Rating:  Summary: fun Review: In my opinion, The Mummy Returns is a lot better than the Mummy. It's more fun, has more energy and isn't as scary. It even seems to get better every time you watch it! The DVD has a lot of cool special feutures, like a blooper reel(hilarious), a history of egypt(interesting) a tour through the Mummy Returns Ride(scary) and a special message from Oded Fehr(odd, but I really like Oded).
Rating:  Summary: What Were They Thinking? Review: I thought that Mummy Returns was a big step downward from the first one. The first one was only a little sci-fi but they made it believable and also stayed pretty close to Egyption Mythology, the second one...First of all the filming is horrible, there are so many parts where it is completly obviouse that it is fake, like when they are flying the dirigible and in the last where The Rock is the Scorpion King, whoa! I think that this movie was too sci-fi, the little pygmies did not fit with the context of the show as well as some other things. There were not as many good speciel effects as the last one, but more fighting scenes.I think it was a dissapointment after watching the first one. If there was a negative star on this rating, that's what I would give it.
Rating:  Summary: That's what I'm talkin' bout! Review: It's a rare find that a sequel outshines its predecessor, but The Mummy Returns delivers. It's a constant ride from beginning to end. The cinematography was better, the special effects were better, and the action scenes were better. Ooops! I forgot, Rachel Weisz even LOOKED better than in the original Mummy! Given, she's a hottie anyway, nothing tops her fight scene in ancient Egypt with Anuk-Su-Namun! Oh sweet joy...A definite must-buy!
Rating:  Summary: Better then the first Review: This movie is awesome! the story is great! It's helps to have seen the first movie, but it is not a must. The Mummy Returns surpassed the Mummy. When young Alex puts on Dad's bracelet, a map is shown to him and a crazy adventure ensues with all the favorite charaters from the first movie and a few more to root for! Has some suprises I never saw coming (and, of course, some everyone did)
Rating:  Summary: Jar-Jar meets The Mummy Review: There seems to be a rule in Hollywood that any picture which is successful requires a sequel loaded with hooks for Happy Meal toys. I am speaking, of course, of the ubiquitous 10-year-old kid who saves the world in all these movies. The predecessor to this movie was wonderful; it was just creepy enough to make me keep the lights on, just romantic enough to justify the mandatory ripped-blouse scene, and just realistic enough to make the characters seem like actual humans, rather than plastic action figures ready-made in time for your holiday shopping pleasure. The visual effects were as good as "The Mummy".. but I felt ripped-off paying (...) for a re-run. The dialogue was predictable, the acting was geared towards children.
Rating:  Summary: Good details and camera views but.... Review: I personally like the mummy 2. I am a fan of brenden frasier.....and i just love wrestling more than anything....mix them together...you get great entertainment. Both men are gifted actors.....and cute ones at that..but the only thing i did not care for in the movie was when the Rock.... aka. Dwayne Johnson...was formed into the scopion king (the actual scorpion thing....it was so fake looking..i personally thought that ruined some of the movie..the shots were great and the views and the story line were too...... but then u get to the "scorpion Rock" and it just looks like it was not for the movie. but other than that i thought it was a great movie and i advise people to seeit.
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy that Wasn't Review: First of all I was really disappointed in this movie. The first Mummy movie was Excellent. This second movie had no storyline whatsoever. In the first movie The Mummy becomes mortal and Mr. O'C.onnell kills him. Well in the second movie when they dig him up out of the ground and he becomes alive again. How did he get his powers back? I'm not criticizing the acting. I feel that the cast did what they could with a less than adequate script. I feel with a better written script that the Mummy Returns could have been just as good as the first movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of fun Review: Not quite as "tongue in cheek" as the first installment, but a definite good time nonetheless. Special effects are outstanding, although the CGI is somewhat obvious.
Rating:  Summary: Decent Features, BAD Movie Review: I liked the features of this DVD, but that is the only thing I did like. The acting was sub-par, the writing was cliched, and the story was predictable. Mr. Sommers and gang try and disguise this with plenty of action sequences and lackluster special effects. I would like to think most people are to smart to fall for this ploy. If not for the features, I would have given this disk one star.
Rating:  Summary: Poor followup to an underrated film Review: Director Stephen Sommers must've known he had a hit, because he didn't bother to introduce logic or sense into the script with this movie. He was probably next door all the time at ILM, playing with the CGI nerds because he obvious left any type of storyline with The Mummy Returns. To quickly go through the plot (what there is of one). Rick and Evelyn are now an architectural duo, finding old egyptian artifacts. They come upon a bracelet that is said to have belonged to a famous warrior called the Scorpion King. Through several events, they activate the bracelet and have 7 days to find the Scorpion King and stop him to rising from the dead. At the same time, another party finds and resurrects the evil Priest Imhotep (the original mummy) who is also looking to find the Scorpion King, kill him and take over his army of the dead. Meanwhile, Evelyn is having flashback dreams that is leading her to something she is not aware of and Rick has a symbol on his arm that Magi warrior Ardeth Bay realizes means that Rick is also a Magi (personal quests). There are some good things about this movie. Rick and Evelyn still have some good chemistry with each other, even though at times it feels forced. The sexual tension is no longer there, since they already have a son and have been married for nearly 10 years. However, they still work together well as a duo (even though they bicker all the time). John Hannah, who plays Evelyn's bumbling brother Jonathan also comes back and maintains his role as the comic relief, joined this time by Freddie Boath as the protagonist's son. Boath does a good job (meaning natural) being a kid, without going overboard on the annoying factor. But the cons far outweigh the pros. I gave this movie a break because it was a summer flick, but it still flunked as a movie. This is because.... 1. The director takes no time explaining things. He throws ideas into the air and expects us just to swallow things. Why does Evelyn suddenly have these visions? Why does Meela know all these things about Imhotep? How does Izzy fix the airship with no tools, helium or hot air? A person cannot just present these thoughts without any back drop or explanation. I was shaking my head repeatedly througout the movie. 2. The Airship: I'm glad that the rocket booster was created years ahead of the German V1 rockets. Did you see the handling on that balloon? Wow! Just plain stupid. 3. The duals: I like catfights, but they have to have some sort of purpose. Firstly, a Pharoah would never let his daughter dual another, even if it is step-mom to be. Secondly, what was the purpose of this fight? Oh yeah, to channel some mysterious Bruce Lee energy into Evelyn. How about she took some lessons? That would make more sense. 4. Outrunning the sun. I didn't know Rick O'Connell was part Roadrunner. He would have had to break the sound barrier to run faster than the approaching sunrise. 5. The kids intelligence. I can buy him reading the Book of the Dead, but I can't buy those clues. I wish I could make as professional a sandcastle as that kid could. 6. Bad CGI: Talk about a poor Scorpion King rendition. After seeing the preview for the movie Final Fantasy, I laughed outloud when I saw the Computer Graphic for the Scorpion King. He looks more like a water drawing than a person. And why did they have to make him half scorpion? That was lame and I would have preferred a fight between men, not men and pixels. Also, those doglings of Annubis must have been real pathetic, since not one of the 12 tribes of the magi appeared dead. Maybe those undead weapons were made of dry sand as well. 7. Opportunity Lost: What would have been cool was for Imhotep and Rick to team up against their nemesis, an uneasy alliance. Just when I thought it was going to happen, Sommers goes all conventional with the bad guy chickening out. There were many more things that I found annoying missing or added (without explanation) but I think you get my drift. I like mindless movies, but all the action has to serve the story that the director is telling. In the Mummy Returns, the bad effects and actions was left holding the bag while the story slipped out the back and disappeared into the Nile....Rating: C-