Rating:  Summary: Pant-Wettingly Hilarious Review: There's no new bad things I can say about this film as they are all pretty much common knowledge (like how can someone have flashbacks of events they never witnessed?). But I will say that no collection is complete without this movie. It is so wretchedly bad it's funny.First of all, hardly anybody gets eaten. After Jaws gobbles up the youngest Brody son Mom goes on a holiday to get away from Amity Island and it's history...to the Bahamas! Total change of scenery huh? Jaws follows. How? Don't ask me. And he gets there in a day when it would take any ordinary shark about a week minimum. Her elder son works as a marine biologist (surely being attacked by sharks in the first two movies would put him off going in the ocean) and is studying sea snails (presumably he got fired from Sea World after Jaws 3). By pure coincidence (or contrivance), Jaws shows up and pokes his nose into the sea snail research. The shark looks sooooooooooooo fake. It's very obviously nothing but foam rubber with plastic teeth. And it's incredibly stupid. The shark in the first film (and in the surprisingly good second) seemed to be kind of smart and cunning. But now it's just a big lumbering idiot. Why on earth Michael Caine agreed to be in this is beyond me. He even couldn't get to the Oscars to accept his award for Hannah and her Sisters because he was too busy filming this turkey. And the story with him dating Mom Brody takes up a tremendous amount of the film's running time and ends up turning it into a soap opera. The worst thing tho, isn't the elder Brody son's beard or Mario Van Peebles' Jamaican accent. It's the ending. Let me explain what happens... Jaws stands on his tail! On the Water!! Roars like a Lion!!! Is stabbed by the broken mast of a ship... ...and explodes!!!! Of course! Where on earth the idea for that ending came from is probably best kept a mystery. The fact that it recycles footage from the first film into this ending is a mockery of the original's genius. It should also be noted that this version includes the happy (alternate) ending in Mario Van Peebles survives being chomped across the belly by the big fish. This new DVD release by Universal improves upon the shoddy, OOP Goodtimes release. Gone is the snapper cover, now we have a sturdy keepcase. The picture is now anamorphic and although the 2.35:1 frame has some dirt on it, it's rather sharp. The Dolby 2.0 soundtrack is just about average though. The only extra is a trailer.
Rating:  Summary: Only in Hollywood Review: Only in Hollywood... Would a woman blame a shark for eating her entire family and seek to get away it from it all and vacation in the Bahamas. Where yet her Grandaughter is attacked by the Shark. Next time she goes on vacation try going to Las Vegas, or somewhere else inland, not near the ocean. The premise is bad, and so is the movie. Why would anyone in the family permit any of the children to go swimming into the ocean (Grandaughter, son, etc..) is beyond me, except to make a sequel. The movie is beyond reality and is not suppose to be a silly farce, but feels that way. Simply put "horrible".
Rating:  Summary: Top Five Worst Film Of ALL Time Review: Oh I do love reading Amazon reviews!!!! People who give this film more than one star really are having a joke, they surely cannot be serious. The story is ridiculous...shark goes round coast of the US to get its revenge. I was half expecting it to get on the subway and go looking at one stage. The acting is diabolical. And to those of you who said the shark was realistic...are you drunk? Look at the film again, the mechanism under the mechanical shark is CLEARLY visible in many shots. Which again tells you how bad it is. Really, if you thought this was good, I'd reexamine what films you go see. Contender for the worst film of all time with Gigli. In fact so bad, I dont know why I bothered reviewing it AT ALL!
Rating:  Summary: Whats with the End?????!!!! Review: ok...i remember seeing this movie and owning it when i was like 3. i was the biggest jaws fan. i loved them all. as i grew older i grew more appreciative of the series and rewatched them. i still agree 1 and 2 were the best...1 being one of my fav movies of all time...them in 1983...jaws sadly fell like a rock in water. jaws 3...it was ok...the guy getting swallowed whole and fighting in the sharks mouth was pretty cool...but jaws 4. a shark being able to think? let alone know where a whole family is going to be? sounds like a slasher film that takes place underwater. i don't think people can remember things that they never saw. now i remember on tv, there was a different ending where the boat rams jaws and he spurts up blood. i own the old vhs copy, and the new dvd, and this ending is on neither. so what ever happened to this ending? the ending that made the film somewhat decent and watchable at the end??? i swear...hollywood will do anything if a movie makes a few dollars at the box-office. including slapping a timeless movie title onto a piece of crap and selling it to the public. hollywood? are u out of ur minds?
Rating:  Summary: NA Review: I totaly agree that this movie is terrible ..but i'll have to say you're wrong about sequels getting (worse) each time around ..
