Rating:  Summary: This movie was so much fun to watch Review: If you are one of those movie-goers who see a movie for a strong plot or 100% realism then "Hollow Man" isn't for you. This movie is all about amazing special affects and a look into what a man would "really" do if he had the chance to be invisible. What I loved about this movie so much is the fact that it doesnt hold back at all. They couldve made this movie pg-13 to allow all the special effects work to be seen by kids but im so glad they didnt. This movie lets loose with Kevin Bacon's character pulling off chick's shirts, raping hot neighbor ladies, and killing people who piss him off all while he's invisible. This movie is so much fun to watch, I recommend it to anyone who loves movies that take advantage of the fact that it is a movie and goes all out.
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Filled Me Up Review: This is what a good update of the Invisible Man should be. Exceptional special effects. Scared me! And I'm tough! Grrrrr!
Rating:  Summary: Not Much to the Hollow Man Review: When I began watching this movie I didn't expect much. And through the beginning of it, I actually kind of liked it. Mainly it was due to the great special effects. It was interesting to watch an ape/gorilla reappear from nothingness. And it was also neat to watch Kevin Bacon dissapear. But after that, the movie goes from bad to worst to just plain stupid. The story was lame and the dialouge (what little there was) seemed forced. I like Kevin Bacon quite a bit. And I think he can play a bad guy pretty well, but in this roll he isn't even there, literally. I don't really know what this movie was trying to accomplish, but it sure didn't live up to it's expectations.
Rating:  Summary: AWFUL movie. Review: First of all, I'd like to point out the fact that I am a B-movie buff and this movie is definately a B-movie disguised as a mainstream one. It's true that the special effects are great, but the movie itself, well, just plain isn't. I really didn't even like it, though usually I can enjoy some B flicks this one was a tad too stupid. Yeah sure, it had some really funny cheesy scenes but thats the only redeeming quality and then some people don't even enjoy cheeseball humor. This movies about a scientist doing some really idiotic experiment on himself which turns him invisible. Then he abuses his supernatural powers and does some naughty stuff with it. That's it, that's the entire plot. If you're looking for a GOOD B MOVIE, look no further than Evil Dead 2. That one you'll have a blast watching.
Rating:  Summary: Being starkers and unseen not all it is cracked up to be Review: At the risk of raising the disgust level of one of my Favorite People whose review of HOLLOW MAN also appears, I must beg to differ - but only by a little. I would award 3 stars, not 2.OK, the Kevin Bacon character is one despicable sicko, totally undeserving of any viewer sympathy. But then, I can't recall any Bacon character in any movie I've seen as being particularly likable - even when he played a Good Guy. He always seems badly in need of an attitude adjustment. Moreover, even more ridiculous than the improbabilities that my friend from Riga so succinctly pointed out was the scene where bags of blood, otherwise meant for transfusion, were ripped open and the contents splashed on the floor as an early warning system, so to speak. I work for a company that manufactures such bags and, trust me, one can't just tear apart the RF body welds on those like packages of trail mix. However ... I never dissected a great ape in biology class, but I have attended a couple of human autopsies, so I'm not completely unaware of what's below the skin. The scene where the ape's innards were brought back to visibility was exquisitely done. Not because of what was shown, but how it was done - the sequential appearance of the various tissues, starting from the circulatory system, then the skeleton, nerves, muscles and skin. And the washbasin scene where water took on the outline of an invisible face was way clever. Fine, I'm a sucker for the special effects, but let's give the techno-wizards of Tinseltown the honor that is due. They don't do wonders like that just anywhere in the world. Finally, I doubt if there's a human alive that, at some point in life, has not wished for the gift of invisibility. As a boy, I envisioned all kinds of mischief under those circumstances. Unfortunately, being invisible, as HOLLOW MAN depicts, necessitates being starkers. That could be a frosty experience on a cold night, whether in Los Angeles or Riga. And imagine getting unstuck from the vinyl booth in a Denny's!
