Rating:  Summary: Godzilla 1998 (US) Review: First of all, let me just say... this new "godzilla" doesn't cut it. I mean, he is nothing but a big giant wussy thing. He gets caught up in a suspension bridge, gets hit with about 6 to 10 missiles (I don't have an exact count) and THAT kills him? COME ON! What's up with that? He's nothing compared to the old godzilla. I grew up watching old godzilla movies where the people were dubbed in, and those really entertained me. That godzilla is cool because he is unstoppable! Out of all the hundreds and hundreds of missiles and rockets and bullets and bombs that have hit him, none have really killed him! The reason that I gave the movie 2 stars is because it has a really cool nuclear test in the beginning. In conclusion, I don't believe that this thing deserves to be called "godzilla".
Rating:  Summary: Ashamed to Have Contributed Even a Dime to this Horrid Flick Review: This is the only film I have ever felt totally ashamed to have contributed to their theater take. Honestly, folks, this is one stinker of a movie whose excellent DVD features cannot ever fully atone for.We all grew up watching the badly-dubbed Godzilla films from Japan, and many of us actually liked the campy, poorly translated flicks with a guy in a rubber suit stomping on model tanks and buildings (and then later protecting the Earth from all manner of evil mega-monsters). Unfortunately, this film is everything that the Japanese films are not. Produced in the middle of a series of intentionally-made "blockbuster" movies (following such fine fare as Independence Day and anticpating the awful Armageddon and Wild Wild West), this movie intentionally tries to go in too many directions to succeed--is it a campy monster movie of the 60's presenting ecological warnings, or perhaps an action/science thriller a la Jurassic Park, or even a special effects extravaganza? Godzilla never seems to make up its mind. The action sequences fail to thrill as they come across as contrived and artificial, many looking to be made for prompt conversion to video games. The acting, too, leaves much to be desired; Godzilla will stand always as a blemish on Matthew Broderick's career. The movie goes on about an hour longer than it should, forcing audiences to endure the death of Godzilla only to face her (!) babies, CG near-clones of velociraptors from Jurassic Park that chase our heroes around Madison Square Garden. Godzilla has the distinction of being one of less than a handful of films I've shouted at in the theater--here, when said title monster chases a helicopter through downtown NYC, I literally shouted, "GO UP!" ... but apparently helicopters can only fly horizontally and get run down by a hungry monster. I would like to recommend this film for a "bad movie night" or for inclusion on any future episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but then I'd be indirectly contributing to the film's financial gains. Watch this for a laugh or a groan if someone else has it on hand, but don't waste your own money.
Rating:  Summary: AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL Review: I'm just now getting to wrtie a review of this horrible train wreck of a movie. I don't know where to start but I must begin somewhere. First of all this was not Godzilla. I do not care how bad special effect wise the original one looked like but at least they could of mad an effort to make Godzilla look somewhat like the original. First it looked like an overstuffed iguana. And second every shot of the "monster" (I say Monster with tongue in cheek)was half out of frame or so dark you could not make it out. I'm a die hard Godzilla fan and this was a huge disappointment. But this is typical of young, 1990's directors. Which I will now slam. They made Godzilla with "a smile"...."oh no...there's Godzilla...he he he. I could not believe how lame the little jokes from Independence day made its way into this movie. The directors felt they had to add humor to yet another science fiction movie and it tunred out to suck again. I actually fast-forwarded over the last half-hour of the movie because it was so bad and I was so disappointed. But I knew what I was getting into. I was sooooo psyched when I read they were remaking Godzilla. But when I found out it was from the directors of Independence Day it would be horrible and it was. If Godzilla is dead he would be rolling over in his iceberg if he knew how bad this movie was.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla rocked Review: I have honestly never seen another Godzilla movie, so it is a possibility that Gojira was underrated in this film. I however, very much enjoyed this movie and felt that Matthew Broderick had an excellent performance. The special effects were awesome, and the storyline superb.
Rating:  Summary: Oodles of giddy fun... Review: People who chided the remake of "Godzilla" for not having a plot obviously haven't seen any of the Toho Godzilla movies. They're even more devoid (although they are twice as fun). Roland Emmerich, hot off the success of "ID4" gathered up his team of special effects wizards to make what I consider to be the best non-Japanese monster film of all time (excluding flicks like "Jurassic Park"). The pace of the 2.5 hour movie is surprisingly quick and the dialogue, while often cheesy, is good summer-movie fun. I really don't see why so many people have a problem with this movie. It's got laughs, great special effects, a cool monster, and those baby Godzillas are way cool. I like movies like this, so maybe I'm a little shallow. But at least I'm having fun!
