Rating:  Summary: Not the worst alien film ever made. Review: This film was good, but not great. It had some holes in it and the actors could have been better picked out. The film isn't a complete waste. I didn't like the ending of it, but see the alternet ending and thats pretty. This movie was a hell of alot better then Mars Attacks. Oh and Alien and Predator fans watch both of the seires to get ready for the Alien vs. Predator MOVIE coming out in theaters Augest 2004
Rating:  Summary: Half. Review: Okay. Here is the problem with ALIEN RESURRECTION- the third act blows. After a solid intro and some great shocks and thrills (the underwater sequence was pretty cool), we stray from what really gave us nightmares in the first three flicks- the alien creature. We are introduced to what looks like the PUMPKINHEAD suit with some backlot water damage. Whatever they were going for in the last act of this movie failed miserably because of the lack of regular aliens. I can't even understand what that thing with the nipplenose is suppose to be. How can a alien give birth to anything but an egg? Bad call guys. And WINONA RYDER? Again, bad call guys. Basically half that it should have and could have been, ALIEN RESURRECTION had all the ingredients to be solid, alas it was merely one of those films that you can either pop in the DVD player or catch on cable for the first half and then tune out.
Rating:  Summary: The series has finally gone down hill... Review: I am not one of those die hard fans who will vow on my life that I know everything about this series and I am not usually even a fan of the sci-fi genre, but the Alien movies have always been some of my favorite movies ever made. After the dissapointing and disturbingly depressing plot of the 3rd movie, I was hoping Resurection would shine a little light on the Alien movies and bring things back into perspective that just dissapeared along with Ripley when she dove into that pool of lava like fluid at the end of A3. However, Alien: Resurection basically sucks. I was shocked at how typical the movie looked, and how the computer animated Aliens just ruined the overall creativeness that ALIENS shone on the world. The movie was too glossy and it was hard to form any emotional bonds with any of the characters. Ripley is just weird in this movie. She's half Alien now and I honestly don't understand or really like that aspect of the movie. Ripley fought and basically gave up her life to kill these creatures and now she is "the mother of the monster" in this movie, which, I can see how that could be Shakespearian in it's depth, but it just falls flat and Sigourney Weaver just looks stupid with her long greasy black hair, black nails, and tilted head as she makes some witty yet darkly creepy comment about being half monster. I don't think I ever really recovered after seeing Alien 3 and learning that Newt had died. That alone even made the 3rd movie a waste of time to me. I mean, we see this movie, where the plot clearly ends up revolving around Ripley saving this little girl and in some way getting a replacement daughter for the one she lost through being stuck in hyper space or whatever it's called for so long...and then in the beginning of the 3rd movie she is just dead??? C'MON! That just makes Aliens a waste of time, and that movie rocked! Alien Resurection could have been a great movie...but, the sloppy script, almost comedicly gory deaths (That scene with Dan Hedaya pulling a peice of flesh off the back of his head), glossy cinematograpy, bogus computer animation, and bad acting just ruin this movie. They should stop making these movies, or go back to Aliens and start over somehow. Make it all a dream somehow and use less computer animation! It barely deserves the 1 star I am giving it.
Rating:  Summary: Alien Resurrection Review: ALIEN RESURRECTION wasn't the scariest of all the ALIEN movies, but it had the most action. The theatrical version of the movie was good.The CGI aliens in the movie do NOT look awful and the plot is fine! If people wanted Ripley back, they got her back and the only way to do it was to make a clone, any other ideas? With the theatrical version, you can go to the supplement part of the menu and view the deleted scenes. I give the teatrical version 4 1/2 stars.The Special Edition was really good an the adde/extended scenes were great. There is an alternate begining shows the USM Auriga instead of the seven failed clones of Ripley. The ending is an alternative also because the Betty gets back to Earth and you get to see our new world. I think those scenes should have been in the original, they're much better. The Special Features disc is packed with 180 minutes in featurettes, trailers, TV spots, and has still photo galleries. The Special Edition of ALIEN RESURRECTION gets 5 stars and the supplementary disc gets 5 stars as well. I would recomend this outstanding DVD to any ALIEN or sci-fi/action fan.