Rating:  Summary: Hollow film Review: Well, first of all I'm glad that number of negative and even derivative reviews of this movie is growing: fortunately, there is someone not blinded by sfx (probably those who've properly studied human anatomy at school and are not surprised by display of a guerilla insides) and repulsed by mindless violence of the movie and its main hero, played by K Bacon who seems to have fun and attributing his invisibility to scaring kids, raping women, wringing dogs' and his co-workers' necks and otherwise developing his voyeuristic habits. No sane person can feel any compassion to this haughty freak bathing in his own malevolent genius. His colleagues do not fit together and killed one by one. The final scene is completely improbable (a man burned to the state you can see his tendons and muscles flaying can't chase his colleagues - who have surprisingly good alpinist skills - through elevator shaft). When I saw the ad, I had big hopes for this movie (I enjoyed Verhoeven's Starship Troopers and Basic Instinct). I wanted too much. I left the cinema with uneasy feeling of disgust and disappointment. Rent it once and see for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Looks like someone had a brain fart... Review: I took my friend Shannon to see this movie, and boy, was I disappointed. This movie had no plot, talent, or scares. I was absolutely disgusted at the violence towards the animals in this movie. And how many times can we re-use the whole "Invisible Man" plot? I guess I shouldn't have expected much, being that Paul Verhoeven brought us "Showgirls." The movie would have been a lot better if Kevin Bacon had caused some mischief to kind of lighten up the movie, instead of just raping and killing people. The only reason that I gave "Hollow Man" 2 stars instead of one, is because of the awesome special effects. It's sad that they had to be in such a flat, boring, superficial turd of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: UGH! Review: If you have read my reviews for other dvd titles (Scream Trilogy Set, The Birds, Vertigo), you have probably come to know I write long reviews. But this is not to be the case. I will inform you that this is THE MOST wretched piece of FILTH two hour waste of ANY DECENT HUMAN BEINGS TIME it's laughable. I'll put it to you this way: They should show it to prisoners for PUNSIHMENT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE run in the other direction when you think of buying this. I just surely hope that my seeing this film and being tortured for two hours will not be in vain. I hope that some poor soul will NEVER have to cringe because of this CRAP again. Thank you, I have said my piece, and good night.
Rating:  Summary: Bacon & Shue Plus Special EFX make 'Hollow Man' Fun Review: Hollow Man certainly wasn't the best film of the summer. But it was entertaining and fun. Yes, Paul Verhoeven served up a healthy dose of misogny yet again, but taking Hollow Man for what it is worth is the key to its enjoyment. Outside of out-of-the-park incredible special effects, Elisabeth Shue and Kevin Bacon are just really so likable as entertainers that you almost agree to understand their need for a big, summer box-office hit. That, Hollow Man certainly was -- a hit. Verhoeven explored social commentary more effectively in the late 80's with the Peter Weller-Nancy Allen driven, ultra gory RoboCop and later set a similar tone with Schwarzenegger and Stone in Total Recall and in the suprprisingly enjoyable Starship Troopers. Here, he isn't necessarily in top form, but first rate actors like Shue and Bacon make the most of the stunted character development and shine in the special effects amazememt. Shue, the viewer believes, may actually be having fun running around with a fire-shooting missle launcher (she needed a dose of fun after Leaving Las Vegas and Molly, I'm sure.) Much like Jim Carrey currently describes the torture of becomming the grinch, Bacon too corroborates the hellish experience of becomming Hollow. In spite of that experience, he still brings home the bacon in this role (god, I'm sorry but I just couldn't let it go). The leads efforts plus the effects make the film enjoyable. Watching it in the right state of mind and not expecting more than meets the eye, makes Hollow Man hollow fun -- which in the end is better than nothing at all.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this thing Review: So the special effects were pretty good. Who cares? Go hang out in a morgue or sit in on an anatomy class and see the real thing. The plot of this sad effort is moronic--why any of the characters do what they do is inexplicable, and why they don't use their heads and *think* about what to do is ONLY because the writers and director didn't CARE enough to come up with a plot. I mean, seriously, you are smart enough to be working on a top secret research project with major government funds, but when your boss turns into an invisible homicidal maniac, it doesn't occur to you to always wear the special glasses which allow you to see him? This kind of inanity pervades the movie. And why this bothered me so much, I'm not quite sure--but when they make a latex mask for Kevin Bacon, they don't bother to cut holes in it for his nostrils! If you've ever worn a diving mask, you'd know how humid and uncomfortable that would be within seconds. In fact, I've had my face cast, and they put straws in my nose so that I could BREATHE DURING THE PROCEDURE! So there were holes in the mask from the very beginning. It's this carelessness that drives me to distraction--if you are going to put millions of dollars into a film, why not really THINK about it, instead of insulting our intelligence? Believe me, it is not worth missing 112 minutes of your life, and whatever this costs you financially, to see the few minutes of special effects that are the only redeeming quality to this film. Go buy a Fangoria instead--hey, then you can look at the effects in detail. Or get to that anatomy class.