Rating:  Summary: viewer Review: TERRIFIC, SENSATIONAL, and GREAT! Better than the first. THE MUMMY RETURNS is action packed from start to finish! Awsome special effects! THE MUMMY RETURNS is everything you want in a movie. Edge of your seat, heart pounding action! A real nail bitter! Trust me, you'll love this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Wow. This movie is fantastic Review: Although I saw it in the movies when it comes on video i'm going to buy it because it's great. If you liked the first movie you will love this one, although it is really different, the special effects are better, the fights are really good. My favorite in the whole movie withouth doubt is the one where Eve and Ak-naksunamum ( However you write it) fight with the knives, that's good. The end is so meaninful, at least it was for me. The story begins when the Scorpion King is fighting with his army, he is defeated and he asks his god to help him. Then suddenly the desert, the part where he is, turns into a jungle with a little piramid on the middle.And his bracelet falls and he dissapears. At 1933 Eve and Rich and Alex(their son) are exploring like always and that's when Eve began to remeber her past life, there they get the bracelet, In the city of the death Hamunaptra, Ak-naksunamun (she has been reencarnated) find Imhotep, she brings him to life. While in London Alex putted the bracalet on and can't take it out and he has 5 days to get to the piramid in the oasis or he dies. When Imhotep is regenerated, he takes the kid because he needs him to show him the path to where The Scorpion King died, so that he could wake his army and rule the world. Along the way Eve discovers that she is .....Sorry Can't tell you, anyways I am going to.....The reincarnation of the daughter of the pharaoh. Imagine, Rick discover something else but,That, I can't tell you, see the movie. The end is sooooo good. Watch this movie, you won't be disappointed,this is the best movie I have seen this year. You will love it.Oh I almost forgot, the same people who worked in the first part are in this movie, except a new character. The Rock.He is so fine.Sorry. Well bye C-ya.
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy Returns is Fantastic Review: If you have a chance to see this movie and you liked the first one, I would highly recommend seeing it. It is 10 times better than the first one. The inter mixing of parts from the first move, into this one is great, you will have a full understanding of both movies.It is a must see. I thought that the Special effects where great and the story line (which one) is fantastic.. Go see it you will not be disapointed.
Rating:  Summary: excellent + dts is awesome Review: i loved it. its much better than the first one. i cant wait for the dvd to come out. buy this awesome action film and see the most awesome movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: Not too shabby Review: Again, like the first film this is mostly a fun-ride popcorn movie. If you want to see an arthouse peice, please go elsewhere and given your knowledge of the previous film, please don't act surprised when you go see this film and learn that it is just a fun, action filled follow up to the fun action filled original Mummy. A few things are different: Evie is more mature, which is an interesting change. She has a kid, who is not as obnoxious as Anakin Sywalker was in Star Wars, thank goodness. O'Connel, Jonathan and Imoteph are basically the same. Again, these aren't character driven artsy-fartsy films, so go to see lots of cool, CGI enhanced battles with stange looking creatures and fun things like that. If that makes you happy, you'll be satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Not these guys again!!! Review: I detested the first Mummy, with it's slapstick comedy, almost non-existent story, and really bad CGI effects. However, I decided to keep an open mind about The Mummy Returns, after all I liked Deep Rising by Stephen Sommers, so maybe he could make a good movie about mummies. Alas I was wrong. The Mummy Returns is boring, tedious, and lacks any of the wit the origional had. The fight scenes are slow and don't generate any real thrills. The CGI effects are cartoonish and hokey. And most of all the movie lacks a really good story. It was mearly a sequence of fight scenes linked with monotonous one liners. Instead of a story with some meat on it, we are given, in true Hollywood form, bigger and better special effects, lots of fightin' with guns 'n knives, and an annoying wise cracking child (Frasier and Weisz's son). Frasier and Weisz don't even seem like parents in the movie, as no real emotion is generated betweeen them and their son, quite frankly no real emotion is generated at all in this film. This movie is in the same vein as the Indiana Jones trilogy, and the Jurrasic Park movies,as they had action and suspense, with some scares scattered about. Yet the Mummy Returns fails in every attempt to recreate the thrills those movies produced. The fx in those movies were there to further the story, here they are used to fill in the thin plot. The Mummy builds it's story around what can be made in a computer. The fx don't help the story along at all, what they really do is come of as forced, and overpower the character development, and storytelling. If the story wasn't so weak this would not have been a problem, in my opinion the fx really hinder this film. Unfortunatly this movie will make tons of cash, so Hollywood will keep churning out this stuff, and America will eat it up, as they do every summer. This film wastes the talent of the cast, crew, and director, which is too bad.
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy Returns Review: Pretty good movie action wise, kind of thin on plot but was a really fun summer movie. Worth seeing, probably could've lived without some run of the mill sequel dialog, and shoddy script. The movie looks pretty good as far as cinematography is concerned though.
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling, Outstanding Sequel Review: Forget about any negative reviews of "The Mummy Returns", this sequel has more action, more special effects, more characters than the original. Although The Rock's appearance as The Scorpion King was exceedingly over-hyped, after the opening few minute intro, he only appears as an FX at the end of the movie, he and the rest of the diverse characters add depth and loads of fun. The real star of the flick is Oded Fehr as the fearless desert nomad Ardeth Bay. The final battle scene between his desert warriors and the evil Anubis creatures is the high point of the movie. Rachel Weisz' character Evie Carnahan takes a new dimension as she battles the returning Egyptian princess Anuck-Sun-Amoon played by Patricia Velasquez. As with the first installment, the action goes from Indiana Jones-type situation to situation until the final confrontation between O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), The Mummy - Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) and The Scorpion King. Sure their are some unrealistic points to this movie, but when talking about resurrected Egyptian mummies and ancient gods, what exactly do you expect? This is fun exciting action.
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointing compared to the first. Review: Brendan Fraser, et. al. give it their best try, but with a script this vacuous, a plot this meandering, and some truly bad special effects (the ending), there is only so much you can do.
The first movie (1999's "The Mummy") is a modern classic. "The Mummy Returns" is a limp retread. I hear there is a third movie in the works, since the first two did so well financially, and I can only hope the franchise returns to the standards of quality and adventure that the first film embodied.
Rating:  Summary: Pyramid Scheme Review: Rick and Edie O'Connell are back, along with Edie's ne'er-do-well brother Jonathan, the evil mummy Imhotep, foxy, deadly Ank-sanamun (Patricia Velasquez yay!! she's back!!!), and the handsome Arded Bey as the mysterious Medjai knight in this rollicking sequel that DOES live up to the first movie. The O'Connells now have a nine-year old boy named Alex. He is an archaeology whiz like his mom (even "smarter than" her, as Rick says). Alex knows ancient Egyptian and hangs around the British museum.
Unfortunately, someone else is hanging around the British museum. The curator has gathered followers of Imhotep, including the physical reincarnation of Imhotep's true love, Ank-sanamun, to resurrect the mummy. There is a new player in this ancient battle: the Scorpion King, played by The Rock. The Scorpion King also wants to take over the world. The first to resurrect the armies of Anubis will succeed.
I loved this movie just as much as the first, and that is saying alot. I have been let down by sequels so many times. Thankfully, The Mummy Returns is a great sequel. I would love to see them resurrect a third.