Charlotte's Web This animated feature based on the popular E.B. White book for children--about the special relationships between Wilbur the pig, Charlotte the spider, and Templeton the rat--is a straight adaptation from the page, with songs added. Endearing, heartbreaking, and ultimately wise, it may not please all of those with a strong attachment to the book, but it works all the same. --Tom Keogh Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure Spinning a yarn that begins where the 30-year-old original concluded, Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure returns to Zuckerman's farm for more endearing pig tales. Faint-hearted Wilbur preserves his dear friend Charlotte's memory by befriending the lone black sheep of the farm. When a trip to the county fair separates the comrades, Wilbur musters his courage to find his frightened woolly pal. Along the way, a sticky encounter with a beehive leaves Wonder Pig looking more like Feral Pig... and suddenly Wilbur is to blame for a hungry fox's doings. Charlotte's three sprightly daughters save the day, despite amateur weaving abilities. Preserving the quiet pace and beautiful watercolor look of the original, this animated 75-minute show should appeal to new fans. But adults who fondly recall many bittersweet moments shared by Charlotte and Wilbur, and timeless songs like "Mother Earth and Father Time," might feel slightly cheated. (Ages 3 and older) --Liane Thomas