Rating:  Summary: Definately Worth Watching Review: Alright. I'm not going to put a long winded explaination of the movie. With 200+ reviews, I think you know what it's about.For being an adaption of the book, it's very well done. Granted, the first time I saw it, I saw Tom Cruise and went "HUH"? But after reading "The Interview with the Vampire" and comparing it to the movie, and later Stuart Townsend's role as Lestat, I thought Tom Cruise did a damn good job at playing Lestat. He got it closer than Townsend did. The movie has quite a few similarities to the book, but some things we cut out. However, the acting was good and I'd recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: I'd give this movie 10 stars if I could Review: this is the very first of it's kind. New. Original. exciting!!! Anyone who hasn't seen this movie....SHAME ON YOU! Why do yourself a great disservice by not watching this film. I love this movie, because it's so different, from the regular run-of-the-mill vampire movies that seem to pair up the usual heterosexual couple, only to split them up by having the master vampire slaughtered by some half-concocked punk vampire hunter brigade. No, no, this movie offers so much more, just like the books. It's a peek at the vampires living their lives, without pesky human interference, and if a human dared, these vampires are unlike many of the modern created vampires, they would destroy any human and his clan. I appreciate that premise on all it's accounts.
Rating:  Summary: Good (if you haven't read the book) Review: The problem with this book-to-movie is that while many similarities between the events of the book are there...none of the feeling is. Some of the characters are horribly miscasted (Tom Cruise as Lestat? I don't think so. And why was Antonio Banderas picked?). The greatest problem I can see with this film is it has none of the romance of the novel. Anne Rice made the vampire world haunting and magical, albeit with a hidden sense of terror and fear. This movie has plenty of terror and fear, and nothing much else. It just doesn't give me the same appeal as the book did. Not to come across like I'm bashing the film too much. I give it three stars out of generousity.
Rating:  Summary: Interview With The Vampire Review: ive never read the anne rice books on this movie, but i happened to catch the movie on tv the other night and really enjoyed it. im planning on going out to buy the dvd for myself soon. i dont really know why many reviews feel that the plot was drawn out and that the ending was stupid. i personally thought the ending was very clever, and i thought that every moment of the movie before that was also excellent. the movie really made you feel for the characters, know how they were feeling and what they were thinking. you could actually sympathize for them adn even though Louie was constantly feeling sorry for himself, i didnt think that it hindered the movie or was annoying at all. i think it made him stand out more as a character. i recommend this movie to anyone who has a taste for vampires and likes horror movies. also, who can resist brad pitt with long dark hair and fangs? =) ~Vampira
Rating:  Summary: The flip side of Dracula. Review: "Interview with the Vampire" is about Louis, a 200 year old vampire who tells his life's story to a reporter. He tells of Lestat, a brash charasmatic vampire who transforms Louis into the eternal brooder. The moral of the movie is that vampires are human, maybe more so because they know what they've lost; the've lost their goodness because they are forced to live on mortals death, the blood. Brad Pitt (Louis) did a good job evoking the dispear of everything. Tom Cruise stole the show as Lestat, who was all over the place. Kristin Dunst did an amazing job as the mad child vampire Claudia, she was spooky. Antonio Banderes is ok as Armand, but he could have been younger like in the book. In the vamp classic "Dracula", the book focused on the victoms and the fighters, but never from the point of view of the vampire. I liked it, it was a smart, funny, and thought provoking, although it isn't really scary.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable Review: This is absolutely my favorite movie of all time- the pictures it paints are mind-blowingly beautiful. The only movie I truly love Tom Cruise in, the first movie that got me to really notice Brad Pitt, and the first time I fell in love with Kirsten Dunst. Not to mention Antonio Bandaras... *melt* For anyone who loves the book and is hesitant to get the movie- If it makes you feel any better, Anne Rice wrote the screenplay, and therefore the dialogue and narrations are as fluid and beautiful as they are in the novel. Of course a few things are cut short- but there is a time-constraint when making movies... I would definitely consider it a horror movie, but the psychology of the vampires and their lifestyle is much more frightening than someone jumping out of the dark to scare you suddenly. If you are anything like me, with a love of vampires, Anne Rice, and the Chronicles, you will love this movie undoubtedly.
