Rating:  Summary: JAWS 4 IS THE SHALLOWEST OF ALL FOUR Review: Not one of the greatest Jaws flicks made. Monotonous plot, subtle characters (Michael Caine's humor is very unconvincing) and not enough horror scenes. Jaws 4 is simply a poor excuse to concoct a sequel. The movie stars Lorraine Gray as a solemn grandmother (her ancestor is Roy Scheider from the first two Jaws films) who is distraught over the recent death of one of her sons on Christmas. Her other son convinces her that a brief vacation in the Caribbean would be an excellent opportunity to recuperate, so she reluctantly agrees, only to have her horrors be relived. Apparently, the shark has been struck with a surge of vengeance (hence the name) and is intent in seeking destruction on her and her family. Now, she realizes, it is up to her, her son and his friend, and a pilot played by Michael Caine to end the shark's wrath forever. If you want to see a shark movie with real horror and action, rent the original Jaws. Screw the sequels. The original is packed with an actually decent plot, acknowledgeable acting and good death sequences. Jaws 4: The Revenge is just a waste of time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Oh look! A shark standing on top of the water! Review: Unwitnessed flashbacks, wasted casts, and one stupid finale. These are among many flaws in Jaws 4. Jaws 1 and 2 were just perfect. 3 was uh.. yeah. But 4! It makes "Batman and Robin" look good! The only awesome thing in this flick were the locations where it was filmed. Well it starts off like this: Young Brody kid becomes a cop and is like checking something out in the harbor and ol' Jaws pops up and introduces him to his maker. Meanwhile, Chief Brody is dead from a heart attack. I missed him. He might have saved this crapfest. Anyways, Ellen Brody once again played by Lorianne Gray, finds out about the kid's death and just- boohoo. Mike Brody, played by Lance Guest- you know the kid who died from a mass concussion in Halloween 2, replaces Dennis Quaid and he's gone from Sea World. Now he's in the bahamas researching exotic fish there and he's married and has a daughter. Ellen is so distraught about the other son's death that she goes there for a nice vacation from Amity. Guess who follows. Well let's look at a fact here. The shark swam from Amity to the Bahamas in uh a day. It would take a real shark a week at the least. But this is the Hollywood ocean so let's continue. She gets there and meets Hoagie, (cough sandwich cough) a carefree private plane pilot. She also meets a fake jamaican Mario Van Peebles (stick to Solo, dude) and everything's cool. That is until her granddaughter and others are attacked by (dun dun duh) JAWS! Well we enter the Sigourny Weaver stage as she hops on a boat and just ventures off to kill the shark with a uh speargun. Mike finds out and him and psuedo Marley go out after her with a sonar sound wave thingy. Hoagie also finds out (wow word travels fast) and goes out on a plane. Well, 3 vehicles after one shark. Ellen's plan backfires and she gets on the boat with Mike as her boat is trashed. Hoagie's plane crashes along with a failed casting call to Micheal Caine who is too good for this turkey. Finally, Mario supposedly dies and Hoagie gets on the boat and this is the finale: The sonar thing makes Jaws roar like a lion and stand on top of the water and then he gets impaled on the front of the boat and he uh explodes! WOO! THE SHARK IS DEAD ALONG WITH A FEW CAREERS! Welp, everyone lives and at least one person's gotta die so that sucks too. The shark is like brownish more like a tiger shark. And Ellen has these annoying flashbacks of Chief Brody on the orca in cutting room fodder from part one to add "drama". How can she have these if she never witnessed the climax of one? I can't say i know. If you have money to buy a film, buy one or two ar maybe three. It was ok i guess. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY DO NOT BUY THIS! Thanks for your time.
Rating:  Summary: HILERIOUS!!!! Review: This is one of the top 10 movies of all time....BECAUSE IT'S SO FREAKEN FUNNY!! (which it isn't supposed to be, which just makes it that much more funny). Jaws was excellent, Jaws 2 was ok, Jaws 3 was a joke, and Jaws: The Revenge was basically a comedy. Loraine Gray plays Ellen Brody again, and takes a vacation to the bahamas, where yet another, a 3rd shark appears and follows her from Amity to the bahamas. That's realistic. And watching old people fall in love is gross. When Ellen Brody has the dream of her being eaten, i laughed my ass off. If you're looking for some good laughs, rent Jaws: The Revenge.