Rating:  Summary: Alien Resurrection - Ripley's back and she's a "mommy!" Review: Not unlike "Alien 3," when I went and watched "Alien Resurrection" in the theater my initial impression of the movie wasn't any different than my initial impression of "Alien 3;" what were they thinking. As a whole, the critics and the fans pretty much panned "Alien Resurrection." Since that time, I'd never even considered purchasing "Alien 3" or "Alien Resurrection," in essence discounting them from the series. Given this recent release of all four movies on DVD with Director's and Special Edition cuts and a rekindled interest in giving these movies one more chance I decided to purchase them and I would have to say that after watching both of them again I'm happy I gave them a second chance. I think what pretty much blew it for both "Alien 3" and "Alien Resurrection" was that they were both seemingly complete departures from the first two exceptional movies and that the direction these movies took just turned the fans off of them. With "Alien Resurrection" I would still say that it is probably the worst of the four movies but it still, in my opinion, garners four stars for its originality and the way in which they brought Ripley back. Overall, the script is extremely creative and for the better part of the movie, the suspense/action factors are there; where this movie falls somewhat flat on its face is the ending and the extraordinarily odd turn for the alien queen. Contrary to that fall off in the conclusion, the scene with everybody trying to escape through a flooded kitchen has to be one of the best action sequences I've ever seen in a film! For her part, Sigourney Weaver does an exceptional job of reinventing Ripley for this script. The cast of supporting actors is pretty impressive as well, from Winona Ryder to Ron Perlman, this movie has the talent that, for the better part, overcomes the ending of the movie. This is the only movie that Jean-Pierre Jeunet has directed and I would have to say that this French director did a great job with the overall setup and feel of the movie. Again, it's just the ending that disappoints and whether he as the director had much influence as far as that's concerned, I kind of doubt it. The score for the film matches every scene quite deftly, greatly enhancing the overall feel of the movie. The Premise: It is over two hundred years since the events of "Alien 3" in which Ripley sacrificed herself in opposition of allowing the alien queen growing in her chest making it into the hands of the "Company." Although it's not clearly defined within the movie, the military organization that seems to run everything now has procured a DNA sample of Ripley's and cloned her, alien queen included. This military organization has cloned Ripley and her "baby" so that they could do everything that Ripley tried to prevent the "company" from doing in her time. Along with an alien queen being cloned, the general leading the operation has hired the crew of the Betty, which is an unregistered crew of space pirates, to procure for him people who were in hyper sleep so that he can use them to create more aliens... What follows from there is a good movie where Ripley, the space pirate crew and some of the remaining military personnel go through the motions of trying to stay alive long enough to get off the ship that is now full of aliens who are on the loose. I would definitely recommend this film to any and all who are fans of the series, despite the abominable ending of the movie. {ssintrepid} Special Features: -1997 Theatrical Version (Deleted/Extended Scene Index) (Alien vs. Predator Teaser Trailer) -2003 Special Edition (Jean-Pierre Jeunet Introduction -Full-Length Commentary by Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Editor Herve Schneid, A.C.E. Alien Effects Creators Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff, Jr., Visual Effects Supervisor Pitof, Conceptual Artist Sylvain Despretz, Actors Ron Perlman, Dominque Pinon and Leland Orser (both versions) -Several Still Photo Galleries -"From the Ashes: Reviving the Story" Featurette -"French Twist: Direction and Design" Featurette -"Under the Skin: Casting and Characterization" Featurette -Test Footage: Creatures and Costumes with optional commentary -Test Footage Part 2: Hair and Makeup (Visually, this is "definitely" surprising) -Pre-Visualizations: Multi-Angle Rehearsals -"Genetic Composition: Music" Featurette -"Virtual Aliens: Computer-Generated Imagery" Featurette -"A Matter of Scale: Miniature Photography" Featurette -"Critical Juncture: Reaction to the Film" Featurette -"Death From Below: Fox Studios Los Angeles 1996" Featurette -"In the Zone: The Basketball Scene" Featurette -"Unnatural Mutation: Creature Design" Featurette
Rating:  Summary: There's a little bit of Alien in all of us Review: It's tough to raise people from the dead. To paraphrase Robin Williams from Aladdin, it's creepy and no one likes to do it. Except in science fiction and horror movies. The fourth film in the series takes a cheeky attitude, a dark sense of humor and runs with it. In Alien Resurrection everyone is dysfunctional and humanity has become the worst of the lot. The company is gone. It's now replaced with a mysterious arm of the military that is doing the research necessary to bring back the Alien. The downside is that they also bring back Ripley. She's considered nothing more than a "meat byproduct" by some of the command staff.Evidently, their DNA became mingled during the process so there's a bit of Alien in Ripley. She's a very different creature from the original model. The Aliens evidently have racial memory and one of the advantages of this is that Ripley remembers much of what happened to her and her former life. A spaceship arrives with unwilling volunteers to help continue the Alien species. These black market traders are only in it for the money until they become potential prey as well. Like most of the stuff written by Joss Whedon, you'll either love the film or hate it. Many of the human characters are repulsive while the nonhuman display more humanity and compassion. The special edition included opens with an unfinished CGI sequence that would have set the tone for the film even better and, yes, clued in the audience not to expect Alien, Aliens or Alien 3. Like the previous films, Alien Resurrection is a unique vision. The dark humor that runs at the heart of this film will turn folks off who expect Scott's horror film, Cameron's Terminator in space or Fincher's dark, nililistic view of the prison planet. The film does suffer from a number of flaws. Some of the roles are miscast and sometimes the humor is at the expense of good storytelling but, on the whole. Alien Resurrection has a number of things to recommend it. I found the additions improved both the characterizations and the action for the most part. The original ending was far superior to the shorter version that appeared in the theatrical cut. While the differences here between the theatrical version and special edition aren't as dramatic as Aliens, the lost characters moments and bits of dialogue do make the characters a bit closer to you and I in their humanity. Love them or hate them, all the sequels to Alien are unique stylistically and thematically. The directors and writers working on them tried to always come up with something different. They weren't always successful at making a great movie but each one is different enough to make them all very interesting and quite enjoyable on their own.
