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Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (Widescreen Edition)

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (Widescreen Edition)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: wouldn't you like to know
Review: this movie is only the best
i don't know who you are miss i'm going to give it three stars. So what they gave Ron's lines to Hermione. She needed dome because she got into some trouble, poor thing. And Ron is not just the funny boy, he is much more than that. He is all that. This movie is funnier and more touching, like the part when Harry is rubbibg Hermione's hand. That is oh too sweet. They need more romance in these things. The Hagrid scene is actaully touching.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Harry Potter Rocks!
Review: Dear fellow Moviegoers,
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a MUST OWN DVD! It is one of the year's best movies and was a smash hit at the box office. Indeed, it was sooooo good that I went to see it 2 times. If you are looking for the perfect Easter gift for that Harry Potter fan that has EVERY piece of Harry Potter material known to man, this is perfect! This DVD comes out on April 11th, 2003...So you may want to pre- order this DVD so you will have it for Easter. Thank you...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: why 4 stars.... ?
Review: The reason I gave this film 4 stars instead of 5 was because it lacked a lot of the highlights that the book had. I know they can't make the movie exactly like the book because of time reasons but essential scenes were cut out. Daniel's aka Harry's acting was a lot better in this film, that is minus the "Dolby in Harry's bedroom" scene, but who could act when you're talking to thin air.

Anyway, the thing that really gets me is Harry's age in contrast with the first "Potter" film where he was supposed to be 11 and now he looks almost 14. I really wish they would have done 3 movies in a row, like LOTR was done, that way they could do the rest of them when the next three books were all out and the last one could have been done alone as a grand finale. By time all 7 of the Harry Potter series films are done Harry aka Daniel is going to be like 20, he can't stay a "boy" forever so time is restricted. And not only that, but the public is going to get tired of waiting a year and a half every time a new movie comes out to see the next, so they either need to join the books or get them done fast.

A note before my review is over *** I love all the J.K. Rowling/Harry Potter books*** but Warner Bros® is going to have to get on the ball if they want to make all them with the same cast as they are right now. My gratitude to Rowling for a superb series, hope she can live up to her last book, thanks for reading,

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Philopher's stone x2
Review: Having received the first Harry Potter book from a very good friend I gladly read it and was soon singing its praises. Upon release of the film though, I was like many others, pretty disappointed. This didn't stop me seeing Chamber of Secrets with open mind though, but again I came away wishing that I hadn't bothered.
The first thing I should say is that Chamber of Secrets differs from Philosophers Stone in that it has undertones far darker than what we have already seen. More people get hurt, including Harry, although interestingly enough, to keep the PG rating none of them are allowed to bleed much.
For those who (like me) haven't read the book, I will try & explain the plot without giving too much away. Its crisis time once again at Hogwarts as a series of mysterious attacks on students occur. Rumours of a legendary chamber containing a monster arise - the question is who opened it. Ever bearded Hagrid takes much of the blame & Professor Dumbledore is suspended leaving Hogwarts in danger of being closed. So who will save the day? Why, good old Harry Potter of course - sadly by this point I just didn't care.
Unlike much of what Disney create, director Chris Columbus (no joke) has created a film that fails to really entertain people that aren't under 10 & who haven't read the book. If you haven't read any of the books, my advice is to not even bother going. Many people say that a good children's program will cater for not only the kids themselves, but also for the unlucky parent forced to watch it with them. I think the same is true of films. Chamber of Secrets stars both the world famous comedian John Cleese & the less known but hilarious Robbie Coultrane, neither of whom even raise a smile - surely this is a missed opportunity.
Acting was, especially considering the young cast, top notch, with everybody's favourite red-head Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) giving another great show as Harry's tag-along sidekick. Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) performed notably well too in my opinion; it will be interesting to see where her apparent talent will take her next - admittedly though its pretty obvious that it will be straight to the next Harry Potter film. Kenneth Branagh surprisingly appears as a somewhat flamboyant teacher who leaves you rather dazed and confused, which to be honest I don't think helped his career too much. And then there's Harry. Played by Daniel Radcliffe, Harry is probably the reason why I didn't like either Chamber of Secrets or Philosopher's Stone. Am I the only person who finds him grossly irritating? Maybe because he reminds me strongly of somebody I used to know, or that he wears the same jumpers as my dad (in both films), he just never fails to annoy. As much as I would like to say otherwise though, I cannot deny that Radcliffe is an upcoming actor with much potential who does a good job here, especially considering his age.
At the end of the day, if you love Potter you will undoubtedly like this film, and even more so if you are 10 or less years old. The special effects are spectacular & ultimately are what tie this film together, however, I think Columbus could have tried harder at entertaining older people, who will likely be dragged along to the cinema by eager sons & daughters. To be frank, I think a lot of them will leave like I did - bored & wishing that the film had ended a good half an hour earlier.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Even better than the first.
Review: This movie rocked. Much better than the first. Granted, the story line IS a little dull in comparison to the first movie and the second book, but the 'Wizard Duel' between Harry and Malfoy definitely is worth seeing, as well as the 'Quidditch match.'

The acting is great, (only one I didn't like was the gardener).

If you're a Harry Potter fan, you HAVE to add this to your collection. If not, buy it and you'll become one, guaranteed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolute magic
Review: This has to be one of the greatest movies of all time! It is better than the first one ( The Sorcerors Stone ), and the cast is amazing! This is a must see movie for everyone!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A lot better than the first
Review: I saw 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' the first night it came out in theatres. I obviously had high expectations as it is an excellent book and they had to make it an excellent movie. I saw the first movie, 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone' and enjoyed it, but this was seriously twice as good. I didn't think the book was twice as good as the first, but they really made the movie good.

