Rating:  Summary: The sword rocked Review: This movie was great, all the action was wonderful. I normally don't like Wesley Snipes' movies but all the Kung Fu really got me into it. The character 'Blade' was very well developed. I think in a lot of ways this movie was as good, if not better than The Matrix. The only place it lacked was in that you never had to think, it was all constant action. The only question I had after watching the movie was "WHere do I get a sword like Blade's?".
Rating:  Summary: Gives new meaning to "a night on the town" Review: Yet another film taken out of the pages of a comic book, right? Well, yes it is but don't automatically trash it, like so many critics have. That's the easy thing to do. That would be agreeing with the elitist thinking, "comics are low-brow literature". Blade is as far from trash as you can get. It exudes more style than James Bond in a tuxedo; admittedly it is a more violet style than James is used to. We actually get to see some blood. And God forbid any blood should sully James' Tux.
Blade on the other hand, is a half formed vampire who's leather and steel outfit is designed to weather a storm of blood, and sometimes that becomes very necessary. Let's face it, if you've dedicated your life to eradicating blood sucking supermen, you have to pack more than a silk shirt and a charming smile. You might want a titanium sword, silver spikes, a razor blade boomerang and an automatic shotgun with garlic laced rounds. And that's just for going to the shops... nothing special. Wesley Snipes plays Blade in this kick-ass film. He's your basic looser that has turned to violence in an effort to give meaning to his life. Not that he had a choice, it was either that or start drinking blood and surrender his soul. Snipes makes a believable Blade. He's constantly on the edge of violence. Hate defines his life but you can see he would like to be anywhere else, maybe even dead, if that was an acceptable option. He's ably helped by a member of the last generation of vampire hunters, Whistler, played by Kris Khristofferson. Whistler has been ill-used by life and it shows. He's almost worn down to the bone. His mission is all that keeps him going; that, and his love for Blade. So when a sexy haematologist is dragged in after a vampire's attack, Whistler is understandably a little jealous. Although he doesn't live to know it, she is actually his successor. The Doc becomes Blade's future minder and her knowledge of blood is put to good use during the major conflict of Blades Career. Apparently there is dissension in the vampire ranks. The internal politics of their race is not well fleshed out in the film, so we never really understand the century old traditions of the eleven tribes within the House of Erebus. What is clear, is that the old guard is struggling in the face of some new blood. Stephen Dorff plays Deacon Frost, an entrepreneuring vampire who has aspirations which scare all the true-blood family patriarchs. Dorff is amazing in this role. He burns up the screen as a vicious, and yet strangely refined, killer. He becomes the epitome of modern evil; amoral, hedonistic and a dedicated capitalist. He is the royalty of the city's underbelly and there are plenty of wannabe young vampires who are more than willing to worship at his feet. The original draft of the film had Frost reborn in the unearthly form of a liquid Blood God. But test audiences had grown so attached to Dorff as the bad guy, that the film lost all its tension when he left. So, a little more filming and a quick edit later, Dorff is back in the centre of things, right till the end. The Blood God is what it's all about for Deakon Frost. He is tired of hiding in the shadows and waits impatiently for the day when Vampires can openly rule the world. The Blood God offers this hope. An ancient ritual which, once complete, will create the ultimate vampire. A being that can face the sun without fear, is virtually indestructible and will lead a vanguard of monsters across the face of the earth. Unfortunately they need the blood of the "Day Walker" to perform the ceremony. No prizes for guessing who the Day Walker turns out to be. Hence, Blade must risk more than just his life with every battle. Frost welcomes Blade's every attack as a small price to gain another opportunity for his blood. This is a film that is great because it is based on a great comic. The story has just as much depth as blood, and it makes no bones about the coolness of immortal killers in black. But it also brings their inherent evil to the fore. Not all evil is sick and repulsive; some is vibrant and attractive. A clearer definition for temptation I can't think of. Watch this movie with an open mind and you might feel the pull of it. Try to resist.
Rating:  Summary: Style over Substance Review: I submitted a review of this before - but it must have gotten lost.