Rating:  Summary: A Jaws film to avoid Review: INTRODUCTION: When you do a really good film, it's tempting to make a sequel just so you can rake in some quick cash. That's just what was done with the Jaws series - three times over. Jaws 2 was actually a very good film, though not quite as good as the original. Jaws 3 was disappointingly mediocre. And in 1987, what would be the final film in the series (to date, anyway) was released. Would this film save the reputation of the series, or would it just give all the Jaws sequels a bad name? Read on for my review of Jaws: The Revenge. BASIC PLOT: A few years have passed since Jaws 3. Michael Brody is now a marine biologist in the Bahamas, and Shawn Brody has taken over his father's job as Amity's police chief. Amity is preparing to celebrate Christmas, when the peace is shattered - Shawn is killed by a shark. To help her get over her sadness, Michael insists that his mother Ellen (whose role is once again played by Lorraine Gary) come back to the Bahamas with them. She does so, but soon enough she gets the feeling that there is a shark hunting down the members of the Brody family, one by one... and her premonition proves to be right. FILM OPINIONS: Could you possibly come up with a dumber way to finish off a once great film series? Jaws 3 was bad enough, and it pains me to say this film was MUCH worse. For instance, the scene where Shawn is killed looks unrealistically fake. Sharks don't stand up on their tails just to take a quick bite out of someone. Realism is one of the things that made the first two Jaws films so great. But what really makes this film horrible is that the shark is actually hunting down members of the Brody family! And it's the same shark through the entire film! As any able-minded person knows, sharks don't hold grudges. Likewise, no shark could travel that far, that fast, much less for that reason. Another problem is that the film can't seem to decide how Martin Brody died (and YES, he's dead, so that means there's no Roy Schieder in theis film.) Michael insists a heart attack killed him, while Ellen continually insists that it was a shark attack. Likewise, the film focuses too much on the characters, and not enough on shark attacks. Also, Ellen reminisces about things she never witnessed, like Shawn getting killed, and Martin's "Smile you son of a b*tch" line from the first film. The ending only makes things worse, because it defies the laws of nature and physics to the same extent as the rest of the film. The only real redeeming value of the movie is the musical score, and even then, it pales in comparison to the songs John Williams did for the older films. DVD: Like the Jaws 3 DVD, this one contains almost no extras. You get the trailer, and more of those recommendations. For the recommendations, it says that if you liked Jaws: The Revenge, you'll like the other three Jaws films. The way I see it, if you liked the movie, you need psychiatric help. These recommendations are dumb, especially when you're only recommending other films from the series. As another reviewer stated, some scenes included in television airings of the show are not present here. That blows. A DVD should always be the DEFINITIVE edition of a movie. OVERALL: To call Jaws: The Revenge godawful would be an understatement. This is a film that is nowhere near being worthy of the Jaws name. In fact, its horrible plot makes Jaws 3 look like the original Jaws! Final verdict? If you absolutely must see this movie, RENT IT. It's not worth buying unless you're just out to finish up your "Jaws on DVD" collection.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Laughable sequel in film's history. Review: How can a shark go travel from Martha's vineyard to the bahamas, this sequel is the most idiotic piece of tripe, I Ever seen in my life, it's a shame that quality actors are wasted in this one, the shark is horrible and the ending is the worst ever in film, Let's hope that Sequels will never be, Not ever again Jaws the revenge is a trainwreck waiting to happen. NO STARS.
Rating:  Summary: JAWS THE REVENGE Review: Once again, the peace of Amity is destroyed by a blood-thirsty shark. LORRAINE GARY reprises her role as Ellen Brody. Ellen's younger son Shawn gets a message from his police job that there is a board stuck on a channel marker in the water, and he has to take care of it before the sailors come back from fishing. He takes out a small boat to remove the piece of wood. As soon as he gets out to the channel marker, an all to familiar great white comes out from the water and kills Shawn. Ellen's other son Michael (Lance Guest)comes to visit her after Shawn's death. Michael suggests that Ellen should come to the Bahama's with him and his family for Christmas. After they all arive at Michael's house, Ellen has a awful dream that the Great White is killing her. There, she meets a carefree airplane pilot Hoaggie (Michael Caine) who tries to make her take her mind of the subject. Jake (Mario Van Peebles) and Michael have are out doing there job as biologists and come across that the great white shark that killed Shawn has followed them there. At an art convention, Michael's wife Carla (Karren Young) recieves an award for a sculpture. At the convention, Thea (Judith Barsi), Michael and Carla's daughter goes out on a bannana boat (A big, rubber like bannana thing that is pulled by a boat). When they are out there, the great white comes out of the water and bites a young woman right off the back of the boat. Ellen walks away from the convention pushing people out of the way, when she takes Michael's boat out named Neptune's Folly. She has set out to destroy it once and for all. When Michael, Jake and Hoaggie find out that she is gone, they set out on the plane to find her. After they find her, Jake gets pulled of the boat by the shark while trying to put an electric devise in his mouth. Michael shocks in when Ellen steers the boat. The shark comes out of the water, when Ellen is thinking back to when her husband says from Jaws One "Smile you son of a....."! And she turns the wheel hard and rams the pole on the front of the boat right into the shark. Jake floats back up (really bloody) and they all swim back to shore. If I where you, I would get this film. Adleast for all of the Jaws fans. Ratings I gave the film **** Stars=Awsome *** Stars=Average ** Stars=Ok * Stars=Awful 1.Characters **** 2.Special Effects **** 3.Plot *** 4.Music Theme **** 5.Overall **** AND DON'T FORGET, THIS TIME...IT'S PERSONAL!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Sounds Good But Not Review: A 30 foot shark seeking revenge on an event that happened years ago to another shark. Wow, I'd like to know who thought that one up. The original jaws was one of the best movies of all time,jaws 2 was allright but 3 and 4 had no sense of logic. Sharks can't roar and they surly can't travel to the bahamas. This films only saving grace is some of the grusome attacks. And another thing, the dvd's only feature is a trailer, come on, give us our money's worth. I would only recomend this movie for the most hardcore of Jaws fans. Was thi review helpful. YES or NO
Rating:  Summary: WHY? Review: Jaws was excellent, Jaws 2 good, Jaws 3-D was OK but Jaws the Revenge is a cheap, boring, nasty [movie]. Sean Brody is dead, killed by a shark in Amity. (I felt bad about this, seeing how cute he was in the first one.) His mother goes to the Bahamaas with her other son, thinking a shark was getting revenge on her. Revenge? A shark? THis film has many problems, 1. Great Whites don't travel to the Bahamas, 2. You can't reminisce about tings you didn't witness, 3. And when sharks get hurt they don't roar, Of course htat's just for starters. If you're a JAws fan, watch it if you want to, but if you're not, avoid AT ALL COSTS!