Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable. Review: I thoroughly enjoyed the original mummy and didn't expect to enjoy the return as most sequels just don't live up to the first movie. I was wrong. It played a lot on the story of the first one and added some interesting features. I agree about some of the cgi being "cartoonish and hokey". They sped up a lot of the action scenes too much, making it less believable and also the finale with the scorpion king could have been entirely redone. He looked like one of those new obnoxious cartoon characters that try to look like real people. But otherwise an enjoyable way to spend a friday night.
Rating:  Summary: the mummy returns is great Review: i loved the first movie, and the second 1 is even better. the characters are more interesting and the special effects are great.
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie Review: I must say the new mummy movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!! The movies special effects were great and the plot was very innovating! If I were you I would get off the computer right now and go see it!!
Rating:  Summary: Indi meets Jackie Review: The orginal,cast is back.This time out ,It's 8 years later Jack and Evie -have a son.A rather ill behaved son.The movie opens with a intro-of the new soon too be reborn bad guy-the Scopion King. Followed by the happy couple ,playing Tomb Raider.They discover, the bracelet of the Scopion King.Meanwhile -The Mummy's reincarnated lover is exavating her love.The Bad guys relize they need that braclet.They follow -the family back too London.Where the troublsom boy puts on the bracelet and starts a chain of events.That will both release the Scopion King & kill him with in 7days.Can Jack and Evie save there son? This Movie is Big on everything ..action,noise,and cgi.Unlike the first one this one doesn't slow down.And despite what cridicts are saying ,Yes there is a story line .A good one for This kind of movie.This Movie should clear 100mill with in a couple of weeks.I went too the 1.30sat show it was nearly sold out ,and tickets were beging bought in advance for the night show. If you liked the first you'll love the second or atleast like the Mummy Returns just as much as the first Mummy.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: There are no words to express how good this movie was. I have been waiting for months to see this and it was money well spent. Its funny,action packed and the computer graphics were excellent. This really tied up loose strings from the first moive. Forget what you have read by critics and dont miss out and great movie.
Rating:  Summary: A bit of a letdown. Review: He's back, and he's hungry for power. Two years after Universal Pictures' "The Mummy" hit theaters with a successful box-office intake, the team that made the first film serves up a second helping of slapstick humor, special effects, and contrivances to blow your mind. "The Mummy Returns" is certainly a funny movie, I'll give it that, but it never captures the essence of the first film, mostly due to the bloated visuals and certain places in the story that garner a high "Oh, come on" quotient. There were times when I enjoyed the movie immensely, and times when I winced in disdain. The story begins, again, with Ardeth Bay's narration of the story of a warrior known as the Scorpion King, who sold his soul to Anubis in order to attain victory over his foes. After his descension into the underworld, the movie skips ahead to 1933, nine years after the original adventure, and our hero, Rick O'Connell, is still busy digging up artifacts and toting big guns, along with his now-wife Evelyn, and their nine-year-old son, Alex. There discovery of the bracelet worn by the Scorpion King coincides with the discovery of Imhotep's corpse at the sunken ruins of Hamunaptra, lead by a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Anck-Su-Namun, Imhotep's past lover. As the rest of the story goes, they group that finds his corpse must have the bracelet in order to resurrect the Scorpion King, which will result in a duel between he and Imhotep, who will destroy the him and take over his army to dominate the world. However, upon returning to their home in London, young Alex puts on the bracelet, which becomes attached to him, showing him the path to the Scorpion King's lost oasis. This leads to a kidnapping, as well as our small group of heroes risking their lives time and again in order that he and the world might be saved. I wish I could say that the story is as involving and well told as the first mummy venture, but I'd be lying. There are too many machinations and ridiculous twists which make the movie more cheesy than believable. At one point, it is established, through one of Evelyn's dreams, that she contains ties to the time which began the first movie, she being the daughter of the Pharaoh in a past life before being reincarnated into her present self. This provides some nice girl-on-girl fight sequences, but never proves to be anything more than that. Rick also holds some ancient ties of his own: a tattoo on his wrist resembles that of the Maji, who were the sacred bodyguards of Pharaoh. I guess this was thrown in to keep him from walking away from the fight, but Rick is supposed to be a fighter, right? He's going after his son like any faher would, right? So why the twist? The reasons for Imhotep's resurrection are also a ruinous factor. In the first film, he was simply a victim of a curse put on him for his forbidden love, and when he came back, all he was doing was reclaiming that love, and stealing a little flesh, but that was okay because he was only sticking to the prophecy. Now, he's just coming back to take over the world, with the help of some of his warrior mummies which he brings in a jar. He's gone from being a helpless romantic to greedy and possessive; his motive is lackluster, and the romance between these two characters hinders in its wake. As for the special effects, they leave a lot to be desired. The first movie's special effects weren't all that special either, but they were more believable and fun to watch. The new movie boasts effects that are unbelievable and sometimes agonizing. The scarab beetles look even more artificial than before, as does a sudden provoked waterwall which is intended to take out our heroes. The climax is the worst one of all, boasting an army of Anubis-like animals careening across the desert, and a larger-than-life enemy which looks like something out of a video game other than a convincing effect. And the overabundance of these unbelievable effects take away from what could be a better film. The movie is not without its high points. The humor and wit from the original is back, softening some of the more intense moments while giving the movie a lighter feel than just a standard horror movie. Most of the humor now resides with their young son Alex, who uses the typical child antics to annoy his captors ("Are we there yet?"). O'Connell is also given lots of one-liners and off-the-cuff remarks, while the goofiness of Jonathan Carnahan is always a delight to watch. The original cast is back in fine form, though some of the characters could use some polishing up. Brendan Fraser reprises his action-hero status as O'Connell, whose character never really changed from the first movie. This is a bit of a refresher, due to the fact that Evelyn, played by Rachel Weisz, has lost the timidity and quaintness she possessed in the first film. Ardeth Bay is given more lines and more scenes in this film, probably due to the sensation that he, as an actor, created among many adoring female fans. Arnold Vosloo is Imhotep, and, given more lines, his character becomes less intriguing. Patricia Velasquez has more to do with her character, Anck-Su-Namun, and she proves her worth as an actress here. Wrestling sensation Dwayne Johnson, otherwise known as "The Rock," portrays the Scorpion King, and it's probably better that his character not have too many lines; the ones he does have aren't all that rousing. In summation, "The Mummy Returns" is not a movie I hated. I enjoyed the humor supplied through the characters, and some of the action is nicely executed. But the special effects do too much of the storytelling, while some of the story contains some useless plot twists that come off as hokey and forced. I enjoyed the cheese, but where's the crackers?
