Rating:  Summary: I wan't my money back! Review: There's not much I can say about this movie other than after about 30 minutes it was so painful to watch I had to get up and leave. The senseless action is just unbelievably overdone and predictable. I would rate this movie at zero stars.
Rating:  Summary: What happened?! Review: I only recently saw the 1999 Mummy on TNT. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was, especially since most action flicks don't have alot of good comedy or plot, you know? I was anticipating the sequel, but when I saw it on dvd...disapointment kicked in. It's your general no-plot, unbelievable action flick. After the first fifteen minutes into the movie, I wanted the lead roles to get sucked dry by the mummy. (The boy was cute, tho...) Really, how many times do they make out?! Fifteen times in the whole frickin film, no doubt. And what archeologist leaves her hair down and walks around in a tank top? Especially with those disgusting spiders and scorpions crawling around... The humor was almost non-existant. Not cleverly done like in the first installment. But, there were some cool villains! The hot black guy, and the evil girl-they were excellent actors! And Izzy (or whateva his name was), he was good! And so was Jonathan, and the desert guy with those marks on his face...^^; The concept wasn't very good, with limited dialouge for long segments at a time. It's as though the creators thought they'd bore viewers if they took a time out from non stop action and actually took the time to give you a good plot and solid dialouge. I'll admit, the special effects were appealing, and I really liked the Anubis soldier dudes. But this movie was just plain disapointing, boring, and dragging...! Nothing creepy, hilarious, ugh. Oh, those little gremlin forest dudes were frickin funny...and that Izzy guy... Yeah, the creators got kinda lazy on this one. Rent b4 u buy, unless ur a diehard, hardcore Mummy/action flick freak.
Rating:  Summary: Great film with good action! Review: The family actually enjoyed the Mummy Returns better that the 1st one. It is action packed and worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Action, Adventure, and Rachel Weisz Review: Now THIS is a great popcorn film!! After seeing the trailer on the Ultimate Edition of the original 'Mummy' DVD, I knew this was one summer movie I couldn't pass up. And you know what? I was right. Even detractors of 'The Mummy Returns' will agree: This film packs in more than your money's worth of action, adventure, and special effects. In fact, the film feels very similiar in pacing to 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom'. In my opinion, these two rank among the best rollercoaster movies of all time. It's unfair to say that 'The Mummy Returns' has no plot, when really, it has a very interesting, even epic plot. The beginning of the film details the fall of a great warrior called The Scorpion King, and how his resting grounds could unlock an ancient evil that could end the world. Whether or not the mythology is accurate is irrelevant; it's close enough to our romantic images of ancient Egypt, so it'll suffice. Unfortunately, Sommers did very little to explain this complex plot. While the action scenes in the movie are fantastic (I'll praise them later), they force the exposition to be hastily crammed, and mostly given as dialogue by Ardeth Bey. Hey there's so much action that the movie even forgets to show us its title (which we obviously know, but it's a formality that I like). Also, the return of The Mummy and his mistress were unnecessary. While I like Arnold Vosloo and Patricia Velasquez, the story could have been fine without them. Their inclusion adds in another bit of continuity, but with two major villains, both get short-changed on character development. But of course the real meat of the movie is action and special effects, which are here in spades. The movie starts out in a booby-trapped temple, where the O'Connells find a rare artifact. The villains then strike at Connell Manor, where a big fight scene insues. Evie is kidnapped, so the heros storm a local museum to save her, then escape via a double-decker bus while being chased by mummies. And this is only the first hour of the movie!! The sequences are fast, energetic, and backed by an Indidana Jones-worthy score. The huge amounts of CGI work is also worth mentioning. It's not as realistic as ILM's past projects, but I think they weren't trying to go for realism. Plus, George Lucas soaked up the best talent for his Star Wars movies. The only truly bad CGI sequences are the wall of water and the Scorpion King at the end. Everything else looks great. Special mention must be made of Rachel Weisz. If nothing else, buy this film to see her in action!! While she was already a talented actress in the original 'Mummy', nothing in the world prepared me for just how stunningly gorgeous she looks in this one. Her fight scenes are amazingly done, and she'll keep your eyes glued to the screen when the action and effects don't. Universal has done a great job with presenting the movie. The picture quality looks great, and the audio track makes full use of surrounds. Unfortunately the extras are a disappointment. There are a few gems - the commentary track is great, as it re-teams Sommers and Duscay, and their witty, informative, banter. There is a fluffy making of documentary and some good outtakes presented like a music video. There is a section that shows how various CG sequences were created, but they require too much clicking (a common trait of Universal DVD's). All of the rest are advertisments, including tons of preview footage of the new Scorpion King movie, and a worthless tour inside the new Mummy attraction at Universal theme parks (hope they won't really have actors running around inside like they have here) This is a great movie. It has it's flaws, but the action and adventure more than make up for it. And if those don't get you interested, then Rache Weisz's beauty and strong performance are worth the admission price alone. Check this film out!
