Rating:  Summary: This movie is great and let me tell you why... Review: This movie is great and let me tell you why. The director did not abandon the original movie as so often happens in these kinds of films. Batman and 007 always have a new woman in each movie. Instead of doing this, the director decided to expand the characters and their relationships, and he did an incredible job. He also managed to tie the two movies together so well, that it actually made the first one better in essence.Many people also complain that there is too much action and not enough plot. The thing about this is, you have to let your inhibitions go a little bit and just let your imagination enjoy this film. If you can do this, the film is just incredible. Though every other scene is an incredible action sequence, the plot still moves along and, as I said, the characters are very well developed. And finally, although some say the plot is a bit generic, it is very well performed and they do even make fun of its triteness a little. The only downfall is that it may fall under the cliche of "it's a guy thing," similar to how Bridget Jones is a "chick flick." My final diagnosis - see this movie and decide for yourself. You may just get hooked. PS. You don't need to see the first movie first.
Rating:  Summary: Another lame sequel Review: Having enjoyed the first "Mummy" numerous times with my two boys, we looked forward the next incarnation for months. What a disappointment! It was as though the director just wanted to milk the first film's popularity with a cheap (story-wise, anyway) rip-off. All the spark from the original is gone, leaving us with a souped-up husk that's all about effects and nothing about story and character. More like a video game than a film, Mummy Returns features god-awful dialogue, wooden characters, self-important special effects and none of the Saturday matinee charm of the first.
Rating:  Summary: Close - but no prizes for "The Mummy Returns" Review: I am a movie buff. I enjoy watching movies and it is very rare for me to find a movie that doesn't provide me with some entertainment. Case in point would be the first movie in this series, "The Mummy". I loved it. So much so that I went to see it twice. It had adventure, drama, suspense. It had great special effects and a brilliantly funny dialog. The actors were good, the story line engaging - it was just a great movie! Which is why I was so surprised at how little I enjoyed its sequel, "The Mummy Returns". I am not trying to say that the movie was awful - it wasn't. The special effects were incredible and even bigger and bolder than the original. And a few of the characters underwent some interesting developments. For example, Evelyn (played by Rachel Weisz), who was a bit timid and meek in the first movie, is definitely not plagued with those weaknesses in this one. She is instead turned into a rough and tumble adventuress with an uppercut worthy of Laura Croft. Likewise her brother Jonathan (played by John Hannah), formerly the cowardly comic relief, is now given a spine along with a sharpshooter's aim. All of this should have made for an interesting sequel, but unfortunately it was not to be. The first thing you notice amiss with the movie is that there is too much going on in the plot. There are too many side lines, too many superficial characters that only serve to clutter up the scenes. It's as though the writers were so worried about outdoing the original "Mummy" that they just crammed everything in all at once: more characters, more special effects, more bad guys, more fight scenes. Unfortunately the writers seem to have forgotten that without a cohesive plot and some entertaining dialog - more is not always better. The second thing that I found really disappointing was the weak dialog. The great humor and wit found in the first "Mummy" is completely missing in this sequel. The jokes seem thin and even the physical gags just don't manage to deliver a laugh. Brandon Fraser, who plays Rick O'Connell, tries really hard to give his character some life, but the script doesn't give him anything to work with. But the really great disappointment of the movie was the almost complete absence of its title character, Imotep (played by Arnold Vosloo). Vosloo, like Fraser, does a good job with what he is given - but unfortunately he is not given much. The writers spend far too much time wandering off on other side characters and sub plots and as a result we don't even see Vosloo until almost halfway through the movie. And even after he appears his dialog and character is written in so weakly that you wonder why they bothered to put him in the movie at all. The only scene with the mummy that is of any interest comes at the very end. In this scene Imotep has just been betrayed by his love, Anck-Su-Namun, and the look of disbelief and hurt on Vosloo's face is so poignant that you could weep for him. But other than this brief glance the writers have managed to reduced Imotep to a colorless character that gets lost among all the clutter. In summation: there were some spectacular special effects, some enjoyable characters and a few (a very few) laughs. The actors themselves did what they could to pull off the movie, but the script was in need of too much help to be completely saved. I think the fans of the original "Mummy" will be disappointed and my suggestion would be to save your money and wait for the video.