Rating:  Summary: Jaws-The Revenge Review: Jaws was fantastic. Jaws 2 was good. Jaws 3 was halfway decent. Jaws 4 is poor, trying to recapture the best elements from the first two films, failing utterly. While there are a few good scenes, the movie on whole is not worth watching except for some rainy Saturday afternoon.Lorraine Gary is good as Ellen Brody, and Lance Guest is decent though he can't live up to Dennis Quaid, but the great Michael Caine is wasted in the frivolous supporting role of carefree pilot Hoagie. The story is ridiculous and filled with plot holes. This is the real sequel to the first two films, it finds Martin Brody dead from a heart attack and Ellen living with Sean back in Amity. However, another (and even larger!) great white shark attacks and kills him in the bay at night. Ellen is visited by Michael and travels with him to the Bahmas. The shark has follows them and is determined to kill off the the Brody family! Sargent's direction is poor, though the cinematography succeeds and the music score is haunting. Sargent (unsuccessfully) relies on fast editing and blood to create tension, since there certainly isn't any written into the script. The film makes good use of the Bahamian locations, but everyone knows a shark would not be in the Bahamas, the water is far too warm. The only scary scene is the underwater chase in the sunken wreckage. The bay attack scene is poor due to sloppy editing, its also very disgusting. This marginal movie is really sunk by the stupid, abrupt finale. It is completely ridiculous and filled with flashbacks she never witnessed. After the banana boat attack you really expected a little more time, instead Ellen just jumps on the boat and she's off! Also, Jake would have definitley died, the shark's jaws would have bitten him in have. The shark looks fake as usual but isn't bad overall. Overall, Jaws 4 could have been better but is really sunk by the finale. Aside the plot it isn't bad to watch for a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Lorrain Gary's performance is superb Review: Sad to say the film doesn't do this talented actress justice. She later said in an interview, on the E Hollywood True Story of the Making of Jaws, that this sequel wasn't very good at all. In other words even she's upset over this embarressment. Right she should be! It has laughably violent death scenes, grossly uneven elements that don't jibe at all with the previous Jaws films (like how did Sean grow up so fast? he should only be 16 in this film), really outrageous, impossible storyline of a shark bent on revenge, some really bad acting by the rest of the cast with Mario Van Peebles leading the pack with his ultra-ridiculous carribean-biologist-Jake character,much contrived dialogue and the most annoying little girl (Judith Barsi) in film history. Woulda worked better if almost the whole film was only a dream by Ellen Brody (Gary). Hey maybe that's what it really is.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Beyond Description...But I'll Try... Review: First off, I must be honest: I get a kick out of these plastic-sharkfests (which I admit sounds a little suggestive), and there was a time when I thought this movie was actually as scary as its predecessors. But that was when I was ten years old, just after it had been first released. Since that time, I've grown to have just a little bit more seasoned moviegoing tastes...and while now and then I may watch 'Jaws 2' for a few meager shivers or even 'Jaws 3-D' for a laugh, this one defies belief even for a 'Jaws' movie. Somewhere along the line, Universal execs must have figured 'Jaws 3-D' turned out so ludicrously that they said to themselves, 'We'll go ahead with another one, and we'll just go back to Amity Island and be as straightlaced about it as possible...' which probably impressed the execs, until somebody said, 'only THIS time let's try to make it so that the audience will think that one shark after another can keep going after the same group of people and not be ridiculous!' And that must have really tickled their inept fancy, because they managed to crap this turd out. To start with, the film's very premise is even more absurd than that of 'Jaws 3-D', which at least was hackneyed enough for anyone watching that one to crack up. Instead of a giant shark breaking into an underwater theme park, this time we have a giant shark who somehow seems to have some mysterious psychic link with Ellen Brody (played once again by Lorraine Gary, who I'm guessing felt she was typecast by this point and just went with it, or did it as a favor to her then-CEO husband at the studio, I can't say). It's bad enough poor Sean Brody bites it (or rather, the other way around) in the first five minutes after being established as an Amity police officer like his pop; even worse when director Joseph Sargent decides to get masochistic and remind us that Roy Scheider won't be coming back to save anyone from this mess: apparently the Chief died of a heart attack some years prior to the film's events, and a photo of him in the police office only serves to aggravate the agony of what is to follow. And what DOES follow is an idiotic attempt to make the viewer believe: 1) That a great white shark would actually target a specific bloodline. 