Rating:  Summary: Calling "Dick Tracy!" Review: Oh yes! One of the best comic book movies ever! Dick Tracy (Warren Beatty) is the detective in the long, yellow coat who nobody messes with! Ugly little Kid (Charlie Korsmo) disrespects the man and tells him to 'go suck an egg'! Ouch, that really hurt punk! After the pig Lips Manlis (Paul Sorvino, "Not da bath, not da bath!") suddenly disappears and his club is taken over by "Big Boy" Caprice (Al Pacino), Tracy becomes suspicious of illegal gambling. Breathless Mahoney (Madonna) is the club singer and she really does get in the way and interferes in Tracy's romance with Tess (Glenne Headly). Betrayal! Since Tracy's been having problems, the city goes rampant and "Big Boy" ruins it. He talks too much, tries to sing and wants Tracy. Good costume design and watch for Dustin Hoffman, James Caan, and Dick Van Dyke, yes! I watched this when I was about six and I still love it. You know Breathless can't sing, but that's all right (only flaw in the film). "Big Boy did it," mumbled Mumbles, ha! Walnuts are bad for you, don't eat them. Don't play in cement. Be sure to give names to your children. Finally, how do you expect to see anything if your face is covered and you have no face? There's something to think about. Pretty much better than any 50's themed movie and almost a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Comic Book Godfather!! Review: This movie kicked ...! I have never been a Dick Tracy fan but my love for Mob films attracted me to this. Warren Beatty is an excellent Dick Tracy. This film has a plot I wished they used in more movies, like Godfather. The united mob lead by a big boss versus a one man detective. Al Pacino rules as Big Boy Caprice. He always makes a good Mob boss whether its Big Boy or Don Corleone. Madonna is also sexy and hot in this film. This move was so well put together its unbelievable.
Rating:  Summary: An enterntaining and well done film Review: Dick Tracy was one of the most raved about films of 1990, and it certainly was grand. It won three oscars, though I believe it deserved more. The story is about a detective in a late 30s city named Dick Tracy. He is having trouble dealing with the gang owned by Lips Manlis, who also has control over The Club Ritz. However, Lips and his sultry singer, Breathless Mahoney, get kidnapped by Big Boy Caprice, who takes over the business, uniting the gang leaders. It's up to Tracy to defeat Big Boy and keep his relationship with Tess Trueheart in tact (as Breathless has taken an interest in him). The plot may not seem like much, but it's effective and actually has some subtle parodies of gangster films. Characters are quite varied. Warren Beatty directed and starred as Dick Tracy. He's not quite as bad as a lot of people think, but he's still kind of stiff. His character should have many levels, but he ends up just fair. Glenne Headley (sp?) does a thoroughly convincing job as Tess Trueheart, Tracy's love interest. She is completely competent. The Kid, Charlie Korsmo, is one of those kid actors who's fine but not great. He's not on Haley Joel Osment's level, but he's not as bad as Jake Lloyd. His character is pretty lame. Breathless Mahoney is played by none other then Madonna, and she certainly does sing pretty well. However, her acting isn't as good and she is in some of the most unfortunate scenes in the film. The villains look and act great. Al Pacino is spectacular as Big Boy Caprice, the main villain. He's comical and evil at the same time: a spectacular parody of his Michael Coreleone. Dustin Hoffman is fine as Mumbles. Mandy Patnikin is good as 88 Keys, the piano player. R.G. Armstrong and Ed O'Ross also turn in strong performances as Pruneface and Itchy, two thugs. However, my favorite character in the film is played by William Forsythe. Flattop is the perfect sadistic gunman, and I like him alot. Finally, a new villain named The Blank is a mystery for most of the film. The makeup makes the villains look all the more convincing. It's very faithful to the comic that way, which is nice. The sets and props are all bright and colorful, again keeping in tune with the comic. Music was pretty good. Madonna's songs were all fine. I really liked the song "Back in Business." All and all, Dick Tracy is one of my favorite films: a vibrant comic book movie that does all the right things. Highly recomennded!