'Blade' is about as gothic as Kermit The Frog. It's more of a blend of 'I'm gonna get you sucka' and 'Demolition Man' with a little bit of the failed TV mini-series 'Kindred:The Embraced' thrown in. [Director] Stephen Norrington obviously got too caught with MTV videos as the film is so stylized it becomes funny. Because his mother was bitten by a vampire shortly before his birth, Blade (an uninspired Wesley Snipes who becomes his own action figure) has all of the powers of a vampire, but lacks their weaknesses. He is even able to live without drinking blood, through the routine use of a garlic-based serum. He has based his existence on the destruction of other vampires because they caused the death of his mother. Brandishing both blades and bullets, he is as fearless as he is determined in battling the undead. Now me must stop a vampire punk (a slumming Stephen Dorff) from resurrecting the blood god of old, with the future of humanity hanging in the balance (Gee, with all the humans 'coverted', what would the Vampyres eat?) With its cartoon martial arts, 'Blade' should appeal to those who like their movies slick, flashy and devoid of substance. An insult to the Vampyre myth, I would avoid this thing.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest DVD's ever. Review: If you like a great movie with great extra's this is the movie for you. I think this is one of the best vampire movies to come out in a long while. And the many many many extra's on this dvd make it an example for other companies to follow. Get it!
Rating:  Summary: By far the best adaptation out there Review: This is a great adaptation from the Marval Comic of the same name. The movie is set in New York city, and it follows Blade, a half human, half Vampire, who's sould purpose is to seek out all the Vampires lurking in the murky underworld of the City. The story, is that a women, whom to blade, resembles his mother who died when giving birth to him (from a fatal vampire bite), gets bitten and blade takes her in to find a cure for himself. This movie delivers many special affects, and has great acting from Snipes, who said that this movie gave him one of the few chances to show off his fine martial arts in their true form, this film is a must for any fan of the horror genre, even those who just like a good flick, and if you havnt already got thid one, id buy it asap.
Rating:  Summary: Ah, Vampires with style Review: I went to this movie hoping it would be good. From the previews I wasn't sure if it would be as good as the firt two Batman movies or as bad as Batman and Robin. It had the potential for both. I was not disappointed at all. From the opening sequence featuring Traci Lords and a great track by New Order, I was hooked by this movie. This movie arguably may bost some of the BEST fight sequences in any movie, especially the very first scene in the vampire club. Added to the great choreography is the music which only adds to the whole scene. Snipes was a great cast for Blade. He must have really worked out because I have never seen a buffer Snipes. Dorf was very good as the evil, evil vampire. Kristofferson was a good cast as Whistler. He was perfect as the gruff old man who really cared for Blade. The movie plot was good too. Thrown into the dialogue are a couple of gems that can't be printed here. Topping it are two lines. One is about ice skating and the other is only mouthed during the beginning of the final battle. Watch for these, you won't be disappointed. The final end also leaves a great opening for a sequal and ends with you wanting more. This is a great action movie that was a superb crossover from the comic. In fact, just writing this review has made me want to go watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: More enjoyable on DVD than VHS Review: The special features and vignettes made Blade on DVD even more enjoyable than the VHS Version, not that anything should take away from that. The movie itself is fun, and this has probably been the best rendition of a comic book character on film outside of Tim Burton's original Batman film with Michael Keaton.
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother Review: Especially if you have any interest in Vampires in fiction or movies. Blade totally mishandles the genre. I mean vampires in the sulight because they're wearing coverup? Give me a break. And could the plot have been more predictable? Just what was the point of N'Bushe Wright's characther, Dr. Karen Jenson? She certainly didn't add anything to the film, unless you count that conspicuously added plot twist that foils all those evil vampires in the end--the plot twist which was, I might add, about the lamest development in the entire movie. Now I really like Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff, but not even they could make this movie fly.
Rating:  Summary: Great action packed movie! Review: This movie was exciting and kept you on the edge of your seat. Although there was a bit too much blood for my liking. This movie almost makes you wonder, do vampires exist. Probablly not, but it almost makes you believe. Not only was the movie entertaining so was the soundtrack. What more can you ask for good movie and good music. It's definetly a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This is one awesome movie. You better buy it because it was "The Matrix" of 1998. By that, I mean it was the action equivalent of "The Matrix", except it came out a year earlier. Graceful, yet extremely violent action sequences, cool weapons, and a really cool premise: it's all an action fan could ever ask for. It's also got some great special effects, such as the vampires burning to a crisp, leaving only their skeletons. And who can forget exploding vampires? Another plus is Wesley Snipes, who is perfect for the role of Blade. Sure, the acting won't win any awards, but I think it's a solid cast, and it has a better plot than most movies (especially ones like that dumb-as-hell flick "Dinosaur"). Buy it and watch it or "The Matrix" whenever you get a craving for pure action movies. Those two movies will tide you over (at least until Blade 2 and Matrix 2 and 3 come out).