Rating:  Summary: Rather Have A Tooth Pulled Review: The worst film I have ever seen. They should have stoped at the third. If there was a zero star rating I would have choose that. NEVER SEE THIS FILM!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Okay, This Time I Had To Agree With The Critics. Review: The first two ALIEN films are groundbreaking classics, true masterpieces of the science fiction genre. When I heard they were coming out with the ALIEN QUADRILOGY, I was very excited. There was only one problem: I hadn't seen the last two films. So until I had, I decided to hold off on the entire QUADRILOGY box set (a wise decision, in the end). I don't know why I saw the fourth installment before the third, but having read about what happens in the third movie I understood it perfectly well. That doesn't mean I liked it, mind you. This really is a bad movie. I really wanted to be like other reviewers and like this movie, despite how awful the critics bash it. But ALIEN RESURRECTION is just plain bad. I find it this way for a number of reasons: - Ripley, who was the ultimate heroine in ALIEN and ALIENS, is now an unlikeable jerk. I understand perfectly well that this is because of the Alien DNA that got scrambled with hers, and that this is not exactly the same Ripley we're all used to. But it still makes the film unpleasant to watch, knowing that we've lost the true Ripley. - Also, I really hated the Aliens in this film. They were just dripping with so much slime! I'd heard people say that "bucket-loads of slime are constantly oozing off of these things," and I naturally thought they must've been exaggerating. They were not. The filmmakers, I guess, thought that icky, gooey slime meant scarier aliens. Well, let me tell you, I couldn't take the Aliens seriously because of it. I really wish they hadn't gone and redesigned the Aliens again; now they just look like the Velociraptors in JURASSIC PARK (especially evident whenever the crappy CGI comes on). In the first two movies, there wasn't a drop of slime to be found. As I've heard someone say before, those Aliens were scary BECAUSE of their simplicity. Now they've thrown it out the window. God, I hope they get back on track in ALIEN VS. PREDATOR. - None of the characters were likable. Not in the very least. Winona Ryder was supposed to be, I know, but she's just really miscast, unfortunately. And what was the point in making her a robot, anyway? Probably just an attempt to be creative. Wrong again! And all other supporting cast members are either bland and uninteresting, or just plain obnoxious. - The movie itself is just unexciting. Not once was I scared, or even the slightest bit tense. To put a classic saying to use, you could cut the tension with a knife. This is probably because of all the reasons listed above. - The special effects were pretty good (aside from the Aliens themselves), but the production design didn't seem to have a style of its own. That is, it just felt taken from hundreds of sci-fi films before it. Don't think this is the end of the film's problems, 'cause it has plenty more. In short, don't waste your time. Okay, if you're like me and you just have to see all the films in a series, then go ahead. Just don't say I didn't warn you. And don't let it ruin the whole series for you, either. James Cameron (director of ALIENS) prefers to think of the last two films as "alternative futures", or what MIGHT have happened to Ripley. Smart words, and you should really take those into account while watching this movie. The only reason I gave this film two stars instead of one is because the new DVD is supposed to be awesome. Aside from the actual movie, I mean.
Rating:  Summary: Both versions of the movies stink. Review: Well I have now seen both the theater cut and the director's special edition of this movie and neither is an improvement over the other. This movie had no script. and the cgi effects are so awful that it makes you wonder wither you are watching a video game. Plus this movie is so de-humanized. Everyone acts even more alien then the creatures themselves are. It really makes you wish that they had stopped the movie with Aliens, and not made more garbage like this, or the up-coming Alien vs Preadator. What are they trying to prove, it seems the more of the movies they make, the more foolish, they become. The script has written by Joss Wheaton was a rather a rewrite of a rewrite. The process of brining back Ripley as a clone was discussed, rewritten, rejected, then rewritten again as the only thing that seemed to make sense. A draft does exist that would have shown the events of Alien 3 has being dismissed as a dream Ripley had while in hypersleep (that would have been all right with a lot of fans who liked Aliens a lot) but they went for this instead, and it pretty much signaled the death of the series, even though rumors persist that both Ripley Scott and James Cameron are working on a fifth and final Alien film that will bring back elements started in the first two movies and ignore three and four. But even if that is true, it might be too little, too late. We shall see.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie, No Matter What Anyone Says Review: Alien: Resurrection is the 4th movie and the 2nd best in the Alien series. It is a great movie, though some people may say not. Most critics rated this pretty poorly, for no reason. You may think this movie will be bad because it may seem like an attempt to revive the series and it is, but it's a good one. With a perfect mix of well choreographed action and black comedy Alien: Resurrection is a definate buy. The only downside is that those weirdoes who think Aliens, not Alien3, was the best in the series will probably not like it because there's no cute and cuddly marines in it. A Great Movie, buy it!