Rating:  Summary: A guilty pleasure, not necessarily a great moment in film Review: I have to admit that I love this movie more than is probably warrented. It's a guilty pleasure more than anything, I just get a kick out of it and not for the reasons I should, I don't think.Blade isn't a horror movie in the typical sense, it's an action movie with a pretty well-worn sort of plot. But the plot isn't what makes it so much fun and so we can forget about the holes in the plot which are never filled (such as how Whistler can read the piece of the prophecy while no one else seems to be able to, why Quinn doesn't disentegrate when Blade impales him through each shoulder with a silver stake, etc.) and get on to more important things such as how GOOD this movie looks. The acting is pretty run of the mill for the most part, with the standout acting being done by Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost, spoiled brat and complete maniac (and vampire of course) and Udo Kier (even though he isn't in the movie for more than 5 minutes total) as Dragonetti, the head of the pure blood vampires. While Frost isn't your typical buff, brawny villain, he makes up for his conscipicous scrawniness with his intelligence and ruthlesness (and his inhuman strength). Dorff gives a fantastic performance, bringing Frost off as disturbingly creepy and quite frankly, very cool. And of course he's easy on the eyes too, which is one of the other reasons Blade ranks high on my list of guilty pleasures. In short, the acting is so-so, the plotline could be more original, but the film itself looks great and it has its moments (namely when Dragonetti backhands Frost; that's priceless). On the whole, the visuals and baddies make up for the shortcomings making Blade well worth watching. The verdict: A guilty pleasure well worth indulging in.
Rating:  Summary: I am Blade, hear me roar Review: 1998 had several scifi action flicks as I recall one was not that great this one was called "Spawn". But this review is not about Spawn but rather the dimond in the rock action movie that is "Blade". This movie has a lot of great feautres that other scifi action thirllers lack(such as a plot). In all my days upon this planet I never expected that Snipes and Kris Kristofferson would make such a great team!! If you haven't seen this movie already go ahead and rent it(or preferably buy it!!)
Rating:  Summary: Blade is Sharp Review: This movie was definitely a winner. Nonstop hung jaw action. Wesley Snipes at his best. Blade, (Snipes) is a vampire bent on revenge for his mothers death. He, along with his mentor and friend Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) wage a bloody and hitech war against the vampire nation. This is one vampire movie that will have you lusting for blood. A must see on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Wesley Snipes Movie. Review: This Movie was a kick in the ... awesome movie if you like action and vampire movies you'll love Blade. It is about a guy named blade who's mother gets bitten while she was pregnaunt and she dies but blade lives and he is trying to find the killer who bit his mother and he wants to track him down and kill him. I hope this review was helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Review: "Blade" is one of my top favorite movies of all time! It's so cool, so awesome and the casting is great. Wesley Snipes is the best Blade who could ever be casted. He has the looks, the physique and the bad attitude for an anti-hero vampire hunter. Although the special effects really [are bad], the movie's greatest overlaps that part. The fighting is great, the acting is great and the story is wonderful. David Goyer who wrote "Blade" knows how to write a comic book movie and knows what heroes to write about. Blade never had his own comic book series when he first came out. He was just a supporting character in "Tomb of Dracula", which was a comic book in the '70s. What is also great about the movie is what it is rated: R... The bad language, the gore and the violence are needed in a movie like this (not nudity, definately not nudity). "Blade" is a must-see movie. In my opinion, better than any other comic book movie (besides Spider-Man).
Rating:  Summary: An above average comic-book action flick Review: Blade takes the standard action film to a higher level. Filled with stylistic action and comic book flare, this vampire hunter movie stands above many other such films, such as John Carpenter's "Vampires". Released before "The Matrix, Blade is a precurser in style to that sci-fi masterpiece. Its fast pace cutting and dazzling transitions create an adrenaline rush of a mood. The use of dark blacks and grays contrasts beautifully with the red blood as the vampires feast. Not that this film is exceptionally gory. It's not. Filled with the non-stop action and visual style of comic books, this film accomplishes what it sets out to do. It's biggest problem is as it progesses, it loses some of the fast paced cutting and transistion use until the climatic end. This uneven style slows the middle of the film considerably. But overall, this flick is a comic book come to life. If you liked "The Matrix", you'll enjoy "Blade".
Rating:  Summary: Slayer With a Twist Review: A "slayer" movie with a twist. Blade is half man, half vampire and all deadly when it comes to killing vampires. The full blooded vampires refer to him as a "day walker". Blade is convincingly played by Wesley Snipes. Kris Kristofferson plays the part of Blade's mentor who assists Blade in keeping his vampire nature in check with a special serum. Throughout the movie there's plenty of carnage . . . starting with a very disturbing introductory scene where the vampires at a vampire nightclub get to shower in blood from the overhead sprinkler system while they dance on the dance floor. It's a great action film that happens to be about vampires. It has plenty of special weapons, action and special effects to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. If you like vampire films or action films, "Blade" is a must see!
Rating:  Summary: frosty perfection Review: forget vampire slayers, Deacon Frost is enigmatic enough to make me want to BE a vampire. Stephen Dorff's portrayal of Frost as charismatic, intelligent and evil is close to perfection. What makes him truly evil is his thirst for power which pales even his thirst for blood. BUt as all Hollywood movie ends, no amount of hunger for power and good looks can get a person with bad/ evil intentions anywhere. Frost would have been a great character to follow up in Blade II. most of the 4 stars i gave would go to this character portrayal. apart from that, the storyline, i found, was a tad bit too cheesy. Blade's identity as the day walker; half man/half vampire, and the history of how he became what he is, his revenge yadda yadda... is all too predictable. But i guess it's a standard for some comic superhero turned movie to have a dark past and some vengeance. ...
Rating:  Summary: frosted perfection... Review: Forget about slayers, Deacon Frost's character is enigmatic enough to make you want to BE a vampire. Dorff's portrayal of the antagonist is charismatic, intelligent, sexy and evil. What makes him truly evil is his thirst for power which pales even his thirst for blood. Ruthless yet beautiful, Frost is an unforgettable antagonist... ... THe history of how Blade comes to be half vampire/ half human, i thought was rather cheesy. And how contemporary vampire slayers have now become more of a buff, black leather wearing, ...kicking kung fu pro is a little bit of a turn off. True, that the image IS appealing in a sense that it's an idealistic Hollywood image that everyone loves, but does it have to be that stereotypical? Even their imperfections are perfectly portrayed... and almost expected. in any case, the film in general was good. i liked the comic-to-film adaptation like other films adapted from comics ie spawn the house of erabus reminds me of Vampires: The Masquerade.
Rating:  Summary: Sharp blade Review: I think blade is a good movie.I think Wesley Snipes is awesome but I think his swords and blades were so cool.I also think the fight scenes were awesome.