Rating:  Summary: A dissapointment Review: The first Mummy was an enjoyable, if tedious, romp about the struggles of an adventurer and his companions to stop the apocalyptic agenda of an ancient Egyptian priest. Far from perfect, The Mummy nevertheless boasted an infectious blend of high adventure, low-scare horror, and special effects that transformed it into a surprise hit. Now comes the sequel; The Mummy Returns along with most of the original cast. The rather jumbled plot is as follows: A cult of power-mad Egyptologists have concocted a plan by which they can obtain world domination. First, they must resurrect Im-Ho-Tep, the mummy from the first film. Since they are being led by the ancient priest's re-incarnated girlfriend, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velazquez), this proves to be surprisingly easy. Then, with his powers restored, Im-Ho-Tep heads off to do battle with the mythical Scorpion King, whose tomb lies in a pyramid at the center of a hidden oasis. In order to find that oasis, Im-Ho-Tep needs an artifact which happens to be in the possession of Alex O'Connell. And, when the boy is kidnapped, that brings his parents, his uncle Jonathan, and their old friend, Ardeth Bay, into the conflict. This results in a lot of chasing around the globe and a climax that features a special effects-laden battle between two armies. Unfortunately, it becomes obvious real fast that the only reason The Mummy Returns exists is because of Universal Studio's greed, and not due to a creative process. Of course this is the thought process that kills most sequels. The story is told so sloppy and is so unnecessary, the characters are eventually abandoned and it becomes really hard to care about anyone or anything. The plot pot is boiling so furiously with silly deaths-and-rebirths and various attempts at sub-plots, it turns to overkill. Fraser has never seemed more smarmy; he doesn't retain a smidgen of his usual bumptious charm. Weisz, who must shift from being a strong woman at one instant to a helpless damsel the next (and endure some really embarrassing fight sequences with Velasquez in flashbacks to her former life in ancient Thebes -- she's been reincarnated -- don't ask), is surprisingly nondescript in all these guises. Even the CGI is a let down: The computer generated Scorpion King is simply awful (the warriors of Anubis are so startingly fake you can feel Ray Harryhausen crying out for vengeance). While roller-coaster rides can be fun, even they need proper timing: they require occasional pauses from the plunges, and certainly shouldn't drag on forever. Oh well, I hope Jurassic Park and Planet of the Apes score better than The Mummy Returns.
Rating:  Summary: A fun-filled, eye-poppin' good time! A good summer movie!!!! Review: If you saw the original Mummy, as in the one released 2 years ago, then you know it was your typical summer fare, with one-liners, a pretty cast, and awesome FX. I liked the film a great deal, but I saw the sequel, the Mummy Returns, and it is even better than the first one all the way!! There is more character depth and story in this one, and many things that may have confused you or left you wanting more story wise is explained here in detail. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz are terrific together as their two characters are now married and have a 9 year-old son. As with many sequels, it seems necessary these days to bring in a kid to livin things up, and the story usually gets stale and tiresome. But the child in this film is great, and even has some of the best moments. He is a combination of his rough and tough and resourceful dad, and his stubborn yet intellegent mother. John Hannah returns as Evie's(Weisz) brother, Jonothan, and he seemed to be the only weak point character wise. I thought he was a great addition in the first film, but they seemed to use him less in the movie, and was the only character that remained un-changed from the first film. Chances are you have seen the trailers for this film, and you know that they have been saying the Rock is in this film. If you are a fan of The Rock, then you will be dissapointed, for he is only on screen for about 5 minutes. But they are making a spin-off involving his Scorpion King character, and should come out next year. I do not want to give too much of the story away, because it is a great story! But I will say that that the Mummy of course is back, and so is his girlfriend from the beginning of the first movie, as well as the entire army of the Magi(the descendents of the Pharoah's body guards, the guys wearing black and carrying the swords). I have to tell you that there is at LEAST 5 times as much action in this film. From beginning to end, you will be blown out of your seat. The special effects are even better in this film, and the music is even better too. Alan Silvestri composed it, he did the great work on Forrest Gump, Castaway, and the Back To The Future movies. Stephen Summers has also returned to write and direct, and the effects were done by none other than the magicians at Industrial Light and Magic. This movie flat out rocks, and you have to see it at least once. There is tons of action, romance, humor, and excitement for at least 2 summer movies here!!
Rating:  Summary: Even better than the first Review: This movie is one of the rare sequels that's better than the original. The graphics were excellent and the actors are extremely talented, especially Oded Fehr. I would recommend anyone who enjoyed the original the see this one.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the Temple of Doom. Review: This movie though not as good as the first in story makes up for it in scene after scene of non-stop action. The acting is great. You may not think so but think how great an actor must be to fight thin air for half a movie. This movie rules. I'm buying the dvd, when it comes, asap. If you don't like action theres not much for you here. But who doesn't like action?