Rating:  Summary: more glitz less glory- but entertaining none-the-less Review: This sequel was action packed! Almost too much action- it was hard to know when you could actually stop to catch your breath. Although enjoyable- all the action and special effects completely over-shadowed the story line. There was a lot going on in this movie that deserved more screen time and better explanations. I don't know if I buy the whole "tatoo-savior of the world" thing for Brendan Frasiers' character. I mean, no one ever noticed it before. 10 years go by and then- whomp! There it is! I scanned through the first movie and never even saw a glimpse of a tatoo- way to go for non-consistency there???? The scorpion king at the end looked pretty fake, too. The Rock is such a formidable figure that I think it would have been better to have used the actor instead of just his image. I don't know-- slapped some scorpion pinchers on him or something- Makeup artists can work wonders now-a-days. And the reincarnation story? Where did that come from? The plot was stretched pretty thin and perhaps that was what warranted the need for all the effects. But- I loved the first one soo much that I couldn't put the sequel too far down. It was fun to see the story continue and I'm sure I'll buy both dvd's for my collection-
Rating:  Summary: "CLAWS and EFFECTS" Save Dreadful Script Review: Let me say right from the get go that I loved "The Mummy", the 1999 prequel to "The Mummy Returns". With that said... Well, it's nine years later and we are reacquainted with our old friends Evie, Rick, Jonathan, the Magi and Imhotep. The O'Connell's now have a son who is a cross between a young Indiana Jones and the kid from "Home Alone III". New comer Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson puts in a surprisingly energetic effort as The Scorpion King and Patricia Valesquez does double duty as Anaksunamun and her reincarnated Evil-ego who, so help me, looks like a latin Mortitia Addams. Then there are the evil servents of Imhotep, Imhotep himself, the evil and cartoonishly laughable Pygmy Cannibal Ghost Warriors, a rocket-powered airship, Anubis's gold-clad Jackel warriors who can never quite decide how tall they are and a smattering of other villians and nasties. Evie is now a Phararoh-Fu sword-weilding master. How did that happen? Well, she's reincarnated. And why did Rick always wear those studly wristbands in the first movie? To hide a secret that for all intents and purposes has him reincarnated as well. The dialogue is a ceaseless parade of clicheic discoveries and director Sommers never misses an opportunity to show Imhotep's gapping maw as it is morphed through sand, dust and water. For those looking for the historicism and artistry of the first film, you're sadly out of luck. However, for those addicted to flashy special effects and a non-stop action-filled fightfest, then this is the film you've been waiting for! There is gun play, swashbuckling and knock-down, drag-out fight scenes galore involving every member of the cast. Brendan Frasier had an easy ten minumtes at the beginning of the film, but from then on he was either killing someone (or something) or tring to prevent someone (or something) from killing him. And gents, the flashback fight scene between Weitz and Valesquez is more than worth the price of admission. In all, "The Mummy Returns" is a fast paced, action-packed thriller that may not keep you glued to your seats, but will make you think twice about running back to the snack bar. If you can suffer through the cliches and the dumbed-down dialogue then "Returns" is definitely for you.
Rating:  Summary: (Braindead or ten year old kids) will Love it Review: This weekend I saw The Mummy Returns one of this years most anticipated film and unfortunely one of the worst ones. Dont get me wrong.Its a summer movie filled with explosions and effects so I went into the theater with an open mind considering that. But even with that in mind it fell way short of the original. Even with its amazing special effects and great cast the film lacked a descent story. It reminded me of a live action disney movie with no real consistence.The action sequences where great put sometimes unnecessary to the script. And by the time you get to the end of this mess of a movie(thats if you havent walked out yet)you'll realize that it is in fact a disney film where everyone gets what they want at the end and lives happily ever after. It's to bad the director decided to draw up the action sequences before writing up the script because this movie had so many holes in it ,(example=there is a huge battle seen with thousands of mummy type soldiers and human warriors clashing and fighting and when the dust settles the human warriors begin to celebrate there victory with not one human casualty among thousands in the scene(pathetic). So you can see why it's hard to sit there and take it seriously.This movie could have been great like the original with alittle more consistency and intelligence. But no matter it's still going to make a ton of money for the studio and all we can hope for is that part 3 is better) So dont be fooled by the effects in the previews unless thats all you care about.Because this movie ain't worth the time or money.