The effects were as good as ever. The Quidditch match was excellent, Dobby was funny, the giant spiders, the slugs coming out of Ron's mouth, the flying car, the snake, the willow tree, the mandrakes, all very good.

I thought the beginning was funny because Harry was so much bigger than the first, and Ron's voice had broken, but I got used to it. I also couldn't help laughing when I saw Draco Malfoy. I know he' supposed to be mean, but what's wrong with Draco's hair? Another amusing scene was when Crabbe and Goyle just happened to see some food floating in the air and they eat it. Ron's wand backfiring also made me laugh.

The movie was also better because in the previous movie, I noticed a lot of scenes being cut out, especially in the beginning but it was not the case in this movie.

Finally, Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore who recently died played an excellent part. He was an excellent Dumbledore, and I doubt the next one will be as good.

Overall, I loved 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' and everyone should see it because it's a great movie that nobody should miss. 5 stars definitely.

Also, stay until after the end credits for guarenteed laughs.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Entertaining, but haven't we seen this before...?
Review: In the second installation of the "Harry Potter" movies, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" starts off again with Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) back home for the summer with his uncaring and unloving uncle, aunt, and cousin. Harry is certainly looking forward to going back to Hogwarts but it seems that again this year, danger awaits him. Reunited with his two best friends, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), they discover that Hogwarts is in dire danger as a 50-year-old mystery is reawakened by the opening of the 'chamber of secrets'. As one by one, students become mysteriously 'petrified' and soon the students begin suspecting that Harry is behind it all! Will the three friends be able to find the secret behind the chamber of secrets, and clear the good name of Harry Potter?

Not being a real fan of the Harry Potter series, I have not read the books. So I am reviewing this movie from the view of someone who has seen only the movies.

*PLOT* - The plot of the movie was the real downer of the move for me. I had found the first Harry Potter to be really interesting with its fun story and interesting theme. But unfortunately, "Chamber of Secrets", gives the feeling of déjà vu to the movie watcher, except this time we're led into a two hour and forty minute movie. Somehow, I must say that the story was (I'm sorry to have to say this Potter fans!) dull and boring. The plot seemed to drag a bit, and I felt that there were too many similarities between the two Potter movies. There's the Quidditch (forgive spelling mistakes) match, a secret room with deadly forces at work, a venture into the deadly forest, and much more. Maybe it's just me, but I also felt the movie was too long. The movie seemed bogged down for its length, giving the feeling as if the director tried to hard to contain as much from the book as possible while still trying to keep it interesting enough for youngsters to sit through the movie. Well, the special effects and some masterful action sequences may help to keep kids occupied, but I think the teens and adult crowd may have found it a bit tedious.

*ACTING* - Daniel Radcliffe has certainly grown up since the first film and handles his character very well. A bit more serious and not quite as 'innocent', he give the characterization of Harry Potter a bit more maturity. Emma Watson as Hermione Granger also does a good job, her haughtiness from the first film toned down more. Unfortunately, Rupert Grint as Ron Weasely seems to be only a comic relief to the movie as his only acting ability seems to be having this weird expression whenever his character is supposed to be scared. I couldn't help but cringe whenever he made that face, couldn't he have done a better job? Best acting done by the adult actors and actresses are most notably Richard Harris (Albus Dumbledore), Maggie Smith (Minerva McGonagall), and Alan Rickman (Severus Snape). I was disappointed that there was not much of Alan Rickman's character Snape, he was one of my favorite characters from the first film. Kenneth Branagh as Gilderoy Lockhart is little more than an annoying character and there should have been less of him. The same could be said about Moaning Myrtle (Shirley Henderson) who was VERY annoying!

*PG RATING* - It was a bit surprising for me to see that this movie is aimed for younger children. I can see how some may say how this movie shows very good morals, I must point out some conflicting points on this subject. Not only does the film make a point to show that Harry and his friends deliberately disobey the teachers and break rules, in the end they are rewarded without any punishments! I'm not sure what children are supposed to learn from this. Another reason parents might want to be cautioned is the violence. Oh, I know the violence is nothing compared to other films rated PG-13 or higher but I do know that some parts may be a bit disturbing for children. Most especially the end where Harry goes into the chamber of secrets, there's a battle going on that doesn't end simply. A bit gruesome and disturbing, I suggest that parents be cautioned.

*OVERALL* - Overall, the movie is a mediocre film. The good points of the movie include: 1) some good morals are shown, mostly about strong friendship and good triumphing over evil, 2) pretty good acting, nothing dramatic but still pretty good, 3) terrific effects, and 4) some nice action scenes. On the other hand, some of the bad points of the movie include: 1) a plot which seems to drag and feel stretched over a too long amount of time, 2) some unnecessarily realistic violence, 3) some questionable morals, and 4) too many similarities between the previous Harry Potter movie. As a series, I must say that unless the next movie has more of an intriguing plot with better pacing, I'm sure that non-Harry Potter fans might start finding the movies getting a bit old.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: highly enjoyable
Review: This was a great movie, more suspense, less childish, Dan radcliffe did a good performance as did the late great Richard Harris, and emma watson is simply adorable as hermoine in the film. Can't wait for the Prizoner of azkaban the movie for that was my favorite Potter book, its just too bad Harris isnt around to reprise the dumbledore role, and it turns out the equally cool Ian mckellan wont be dumbledore after all, think it will be an old guy named gambon. anyway see chamber of secrets, and dont miss azkaban

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's better than the first
Review: I'd say this movie is one of the top movies of the year. It is better than the first. I love Hermione Granger. She is hot AND SEXY. Harry and Hermione should kiss in the fourth 'cause that's what the book says at the very end. My favorite part is THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS!

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