews that have already been written here. It is a MUST OWN movie and adults will enjoy it every bit as much as the children will. Years from now I will still laugh and cry watching this wonderful video. It is a story that will never grow old. You should also read the book...and I'm sure Amazon has one to sell!
Rating:  Summary: How could anyone not LOVE this movie? Review: By no means is "My Dog Skip" a perfect film. There are several segments that are ridiculously far fetched, the theme of race is only slightly touched on, and certain characters appear cliched and flawed. Having said that, however, I can rightfully say now that anyone who does not admit to even remotely liking this movie is an absolute fuddy-duddie! This brilliantly executed film touches on so many emotional levels that I not only found myself laughing throughout much of the story, but crying throughout the movie's final sequence. "My Dog Skip" is not your run of the mill family flick about a boy and his dog. It is instead a beautiful, if not heartbreaking, eulogy to childhood, innocence, and an era of America's past that is sadly lost forever. Though several reviewers have argued otherwise, I found that "My Dog Skip" never fell into a trap of sentimentality due to its honesty and truth. Towards the picture's end, for instance, when the narrator asks "Why in childhood do we wish time to pass so quickly, when in adulthood we wish just the opposite?" I felt as if I had been hit by a ton of bricks. I recommend this film to anyone interested in nursing their inner child, for to watch this movie is to embark on a journey into ones past. To the filmgoer who is willing to dismiss cynicism and simply sit back and enjoy this gem of a picture, "My Dog Skip" will undoubtedly conjure up a plethora of memories, both painful, and cherished. As you might guess, I flat out loved this movie, and cannot say enough good things about it. Therefore, I make no apologies for giving this movie 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Parade of cliches Review: I was prepared to like this movie more than I did. I love animals and, well, with "Skip" in the title, I expected a lot of cute animal stuff. Well, it was there, but it wasn't nearly enough. Roger Ebert raved about this movie; it's obvious now that his love for his childhood pet grossly clouded his usual Pulitzer prize-winning judgment. This movie is a compendium of tired cliches. The voice-over narration is truly laughable. I suppose the "messages" are "meaningful" if you've never seen any other movies. But if you have, you'll cringe at the ham-handed efforts of this movie to be "deep." This is a movie with a well-intended heart, a heck of a dog as the lead pet, but short of execution. Don't buy this DVD - rent it (at most).
Rating:  Summary: My Dog Skip Review: Ok, so no sooner than you try to gulp that lump down your throat and along comes a bigger one. This movie is what America was and may never be again. It is refreshing to see a young boy grow into his own and become a successful writer in spite of the difficulties he encounters along the way. I feel that Kevin Bacon and Diane Lane were excellent as the parents of young Willie (Frankie Muniz). See this movie with a loved one as I did. My 7 year old daughter,my wife and I sat with tears rolling down our cheeks as the final credits scrolled by...then we watched it again!! Wonderful movie that is worth buying. You will watch this one again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Good Family Film Review: Awkward little boy in WWII era America and his relationship with his peppy dog (Eddie from TV's Frasier). Probably better for adults than small kids, and have a hankie handy. Subplot involving two dangerous bootleggers almost derail the movie into Home Alone territory.