Rating:  Summary: do vampires kick or what Review: loved it, loved it. this movie kicks you back in the old days and then takes you back in the new days. good production and good settings for the film, or you can say" back in the old days, before I became a vampire.". something like that. but this is very good. Cruise is good as Lestat but Townsend rocked as Lestat in Queen Of The Damned. Pitt is equally as good as Cruise and Banderas needs to cut his hair. Slater kicks as well. an A+
Rating:  Summary: Nice little gory movie to watch Review: Book to movie adaptions rarely work. Only in a handful of cases does it actually satisfy the reader of the book. I have not read the book so I can't compare but if it's anything like that film, should be an interesting read. Film begins as Louis, a 200 and some year vampire is being interviewed by a man(his name's Malloy, apparently, watch the end credits), and Louis tells Malloy all about how he became to be a vampire, having a little girl as a daughter type figure, and hatred for the man who made him what he is. Kind of slow but the performances more than stand out through it all. This however is not for little eyes. There's a scene near the end where Louis does this big revenge exacting with some big gore moments. However, this should be watched if you're not a Rice fan and watched to compare the book to the film
Rating:  Summary: Preformance & Entertainment Review: I watched Interview With the Vampire for the first time about a year ago, before I read the novel. I didn't like it that much, but decided to give the book a try because I love horror, and heard that Anne Rice was a fantastic writer. I heard right, and after I was done reading it, I knew that I must see the movie again. With an amazing cast, this movie holds a place as one of my favorites. Quickly I would like to talk about what it is about. Lestat (Tom Cruise) is an older vampire who finds Louis (Brad Pitt), a sad, lonley man who recently lost his wife and child at childbirth. Lestat changes Louis into a vampire. Louis is still suffering. Lestat decides to give Louis a "child", Claudia (Kristen Dunst). They travel together, but begin to fall apart, and I will tell you no more. Tom Cruise didn't deliver as well as I had hoped he would, but there is no doubt he gave a good performance. I always like the book better than the movie that follows, so this may add to my disappointment. But don't get me wrong, like I said, in the end, Tom delivers. Brad Pitt absolutely amazed me. I never began to like his work until recently, after seeing Fight Club. I can say nothing more except that Brad's work in this movie is absolutely amazing, and to my point of view, captured Louis perfectly. Kristen Dunst was amazing as well. She was pretty young when she acted in this movie, and as she said in a behind the scenes interview, she could never have truly understood the character and her feelings. Yet she manages to give a performance that could ask nothing more of her. A mature adult trapped in a young child's body- this is what Kirsten's character was, and she was amazing. Antonio Banderas gave a good performance as well, although I don't think that the movie showed the real Armand. I pictured Armand differently, thought of his actions, feelings differently. I was a bit disappointed with this. But overall, this movie really was fantastic. I would recommend reading the book by Anne Rice first however, or like me, you may find it a bit... blah =P
Rating:  Summary: Just Plain Bad. Review: It seems like almost every review I read of this is good and I totally do not understand that. What was the point of making this movie? Tom Cruise is an excelent actor but I thought he made the worst Lestat I could imagine! Brad Pit wasn't as bad as Tom Cruise but I didn't think he was perfect for the role by a long shot. I could name the things this movie and the book have in common on one hand. Rice was right the first time, Tom Cruise was an terrible choice. I thought the portryal of Claudia was cheep and tacky. What was with the scene where she cuts off her hair, leaves the room, and when she re-enters it is all back, couldn't they have done a better job with that? And the #1 thing about that scene is, am I the only one who noticed/realized that she has bangs!? Hello, can someone explain to me why all her hair grows back so fast and long but her bangs stay short!? I was also shocked at the casting for the charector Armand. Bold, stark features vs. boyish cupid ones, not to mention the age factor. I do not get how Anne Rice fans and vampire fans alike could find this movie appealing and not appaling. I havn't even covered everything.