Rating:  Summary: The Education of Little Tree Review: As a breed that was born in 1949 I can truley relate to this story . To this day I want to go back to the mountians for my final Resting. You must go to the smokies for pictures just do not do justice. Let my bones be covered by the rocks of Mother Earth there.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie With Heart Review: As a Native American I am well aware of all the blatant stereotyping out there. What I like about this movie is the underlayment of good values. Yes, there is the moonshining, and it was illegal and booze has definitely had a detrimental effect on all races of people. However, this just showed that people during those times were really scrapping to keep their lives going. The Grandparents were not sitting around drinking. As with Casinos, they were selling their product to Dominant culture people. No, I am not a drinker and I teach abstinance.A perfect moment if parents are watching with their kids(as they should), to field children's thoughts about it. Do some teaching. I wonder how many people know that during the Depression when other races of people were just hungry and homeless, Indian peoples across America- some people literally starved to death. On the bottom economically. Only 75 years ago! In our country?The connection of the people to the land and nature was very evident, but, understated, and they were not stereotyped as turning into mystical beings, but, rather, being one with the beauty around them- poor but rooted there. My humble Grandparents also took me to rock ledges and the woods to pray. Showed reverence for all living things. Someone has mentioned that characters were stereotyped as typical of mountain people. I would like to say that one of the reasons I like this movie is that I was very moved by the way a filmmaker set down scenes and family interractions that I experienced. There are people still alive who I have known well, who are good nurturing souls like the Grandparents and John Willow. Even now, in Hollers and on country cowpaths, there are folks like these, believe me. So much hurt and antifamily abuse came out of so many Indians going off to Indian boarding schools. But, here and there, and where I am from, there are pockets of country Indians, registered tribal people, living in harmony. Holding us together. Could have been my grandma's cabin,inside and out, or my adopted Dad and Mom. There was much good said in this movie, and implied, about traditional values of kindness and caring. About family, friends, and how if an Indian child does not have relatives, they are given relatives and taken care of. The Ongoing, the future of the community. Closeness to the land. I marvel that the author of the book from which this movie is loosely adapted, had dubious racial ties. I do not support the KKK in anyway, but, the movie reflects the moviemakers,not the book author, and I do not believe that people like American Indian stars Tantoo Cardinal and Graham Greene would have supported a movie that they did not find worthy. Blessings and Balance.
Rating:  Summary: This is a heart warming movie that is a must to be seen! Review: Despite the fact that the book on which the movie was based was a fraud (sold as an autobiography, which it wasn't), this movie was wonderfully done. Growing up in the East TN and Southwest Virginia mountains with a Scotch/Irish Grandpa and a part Cherokee Grandma, I saw a lot of our family in this movie. It is true to the depression era of East Tennessee (and yes, a lot of children participated in moonshining). I highly recommend the movie to everyone. It's a shame that movies like this have to be made in Canada, but other than "Smoke Signals" so far all the truer stories of Native American People are. Maybe one day our country will accept our heritage and do this.
Rating:  Summary: Great portrayal of Cherokee Native American spirituality Review: Despite the positive light shed on the Native American culture,the white mountain folks are grossly stereotyped.The moonshining industry depicted in East Tennesee is true to life...it's just a shame that the main character Little Tree is shown actively learning this trade and working in it as a child 8-10 years old. With a few changes, this movie could have been true G-rated family fare.as a native American,I would still highly recomend the movie,but not for under 12 years old.It could not be shown in schools in most localities.
Rating:  Summary: Uplifting, heartwarming, everything I want in a movie Review: Even though the young boy in the movie is involved in moonshining, the acceptance and patience shown by the grandparents in this story are a good model for all parents. It also teaches positive values about respecting life, nature and cultures that are outside the mainstream of American life.
Rating:  Summary: Having lived Review: Having experienced life as 1/4 Cherokee, and being ridiculed because my family's history is from the eastern part of Kentucky, I thought this was a fine portrayal of people and families, getting back to what should be most important in life. Children, tradition, and the true values of life itself. The author and writer has accomplished a great task in providing us with a true portrayal of the good and the hard times, that we, as People, no matter what race, should never take for granted.
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent movie, heart warming, true to life!!!!!!!! Review: I am a Cherokee woman and I loved this movie, it was very true to the stories that I was told by my mother who attended an Indian boarding school, our relatives also walked on the trail where they cried. The acting was superb and the story was great. I found it quite entertaining and heart warming. James Cromwell, Tantoo Cardinel, Graham Green, and Joseph Ashton deserve recognition for a job well done on a story that warms the cockles of your heart....
Rating:  Summary: The Education of Little Tree Review: I am buying this video for my 8 yr old grandson. He needs to know this factual part of U.S. history, but there are many other lessons to be learned from this movie. It is beautifully done, entertaining & enlightening. Each time I watch it, I am amazed by the wonderful cinematography, and also moved and inspired to search my own soul and examine my own life. I only buy movies that I can watch repeatedly and still discover something new each time. This one is a movie I could never tire of seeing. It's terrific.... "And you can have them clobbers too!"
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: I fell in love with the Smokies as a child when we'd go to Virginia every summer to visit my dad's family. I've been back to Tennessee numerous times as an adult and never tire of the beautiful scenery. The movie dealt with things dearest to my heart: The Smokies, the old ways, spirituality. I'm inspired by it, and as someone else said, I've watched the movie twice since I rented it and plan to watch it with another loved one tomorrow. It's the kind of movie you want to share with the people closest to you because, like Little Tree's grandma said in the movie, when you come on something good in life you gotta share it with someone else so the good can just keep on going.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie With Heart Review: I learned a few years ago that the author of this book was a member of the KKK.
Let me tell you all something interesting.
I am Iroquois and New York Hill Billy and the book was reccomended to me by a Jewish relative. I also have an uncle that is Eastern Band Cherokee (North Carolina) So having Jewish ancestry and Iroquois ancestry, and having an uncle in law that is Cherokee. I was amused to find out this weekend that one of my ancestors on my mothers side, (Mind you it's the Iroquois side not the Jewish side)Was a leader of the KKK in Columbia County, New York.
I have always hated racism and find my self more comfortable when I am around people of other races and cultures.
I would love to laugh at my ancestor because he had no idea that this would happen to his family. We are a damn cool family too. Some how we escaped the damnation and are a family that is dedicated to furthering the cause of love. I am not ashamed of my anscestor for that very reason. His hatred and stupidity died with him. I don't know that he murdered anyone back then but if he did, it is quite possible that this far down the line we have become relatives of those families too. That would mean that he is their anscestor as well and why should they be ashamed? This is a great story and their should be a story of the life of the author if anyone would be interested in writing it.
My wife is a Tatar Muslim from Russia
We just keep getting browner while Great Great Gran'dad turns over in his grave.