Rating:  Summary: pretty bad Review: If you loved the first one, this one might be worth a rent from the video store, but i thought that they were both pretty bad.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first, but still quite enjoyable. Review: The Mummy Returns was not as good as I my friends said, but not as bad as the reviwers said. All of the cast is back, in another wild adventure that tops the first in computer effects, but not in anything else. A good story, though not as good as the first, Great visuals and scenery, and some great battle scenes. The best sequence in the film was the bus scene, where Soldier Mummies attack our heros while the try to escape on a double-decker bus. The army of Anubis was awesome, but short-changed. Anubis is another egyptian idol who is not an evil god, as was portrayed in the film, but the god of mummification. They kept the jackal-head look and gave them weapons. Rick got to slug it out with Imhotep while he was mortal, which was neat. The Scorpion King, however, was not a very good character. He was portrayed as a centaur-type scorpion with the Rock's face. Rather then a frightening character, you are tempted to laugh out loud when you first see him. (But of course, that wouldn't be proper.) He is obviously computer-generated, with the Rock's face scanned into the computers and used. The worst thing about this movie was a shortage of its namesake. Imhotep, the all powerful mummy. He was not given enough screen time. In the first movie, All of the men responsible for opening the chest that held the book of the dead were killed by the mummy, who stole their skin and regenerated himself in a gradual proscess. In this film it is in one brief scene. Rather dissapointing to me. I think he looks much cooler in his decomposed state. There was a shortage of other mummies as well. In the first movie, there was a huge battle at the end with hundreds of mummies. The only mummies we see in this are five at the beginning, who are finished in ten minutes, and then an encounter with little pygmy mummies near the end. And that brings me to another point. What in the heck were those pygmy things? They were described as mummies, but why would they mummify strange shrunken creatures who live in a cursed oasis? And even if they did, why and how were they brought back to life? Totally unexplained. People looking for the same laughs they got in the first will be dissapointed, because this one doesn't come close. It is funny, but I could tell that they didn't even try to be as funny as the first. The first one got most of its laughs from the arguments between Rick and his ex-partner, Benny. As you probably remember, Benny suffered a horrible off-screen death by scarab beetles. So that makes it rather impossible to bring him back. Overall, a very cool action movie that fans of the original will enjoy, but in my humble opinion, the first was better.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best action/adventure films. Review: This is much better that the original. All the original characters with some great additions return for even bigger adventure. Better legend, better story, and even better visual effects. Even The Rock could not spoil it. Definitely worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: More Mummies! Review: This is a great action movie; we already know the characters from the first film, why not just jump right into it! If you liked the first, you'll like the second - and what about that next movie, hollywood guys? No, the Scorpion King doesn't count - I want to know what Rick and Evie tackle next. By the way, you can double your pleasure from this film with your family by adding the nifty A&E Egypt double-dvd - Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt.
Rating:  Summary: Still fun, but not as good Review: The Mummy Returns is to The Mummy what Aliens 2 was to the Alien. It is a sequel that borrows some of the ideas from the first one, but puts the accent on action scenes at the expense of the story. Main characters, while played by the same actors, are very different from the ones we were introduced to in the first movie. Most changed is the girl - from a sweet and innocent librarian, she became a fighting machine now (the twist from the new story substracts even more from the credibility of her character). Gone are also the witty dialogues, so reminiscent of Indiana Jones movies, that made The Mummy so popular. What we are left with is a lot of action scenes, new villains and new and improved CGI effects. It's fun, but it's also as average as all the other films on the market. Which is bad, because this franchise had a lot of potential. Main characters do what they can to make the movie work, but with dialogues so bad, now Brandon Frasier's bad acting is visible even more. He doesn't have Harrison Ford's charisma, but on the other hand, don't know who does have it. Where the movie shines is at being brainless entertainment. Action scenes are filmed well, CGI scenes are impressive and the villains are all that you'd expect. Overall, i would recommend renting this movie, but not buying it. It is a fun action movie, but nowhere near the first one.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the original Review: I think it was a worthy sequel bt i thought that it was gonna have better acting lke the 1st. The scenes were pretty sorry and the Rocks acting made me vomit firguitivly speaking.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever? Review: One of my friends rented this movie and invited a bunch of people over, thinking it would be a good cinema experience. Boy, was he wrong. This movie is possibly the most predictable movie EVER. One of my friends predicted the entire bus scene perfectly. And of course the main characters are saved just in the nick of time. And the girl's make up stays on after taking an adventure in the water, too. I could go on and on about all the little details of this film, but I don't think it's really worth it. Watching this movie with my friends turned out to be like Mystery Science Theater 3000. I'm almost tempted to give "The Mummy Returns" two stars for being a good party movie, if only because it's so easy to make fun of. Rent it with your friends if you're bored, and you might get a kick out of it.
Rating:  Summary: TOO FAKE, TOO LONG Review: It's an O.K. movie, but the effects look so fake! I've seen 20 year old movies with better animation than that seen on the Scorpion King scenes! It just goes on and on and makes you wonder when it's going to end.
Rating:  Summary: Not to bad Review: Mummy Returns was not to bad, but like most "part two's" the first was better. Special effects were just as good as the frist, but the acting was just cheesey to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Don't know which one I like better Review: I love action movies. You know in the back of your mind that the good people will always win in the end, but you keep watching nevertheless to see what exciting things will happen in their struggles and glories on the way to their success. Such is the case, of course, with "The Mummy Returns". Brendan Fraser once again returns to do battle after battle with the recently resurrected mummy. You would think that after a couple of years that the mummy would at least be SOMEWHAT rusty, but no! He brought back those pesky little beetles that can eat you alive, armies or walking wolves that have murder in their eyes, and so much more. Oh yeah, and this movie is also where the Scorpion King gets his start. Just like the original, "The Mummy Returns" manages to keep you on the edge of your seat with its nonstop action; it swallows you whole with its dazzling visual effects and views of the Egyptian territory, and, it even manages to be funny at times. I REALLY can't say which of the two that I like better; that would have to be determined by a flip of the coin. If you're a fan of awesome action movies, and especially if you liked "The Mummy", do yourself a favor this holiday season, or any other day of the year, and get "The Mummy Returns"!