2) That said shark would be so bent on eating everyone in that bloodline that it will actively pursue them all the way to the Bahamas and stay there until the job is done - despite the fact that the water is just too damn warm for a real shark to tolerate that long. 3) That said shark can not only launch itself completely out of the water (which nowadays isn't all that silly a notion if you've seen any of these 'Air Jaws' documentaries on the Discovery Channel), but can stay there suspended for several minutes (Look! it's Matrix Shark!). 4) That the shark's intended victim will actually have psychic premonitions that it's coming to get them. 5) That a boat twice as big as the Orca (Quint's boat from the first film) could actually be sunk by the weight of a shark stuck on its bowsprit (yeah, yeah, I know they blew the shark up in the original ending. Perhaps Sargent felt that having a fourth shark die the same way was a little tiresome...but then what else CAN you do to get rid of a shark that big?) 6) And that Michael Caine actually starred in this piece of garbage. That's one for six. And in terms of casting, everything's just wrong. Again, studio-head's-wife Lorraine Gary was probably wanting a few extra bucks, but Academy-Award-winner Michael Caine should have known better (Roy Scheider DID, which could be good or bad depending on your point of view). Mario Van Peebles' career was just beginning, so he can be afforded at least one disaster; but Mike Brody this time is portrayed by Lance Guest - yeah, the same Lance Guest who lived out every sci-fi geek's dream in 'The Last Starfighter'. Cheesy as that movie was, this was a horrific downgrade for Mr. Guest. What's worse, the actress playing his wife in this one seems utterly frigid and despondent, except when she's in her shop making metal sculptures, sooty and dirty with blowtorch in hand (which again is a little suggestive, there). Everything about 'Jaws 3-D' was goofy, to be sure, but even Bess Armstrong's character is sorely missed this time around. In the end, though, the failure and cinematic abomination that is 'Jaws: The Revenge' finally put a franchise that had no right to be a franchise out to pasture, so some good did come of this film. But if I were you, I'd steer well clear of this dungheap of a sequel. And if you wanna see the great Michael Caine in a ridiculous movie, see 'Goldmember'.
Rating:  Summary: So crap it's a classic Review: Compare this film to the original Jaws, and you couldn't ask for a better example of the extremes of the art of film making. Buy this film and see just how insulting it is to your intelligence. Watch this film all the way through and marvel at its inability to do anything right. Better still, when you're feeling down, watch this film to remind yourself that there are other human beings in the world that have had worse thoughts and done more unworthy deeds in their lives than you ever could. When you're happy, watch this film with your friends and see how many naff bits you can spot each (there are well over 200). Finally, use this film to feel self righteous and clever, safe in the knowledge that you can enjoy it ironically, knowing it to be the single biggest pile of crap ever comitted to celluloid, but still able to appreciate it for this achievement all the same. P.S. If you are an actor/actress, this film will also prove to you that you CAN make it in Hollywood with absolutely no talent for acting, so live the dream!
Rating:  Summary: Better than 3 but still not very good. Review: At least now we get back to the basics in this one. The 3rd film was terrible, as it went away from the sea and brought the killer shark into Sea world. THIS film, is the real sequel which concludes to the second and first, but it still isn't great. Lorraine Gary reprises her role as Ellen Brody, also Michael Brody (the kid from 1 and 2) comes back, along with his brother Sean (you might remeber Sean as being a cute little boy in the first film), well if you liked him in the first one you will be dissapointed 'cause he hardly lasts ten minutes in this one, although it is quite a thrilling scene. What was stupid about this film was that the rest of the family go to the bahamas 'cause Michael has a job there, but for some reason, the shark can somehow know where they're going and follows them there. I'm no expert on sharks, but I know they can't swim in warm water. Also, how can a shark have feelings. It heads there so he can kill the whole family. What I liked about this film was Michael Caine's performance, he shone some light into the movie. I didn't like the look of the shark (they usually look bad in all of the films, but this one looked horrible). I liked the cast, they seemed like they enjoyed doing this film, that little girl's quite cute too. What I hated was Ellen's flashbacks, she has flashbacks in this about Sean being eaten by the shark and Roy Schieder killing the shark from the first film... but how can you have a flashback of something when you didn't even see it? I liked a couple of shark scenes, I thought the chase in the sunken ship was quite tense. I didn't like the ending though. Like from the third film, the shark roars. Why? And it dies by getting the mast of the boat stabbed through it's body. Very sad. So, good and bad points there, all I can say is, you'll love it or you'll hate it.