Rating:  Summary: Allow me to change my earlier review of the Mummy Returns. Review: I saw this movie again today and was aware of some things that I did not notice when I first saw it. The Mummy Returns is really a multi-layered story all told in one film. Which I think it make it much more interesting then the original film. Much of the story does focus on the O'Conell family (Brendan Frasier, Rachel Weisz, and Fredie Boath) and how their lives were predicted to go 2,000 years ago in ancicent Egyptian texts is interesting and if you pay close attention you can see when and where these events take place in the film. I think on that basis, the story is much stronger then the first movie was. Second, the musical score composed and conducted by Alan Silvestri was much better then the one Jerry Goldsmith did for the first movie. This new music had more depth and feeling to it. Thrid the visual effects by Industrail Light and Magic were good for the most part, there were a few scenes where the effects were hastly done, but not in most of the movie. So I belive this movie is as good as it is. It does make me hope that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas will make a new Indiana Jones film too!
Rating:  Summary: i HATE mummies!!! Review: However, aparently, a lot of other people do!!! Me included. I saw this movie in the theatures day-before-yesterday, AND IT ROCKED!!! DID you know that more people showed up on the first weekend showing of THE MUMMY RETURNS, than they did when Star Wars Phantom Menace came out? It is a fact!!...IT was exciting, funney, and FUN!!! I wanted to see it again, ...I had gone in a group and we all agreed that it was a good movie. The speacle effects were breath-taking, and the fight scenes were REALLY GOOOOOOOOOD!!! It had a lot of twist and turns in it, and it had the effect on you that you want to incourage the screen by holloring at it!!! Which means you got wrapped up in the movie. You'd hold your breath in the exciting parts, and laugh your head off in the relefingly funny parts. It is the kind of movie that you just want to watch over and over again. The thing is that you couldn't tell what was going to happen next. Usually I can tell what is going to happen next. Even if I've never seen the movie before in my entire life. So watch this movie!!! you'll leave with a smile and ready to have FUN!! This movie is REALLY COOL, so TAKE MY WORD FOR IT!!! see ya around...
Rating:  Summary: Despite thin plot, this Mummy still entertains Review: When THE MUMMY came out 2 years ago, many critics savaged the film as being not up-to-par with the old Boris Karloff classic and being an Indiana Jones rip-off. In fact, it was a fun-filled and enjoyable movie that never pretended to be more than what it was: a fun popcorn movie with action and thrills. In the sequel, THE MUMMY RETURNS, the same thing applies. Despite a thin plot with basic cardboard characters, this flick packs enough action, fun, and special effects to satisfy any action junkie. The battles on the double-decker bus ,the Anubis army and the Scorpion King bring fond memories of the great Ray Harryhausen films. Brendan Frasier is again solid as the adventurer, Rick, while Rachel Weisz gets to show a little range of emotion as Evie. The rest of the cast is as good as last time, while the Rock does a fine job in his cameo appearance as the Scorpion King. If you're looking for a critical masterpiece, search elsewhere. This is a movie meant to be viewed in a spirit of fun and, in that regard, this film is highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait to own it! Review: I still enjoyed the first Mummy but I think the Mummy Returns tied into it great. I'm glad they have the same cast because I think they're all great and I like how the story continues on and ties back to the first one. The locations are spectacular and the special effects are awesome! This is my favorite role for Brendan Fraser - he was meant for this role and I like the chemistry between him and Evelyn (Rachel Weisz). I wish it was out on DVD right now because I would definitely buy it. I might even go see it again in the movies.