Rating:  Summary: I wanted my money back Review: This movie was terrible. It had every overused hollywood action movie cliche. The biggest insult of all was the final scene where one egg manages to survive. Hollywood can't forget their bottom line, no matter how terrible a movie you've always got to leave room for the sequel. I am ashamed that matthew Broaderick would associate himself with such a BAD movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lighten Up! Review: Sometimes you should not think during a movie. Sometimes you should just sit back and be swallowed into the magic that is cinema. This is that kind of flick. It's called escapism. Like fantasy, sci-fi and horror or just about any movie, it takes you into a different world. So what if the acting is sub-par; this was done with tongue-in-cheek! And it's a monster movie for cryin out loud! Not Citizen Kane. The only thing the director and producers did wrong was to name this giant monster after a classic Japanese monster instead of coming up with an original name that might have made this film the Godzilla of the U.S. Remakes are mistakes. This was a big, fun, and loud monster-on-the-loose movie. Anyway, rent it and decide for yourself. If you like it enough to buy like I did, then you must have had fun watching it and gave your brain a rest. When you think about it, you can critique any movie into a negative. Even Casablanca! So lighten up and enjoy a movie for what it was intended....Entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Gojira who? This version is a pile of Gojira dung. Review: I once read in an interview with Dean Devlin that himself and Roland Emmerich were not pleased with the final edit of this film because of time contraints. Would it have really mattered? Although they gave a nod to Gojira's real name not the bastardized Americanized version, it didn't really help and neither would another edit. This movie seemed to try to cash in on the "raptor & T-rex" popularity of Jurassic Park. Godzilla movies were and still are many things, going from all out camp to grim cautionary tale, but when the old (and new) Kaiju movies take themselves seriously, they succeed in their goals with heart and substance, and when they go for camp even those work on some level. This movie never figured out what it wanted to be and seems all the more shallow for it. If art is honesty then the old Godzilla is a masterpiece and the American version is just a [inexpensive] copy. Note: Godzilla movies are still being made in Japan and if you have the means and are a fan, try to see them. The last US release was Godzilla 2000, three have came out since, two of which I've seen and they are far better than most. Also see the Gamera 90's trilogy, in many ways they are superior.
Rating:  Summary: Majorly flawed, but fun. Review: I have been a die hard Godzilla fan ever since I was old enough to pronounce the word "Godzilla", and unlike so many [people] who I hear complain about this film and how it's "Not really a Godzilla movie", I actually liked it. Except for two blemishes on this otherwise fun movie, who's names are Matthew Broderick and Maria Pittilo. Their acting is too awful to ignore. The movie is quite a bit different from the original G movies, that's for sure. There are no monster melees, wich IMO was the biggest thing that was missing. Basically, it's the same concept as the original 1954 godzilla. Giant, radioactive lizard with fire breath comes to the city, blows stuff up, and the military attempts to stop him. There are a few minor similarities here and there, but most of them are more homage to the original than anything else. Basically, if you liked Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin's other big action movie "Independence day", you'll find alot to like with Godzilla. However, ID4's sucsess went to their heads unfortunately, and they forgot to work with their main actors. I cannot stress enough how terrible Matthew Broderick and Maria Pittilo's preformances are. Also, there is rain thoughout almost the entire movie, and while it does give the film a distinct look, it gets old fast, and you wonder "Gosh, where did the sun go?". In the end, many Godzilla purists other than myself will call it a blasphemouse peice of filth, but I say shut up to them. If you want to know what a BAD Godzilla movie is, then rent "Godzilla's Revenge". However, if you can put aside that this is NOT a Japanese Godzilla movie, that it was in fact made by AMERICANS, and you can look past the terrible acting from the two leading "actors", you'll find a fun movie with memorable action sequences, lots of explosions, and excellent special effects.
Rating:  Summary: Overall good movie,stupid godzilla Review: This movie has an overgrown igauna rather than godzilla.The only reason I gave it 3 stars is bacause the action and stuff like that is good.But this Godzilla looks like drunk igauna than godzilla to me.The japinese godzilla is WAY better than this one.Also on the summary on the back of the movie says he bigger than ever.Yeah right!The original japenese version is 492 feet tall while this one 100 feet tall.Now lets get to the good side of this movie.The action is good and the movie thrilling.To make it simple what i think of this movie:Great movie,idioatic godzilla.