Rating:  Summary: I'm sorry but nope! Review: I am a teen and I loved the original Lion King. Maybe just growing up and remembering the original movie made me biased about this film but I hated it. I thought it focused ay to much on Timon and Pumba's history and not enough on the original story.
Rating:  Summary: Funny addition! Review: I read these reviews all the time, but I never take the time to write them. But I must say, I was completly pleased when I watched this! I was laughing through the whole thing! From when Timon began singing the opening song, to when all of the Disney characters were coming to watch it all over again! I couldn;t stop laughing! I guess not many agree with me, but for a sequal, this was REALLY good for Disney!
Rating:  Summary: Very Funny New music and new perspective on the story Review: I recently viewed this with my 5 year old and my 3 year old. We laughed and laughed. We were already quite familiar with the Lion King. (Family favorite) But my 5 year old was still singing the songs and retelling the jokes 2 weeks later.
Rating:  Summary: Another sequal, and it shows... Review: Before I saw this movie I expected another bad sequal, and I was right. Ok, the movie is pretty goodlooking, the graphic and so on, but the plot is really weak. It's about what happened to Timon & Pumbaa while Simba grew up. There are some funny scenes but it feels like they're just added on eachother. Don't buy this movie, rent it...
Rating:  Summary: Lion King 0/Tom II Review: I'm going to sound like the Grinch, but I watch TV and feature-length DVD cartoons every day. I can tolerate most of what I see, or I'd have blown my brains out years ago. Some stuff I love (the original Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, Finding Nemo, etc.). On the other hand, my son, who just turned four, is pretty easy to please. As long as there's no live action, he's happy. (The exception was the pathetic Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, which could not hold his attention for even one viewing.) But my son isn't writing this review. To Nathan Lane, I say, "I knew Zero Mostel, he was a friend of mine, and Mr. Lane, you're no Zero Mostel!" Indeed, Nathan Lane embodies the creative mediocrity of the age. When he was about 89, I saw the late Bob Hope (who was far from my favorite comic) for what I believe was the last time he was a late night talk show guest. When Hope, Mr. Timing, missed his mark on his one-liners, I knew it was over for him. For Nathan Lane, it never began. Then there's the original music - oops, excepting one instantly forgettable opener, there isn't any. Some songs are recycled from the original, and others are ripped off from every source imaginable, including spaghetti westerns, though the producers didn't give proper attribution. Now, some folks will say, I'm using a sledgehammer to kill a flea; after all, it's straight-to-video. But the price is premium. I paid $25 for this dreck, and it lists at $30! If we're not supposed to expect full quality, then charge only $10 or $12, for cryin' out loud. For a premium price, you must deliver premium quality, not leftovers. What about the story?, you ask. Don't. There is no story to speak of, just recycled characters from the original. But I really shoulda known - just check out the "screenwriter." Tom Rogers should rename himself either "Tom Ripoff" or "Tom II." Look at his credits: Lady and the Tramp II; Cinderella II; The Jungle Book II ... He has never been associated with a quality, original children's movie. Not only is the man a grave robber, but after robbing the dead, he commits sacrileges and abominations upon the corpses! Doesn't Nemo's Law provide special punishments and registries to govern such dastardly, repeat offenders? Where do I go to press charges for the aesthetic abuse of my son? And what about victims' services?! But it gets worse. Fortunately, I bought this at a store. And so, when Disc II - which allegedly contains featurettes and games -- failed to function, I was able to bring it back and exchange it. But Disc II was equally defective on the second pack. (I'm bringing it back for a refund tonight.) I imagine some of the Disc IIs must work, but if I got two consecutive lemons, there must be thousands of lemons out there. And so, if you absolutely must see this, wait until you can rent it. The Critical Critic, March 14, 2004.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Simba's Pride Review: Simba's Pride Was Good But 1 1/2 Was Better It Tells Timon And Pumbaa's Story Buy This You Will Loves This