Rating:  Summary: Weak Review: Cool special effects cannot save this this dismal sequel.
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME Review: This movie is the greatest movie I have ever seen in my life a true cinematic masterpiece. The acting was absoulutley superb and the special effects were just amazing. Writer director (Steven Sommers) is a extremley talented and very creative man and his energy and creativity spills fourth onto the big screen. The music accompyinig the film is just great. I thought the acting debut of the rock was just absolutely incredible considering he has never acted before in the movies and his performance as the king of scorpions was just great. (Brendan Fraser) is one of the greatest and one of my favourite actors ever and returns as our dashing hero Rick O Connell and plays the part beautifully. His wife Evie the gorgeous (Rachel Weisz) is a fantastic actresss and is wonderful as Rick O Connells wife. (Freddie Boath)is Rick and Evie o connells 8 year old son Alex and starts the adventure by putting on the Scorpion Kings braclet. The braclet of Anibus and is one of the best child actors I have ever seen. (John Hannah) is funny and charasmatic as Evies brother and provides some of the best moments through the film. (Arnold Vosloo) returns as the evil lord immotehp and gives life to this wonderful cinematic character as only he can.(patricia velzquez) plays meela lord immotehps ancient lover. (Oded Fehr) reprises his role as Aderth Bay the ancient mystical warrior and is one of the greatest actors I have ever seen, the fight scenes with the anibus warriors and his story telling throughout the film is what makes this film the blockbuster that it is. This movie is action adventure at it's best and if you want to be taken away to a land of egypt five thousand years ago and battle Mummies, Scorpion Kings and fiftey foot high walls of water then this movie is for you. A True cinematic theatrical masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: A reasonably good action film. Review: This movie starts off quite few years after the original. It's premise is simple enough, the hero must stop an evil dude from unleashing another great evil before it's too late. Fortunately, they managed to put a few more interesting factors into the story to stop you from turning the movie off because of how annoyingly stupid the main characters are. The character development could have been better(it may feel like they expected you to see the first one at times). Then again they did manage to pack in alot of great special effect into the movie to keep you excited. You don't really notice the music much throughout the movie so I wouldn't buy the soundtrack. And if you want to see this film because the Rock's in it, don't waste your time because he's only in the movie for about ten minutes at best. In conclusion, this is yet another movie not to be taking too serious but I prefer it over Tomb Raider if you had to choose. Rent it first then buy it if you like it that much.
Rating:  Summary: Great for CG special effects addicts Review: I loved the first movie. I liked this one. The 4 stars are for the special effects, which far outweigh the story, or lack thereof. The skeletons chasing the double-decker bus were excellent, as were the dog-warriors, and although I thought they were quite silly as a plot device, the pygmies were nicely done. My gripes: the storyline was weak (I'm still trying to remember the point, but this gripe is well covered in other reviews), the kid was a typical precocious movie brat, the entire air balloon segment was wholly unnecessary, and the Scorpion King effect at the end was just awful (what, did they run out of special effects money by the time they got to the end?). I did like the past-life-visiting-the-present-life aspect of the story, though, as well as the perfectly nasty villainess. Also bonus points for the cornucopia of extras on the DVD, which is one of the big reasons I buy DVDs -- if I just wanted to watch the movie, I'd buy a tape.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun in a Box Review: I love this movie. I'm into the B-movies of the world, and don't be fooled by the cool special effects and whatnot, it is a B movie. It's well done. All of the performances are very good. For what the movie is about, I mean a mummy comes back to life and tries to take the army of Anubis to take over the world. Honestly. It's kinda silly. But if you suspend belief for like 2 hours, you get trapped in the rather good looking Brenden Fraser and all of his friends. And personally, I think without John Hannah as Rachel Weisz's (I can't spell, don't mind me) brother, the movie would be good, but not half as much fun. So go see the first one first, then rent this one.
Rating:  Summary: good movie, bad format Review: I got The Mummy Returns on dvd for Christmas and I was pretty excited. I think it's a really good movie. I went to watch it this morning and only after opening it did I discover that they bought the widescreen format. Since I have a regular tv it's terrible. The picture is only on half the screen and I gave up watching. So while I think this movie is great, DON'T buy widescreen unless you have a wide screen tv. It sucks!