Rating:  Summary: Dick Tracy Review by Mrs. Landsman's 9:40 Class Review: 1990's Dick Tracy is based on the 1940's comic strip. It tells a story of Dick Tracy and how he helps people by fighting villain, Big Boy Caprice. It is exciting but flawed. Some things in Dick Tracy were good. There was a lot of action. The character of Dick Tracy had most of the action. All the actors did a super job. Warren Beatty gave a great performance as Dick Tracy and he was also a terrific director. He helped make the movie look like the comic strip with some interesting visual choices. He used bright shades of certain colors, and those were the only shades he used in the movie. The villains wore freaky makeup so they would look like the real villains in the comic strip. Beatty also made things look and sound like the 1940's because that was when the comic strip was taking place. He used cars from the 1940's. The musical score which was composed by Danny Elfman, sounded dramatic like 1940's films. The songs from the musical soundtrack sounded jazzy like the 1940's music. Madonna, who was also in the movie, sounded excellent when she sang the songs. The character of 'The Kid' added a lot of humor. This movie did not have that many flaws, but they were big ones. There was not much of a plot. In the beginning of the movie, it did not make a lot of sense. We had trouble understanding what people were saying sometimes, especially the villains. The characters were not well-developed, but that was okay for this film because it was based on a comic strip. There were a lot of guns, but at least we didn't see any gore. Children under the age of six might not like this movie. We are recommending this movie, but we only think it's okay. The action and cool visual choices were not enough to make up for the lack of plot. It was fun to watch, but not so great.
Rating:  Summary: Class Review of Dick Tracy Review: 1990's Dick Tracy tells about how Dick Tracy tries to get bad guy, Big Boy Caprice. There things to enjoy about the film, but it is flawed. There are many good things from the movie, Dick Tracy. There are great visual choices that make it look like the comic strip. The colors were very cartoonish. They used a few specific colors in only certain bright shades. The matte paintings made the backgrounds look cartoonish, too. The makeup for most of the villains made them look just like they do in the comic strip. The lighting made the set look more real without looking too real, and the set wasn't really real either. The musical score sounded like films of the 1940's, and the songs in the soundtrack sounded jazzy like 1940's music. These choices were made because the comic strip came out in the 40's. There was a great amount of action in the movie. Also, there were funny parts. Although there were very good parts of Dick Tracy, we saw some very big flaws. The movie does not have a strong plot at all. It was confusing and hard to follow sometimes. There were guns and fighting, but at least there was no gore. There was minimal character development, but this was not a character piece; it was based on a comic strip. Children under the age of six may not like this film because of the guns and they may not understand it. We recommend Dick Tracy, but not strongly.
Rating:  Summary: An old favorite in Widescreen! Review: Kudos to Walt Disney Home Video for releasing this old favorite in widescreen. Disney releases are all too often compromised versions of the originals when they are not released in their original theatrical ratios. For all those reviewers who complain about the lack of supplemental material on this disc remember: all the "extras" in the world cannot make up for pan and scan versions of well made films like this.
Rating:  Summary: Very good comic-to-cinema adaptation! Review: Dick Tracy was one of the few movies that stayed true to the comic book and comic strip. When viewing the movie, it's as if you're right in the comic strip because the visuals are very stylish and flawless. This was a very good movie, and I remember seeing it in the theater many many years ago. I was surprised to learn that the DVD came out not too long ago! But I think the reason for the delay of the DVD occured because Dick Tracy, even though the movie made $100 million at the box office and was praised by critics, it was viewed by the mainstream public at large as a failure. The marketing and merchandising for Dick Tracy rankled a lot of people, this because Batman did the same thing a year before. What's more, Dick Tracy does not have much of a fanbase as, let's say, Spider Man or Batman. Still, it is one of my favorite movies and does full justice to a comic book.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie....bad dvd Review: It ... me off that companies such as Touchstone pictures even release great films like Dick Tracey and Who Framed Roger Rabbit on DVD with absolutely no features. I mean what's the point in even buying them if you already have them on VHS, the only difference between the 2 copies is that you don't have to rewind the dvd, lol. Other than that there's no real reason to buy this Dick Tracey: No Features Version. This is well made film with a classic look and great cast that I've been waiting for on dvd for awhile but ...assed dvd. It's almost like they don't respect the film and don't think it's worth the effort but this film is as are a lot of movies that have gotten no feature dvds. I must say I'm tired of it. Meanwhile you got bad films like Armageddon being crammed with features, I don't get it.
Rating:  Summary: Good comic series flick Review: Dick Tracy(Beatty) is a tough detective in a 40's Us major city. This stilish Chester Gould comic strip adaptation with bright colors and wardoble and also good make up effects is fun to watch from beginning to end. With a comic and overmaked up Big Boy Caprice(Pacino) a ruthless gangster who wants to control the city and a perfect singer blonde bombshell Breathless Mahoney(Madonna) who wants Tracy and also Caprice from them and she has her own plans t orule the city disguished as a unmasked man with gutural voice. A very good flick.
Rating:  Summary: Finally Dick Tracy in all it's widescreen glory! Review: This DVD is incredible, Dick Tracy looks better than it did in the cinema. The cinematography is truly beautiful to behold. The sound and picture quality are outstanding. The acting is good (yes even Madonna) and the film stands up quite well after ten years. I would give this DVD five stars if there were any extras. They could easily have tacked on the Making of Dick Tracy documentary that screened on TV at the time of the film's original release, as well as the trailer.