Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Sequel! Review: A sequel that lives up to the first and still retains all the original actors is a rarity indeed and this one has both! More action, more cool effects...all that live up to the standard set by the first one.The plot is good....connects enough with the old one and still has a fresh direction all it's own. The director was sauve enough to play up to the parts that do parallel the first movie, turning them into a bigger laugh all on their own. If you are a Mummy fan, then you will be a sequel fan as well.
Rating:  Summary: TOO GOOD!!!!! Review: I saw this movie last night!! wow!! it's fat!! ACTION, ADVENTURE, COMEDY!! WHAT A MOVIE!!! SEE IT!!!! I'm going to return to the movie with my friend, we loved it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Action At It's Comic Book Best!!! Review: It amazes me that so many of the reviewers giving their opinions on this Summertime Blockbuster seem to forget the whole purpose of this film. Duuuh, can you say pure, unadulterated fun boys and girls? This movie is not supposed to be Academy Award winning drama, instead, it is exactly what it was intended to be, a big, brash, high octane action adventure, done in the over-the-top style of a 1930's comic book. This a movie so chock full of amazing things to experience that it will literally wear you out. Why just keeping up with the interesting and complicated plot lines is enough to boggle the mind. The cast is excellent with all the familiar faces from "The Mummy," and a few new ones thrown in for fun, including a young boy who plays the son of Brendan Fraser, and Rachel Wiesz. The film starts out kind of slow, but before you know it, you will have been captured and taken along for a fantastic thrill ride through the centuries with a breathtaking surprise around every turn. I recommend that you go see it now!
Rating:  Summary: Can someone explain to me what this movie was about? Review: I know this was a "summer movie" but come on! Pygmy mummies? Where the heck did that come from?????? A hot air balloon? Reincarnation? The chosen one? For what? No tattoo in the first one. Too, too, too dumbed down for me. OOOOOO! Look out! A stupid looking grunting little computer generated pygmy on the screen! Whatever shall we do? I've got a bad feeling about this! Hey that was a lot like Brandon Frasier in the movie.....by the way, if those sand army dudes that the scorpion king controlled were so bad a** why did they all die without even causing a scratch to the guys in the black robes? Hmmmm, let's see, I think a few .30 cal machine guns from even the 30's would have easily taken care of this "demonic horde" that supposedly were going to take over the world. Wow thanks guys! What would we have done without you! But I would have to agree in a sense, those sand warriors could become a serious threat if they all just sat there as sand and let us get them down our shorts on the beach.....OUCH! Now that's world domination!
Rating:  Summary: Where did the life go? Review: In 1999, the world saw a fresh and new adventure " The Mummy ". In 2001, the world is seeing the not so fresh sequel " The Mummy Returns" or should we say the same actors return but left the script and refreshing characters behind in the first movie. The film starts off the bat with the O'Connells ( Brenden Fraser and Rachel Weiz) as a married couple this time around with a ten year old boy. There is an evil plot to ressurect our old friend the mummy, to stop another evil enity named The Scorpion King, played by the WWF's Rock ( very dissappointing debut )and his army of the dead. Much of the film relies on more action this time around, with more speacial effects to make us understand this is a sequal and it's a summer movie. Even though more action, it has less hart and less witty that made the first one so enjoyable. Brenden Fraser, unlike the first one, seems to be just walking around with no expression or feelings. It is good as a summer flick, but for making sense and good story line, this film is buried.
Rating:  Summary: Great Entertainment Review: This movie is great entertainment along the lines of Idiana Jones. I hope there will be more!
Rating:  Summary: Fun film, but not as good as the one it follows. Review: I recently discovered Brendan Fraser as a real gem of an actor. He seems to be one of the few out there that is more into playing a character than in making a character into himself. When I saw The Mummy, I was mightily impressed. The potential for a small franchise was obvious, so it was no surprise when this sequel came out. Unfortunately, it appears that the producers latched onto the wrong element of the first film when trying to identify its success. The monster was not what made that movie so great, so much as the protagonist. It's sorta the opposite of the mistake made in the Alien(s) films (in my opinion, Sigourney was the one weak element -- bring on more aliens and more marines but Ripley's story itself just isn't that interesting). The opportunity to do yet another take on the early 20th century pulp adventure series (as Lucas did with Indiana Jones) is right there in front of the movie execs' faces, and they don't see it. More mummies? Whatever. Now, yes, the film WAS fun, but not as good as the one before it. So, that being said, you'll probably like it better than I did, and I DID like it. Let's just hope that the next sequel leaves Egypt and the mummies behind for some new threat to overcome. P.S. Yes, I know it's a pulp adventure film, but the dirgible with rocket engines seemed a little much.
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy Returns Rocks!!!!!!!!! Review: The Mummy Returns is the ultimate movie of this year!! The special efects and acting are out of this world!! The mummy is very cool!! If you liked the Mummy you will love the Mummy Returns, its better!! I recomend eveyone over the age of 10 to go see this movie because its my favorite and will be yours to if you go see it!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy Returns Review: I loved it! The special effects were great! The actors did a great job! Especially Dwayne Johnson, he was my favorite! The movie had alot of action. I thought it fit in perfectly with the first Mummy! Brenden Frasier was great! The only two things that bummed me out was the Rock having a very small part and coming back at the end so animated! He was gone along time from the WWF, but i would definatly see it again!!
Rating:  Summary: ANCIENT EGYPT GONE WRONG...AGAIN!!!!!! Review: This movie lived up to my expectations! It really kept me on the edge of my seat! You get to see familiar & new faces, & Anucksunamun becomes a main character. The "Ultimate Scorpion King" at the end KICKED AS*!!!!! Also I liked the "Dagger Catfight" sequence (see the trailer!). Their are also new creatures, like the Ultimate Scorpion King, Army of Anubis, and Pygmy Mummies. The jokes & comedy scenes from "The Mummy" are also reused in different-but-similar situations, like Alex O'Connell toppling a bunch of temple pillars just like his mom did with library shelves! Also, you discover a haunting secret about a "past life" of Evelyn!!!!!!!