Rating:  Summary: Better than I expected Review: I had very low expectations when I watched this movie. "The Lion King" has been one of my favorite movies for about ten years now (I'm 19 now and have loved it since it first came out), so I was really curious when I heard about this sequel/prequel/whatever it is. The trailers made it look funny, so I decided to give it a try. After the horrible "Simba's Pride," I never thought I would ever actually like a Lion King sequel, but I was pleasantly surprised by this one. It isn't a particularly good movie and it could never stand on its own (in other words, it wouldn't make sense to someone who hasn't see the original). That didn't really bother me though. Most of the movie is very fast-paced. At times, I felt like I was on a tour of Pride Rock and its surroundings. We touched on all of the locations and characters from the first movie, but didn't stay long enough to get reacquainted. The timeline seemed to be a little off for some of the movie too, but I didn't let that bother me too much. The rest of the movie was very entertaining. There were some genuinely funny jokes that made me laugh. I loved seeing Simba's childhood with Timon and Pumba acting as his parents. I even liked the songs. "Digga Tunnah" has to be the best song to ever appear in a Disney sequel. That's not really saying much, but it's still very catchy and will stay in your head for days. All in all, I thought this movie was very entertaining. Kids, or at least my nephew, love it, but there's enough there to amuse adults as well. If you don't have high expectations and are willing to put your brain on pause, then you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended! Review: As another review writer said about this movie, there was no reason to make it, but they did and I for one am happy they did! If nothing more that Fan-service for all the Timon and/or Pumbaa fans out there. ^ ^ The story focuses mainly on Timon, who leaves home b/c he doesnt like/fit in with the meerkat ways of life. On the way he teams up with Pumbaa and the two wander around the set of the first movie, and end up settling down in the Oasis they are in when they find Simba in LK1. You get a really cute look into what Simbas childhood was like having Timon and Pumbaa as parents, and you follow the loveable pair as they take out the Hyenas while Simba is fights with Scar in the showdown from no 1. plus a bit more at the end which I wount ruin for you. The whole thing is filled with witty references and jokes on the original, with original music, new music, and some stratigicly placed classics that everyone can recognize. All in all this was very cute movie, the only reason it didnt get all five stars is b/c of a few timeline glitches, and the fact that Pride Rock is always pointing the same way no matter what side of it your on. Also you dont really learn anymore about Pumbaa that you would by watching the first one, so this is really mostly Timon's story, but being a Timon fan that doesn't bug me. I strongly recomend this to any Lion King fan! WARNING: side effects include excessive giggling and you may have a song or two stuck in your head for a while.
Rating:  Summary: The trailer showed the best parts Review: I was very excited to see this movie, as the trailer looked very funny. There were some good references to the first movie (like the song, "I just can't wait to be King") but, overall, very disappointing. The songs were lame, not very catchy, and the characters were very self involved. Timon is not a role model for children....
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointed Review: When THE LION KING finally came out on DVD, I was excited to see the preview for this prequal* because it looked so funny! It looked exciting to find out about the earlier lives if Timon and Pumbaa, the comic relief in the dark but wonderful original! I always had a soft spot for Timon and Pumbaa because they make you laugh after the darkest part of the film- the death of Mufasa and the exile of Simba. I was sorely disappointed when I saw this movie (thank goodness I rented it before I made the mistake of buying it!) because it's one of those movies that you only view once, if you can bear watching the whole thing. Little kids may like it because they recognize the characters in the movie, but there really is no new plot in the movie. It is a parody making fun of the original, explaining what really happened to cause things in the original. For example, when Pumbaa took Timon to Pride Rock as Simba was being presented as the future king, Pumbaa passed gass and made several of the animals pass out; therefore, the other animals thought they were bowing and followed suit. I felt that the movie made light of the stampede scene in which Pumbaa caused the stampede that caused the eventual death of Mufasa. I'm sorry, but that scene is too serious and heart-wrenching to make light of. You cannot have these characters comically running away when death is about it occur. It's sickening. There are many jokes, and some of them are funny, but most of them have to do with bodily functions (farts). The movie is poorly made and uses music from soundtracks, deleted songs from the original, and scenes from the original movie. Basically they took the "deleted scenes" segment from the extras of the origianl DVD that was recently released and made a movie out of it. * what's up with the 1 1/2? It's a PREQUAL- it's not time between the first movie and the second movie!