Rating:  Summary: Why? Review: Every now and then a movie comes along that's just so bad you have to really ask yourself, "Am I now dumber for having watched this film?" This is just one of those films. Back when the original Jaws came out in the late 70's it scared the hell out of most people, myself included. Then came Jaws 2. An above average sequel that at least didn't insult us too much. Then came Jaws 3-D. The acting was at least good in the film but the movie itself was a little hard to swallow. This movie makes Jaws 3 look like a Kurosawa film. The plot is about the wife of Martin Brody played by Lorrane Gray, going to the Carribian after her son is killed by a shark, man this group can't get a break from great whites. She vists her other son the oldest played by Lance Guest. While down there another shark shows up, were supposed to asume its the same one and now it's out for revenge on the family. One of the biggest surprises in the film is that Michal Caine is in it. I always thought that he must have lost a bet to be in the film. The plot is just so foolish I really have to wonder if the person writing the script was out of JR High. This movie is so bad that the best parts of the film is when flashbacks are shown from the first one.
Rating:  Summary: Oh look! A shark standing on top of the water! Review: Unwitnessed flashbacks, wasted casting calls, and one stupid finale. These are among many flaws in Jaws 4. Jaws 1 and 2 were just perfect. 3 was uh.. yeah. But 4! It makes "Batman and Robin" look good! The only awesome thing in this flick were the locations where it was filmed. Well it starts off like this: Young Brody kid Sean becomes a cop and is like checking something out in the harbor and ol' Jaws pops up and introduces him to his maker. Meanwhile, Chief Brody is dead from a heart attack. I missed him. He might have saved this crapfest. Anyways, Ellen Brody once again played by Lorainne Gary, finds out about the kid's death and just- boohoo. Mike Brody, played by Lance Guest- you know the kid who died from a mass concussion in Halloween 2, replaces Dennis Quaid and he's gone from Sea World. Now he's in the bahamas researching exotic conchs there and he's married and has a daughter. Ellen is so distraught about the other son's death that she goes there for a nice vacation from Amity. Guess who follows. Well let's look at a fact here. The shark swam from Amity to the Bahamas in uh a day. It would take a real shark a week at the least. But this is the Hollywood ocean so let's continue. She gets there and meets Hoagie, (cough sandwich cough) a carefree private plane pilot. She also meets a fake jamaican Mario Van Peebles (stick to Solo, dude) and everything's cool. That is until her granddaughter and others are attacked by (dun dun duh) JAWS! Micheal and the faker (not the shark, Mario Van Peebles) also spot the shark on several occasions and decide to keep it secret. Well we enter the Sigourny Weaver stage as she hops on a boat and just ventures off to kill the shark with a speargun and no apparent plan. Mike finds out and him and psuedo Marley go out after her with a sonar sound wave thingy with Hoagie. (wow word travels fast) and they go out on his plane. Ellen's plan backfires and she gets Mike's boat attacked with Mike and peace and love Peebles jumping on the boat after Hoagie makes a landing into the ocean. Hoagie's plane crashes along with a failed casting call to Micheal Caine who is too good for this turkey. Finally, Mario supposedly dies but lives in another version and Hoagie gets on the boat somehow and this is the finale: The sonar thing makes Jaws roar like a lion and stand on top of the water and then he gets impaled on the front of the boat and he uh explodes! WOO! THE SHARK IS DEAD ALONG WITH A FEW CAREERS! Welp, everyone lives and at least one person's gotta die so that sucks too. The shark is like brownish more like a tiger shark and soo fake looking.I watched this film on AMC the other day and the shark is so like dead looking. It's fins looked like cardboard coming apart when it went back down into the water. I figured the shark FX would be better now in the 80's but man was I wrong! The shark in one and two looked more realistic than this! I mean come on! I DID like when it got the girl on the banana boat got it and the sunken sub chase. And Ellen has these annoying flashbacks of Chief Brody on the orca in cutting room fodder from part one to add "drama". How can she have these if she never witnessed the climax of one? I can't say i know. If you have money to buy a film, buy one or two ar maybe three. It was ok i guess. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY DO NOT BUY THIS! Thanks for your time.